Abuse>> Gabriel

Prompt: Gabriel comforts you during a night terror and nearly walks into hell to beat the shit out of John (your the Winchester's younger sister)

Trigger Warning: domestic abuse

Y/n's POV:

"Your so irresponsible!" John bellowed at you. "You fell asleep when I told you to have dinner done by the time we got home!" He screams at you.

Even though you were younger than both of your brothers you were expected to cook and clean for them all. You made you because "that's a woman's role".

You had come down with the stomach flu and a nasty fever. You laid down for a while while the three boys were out and planned to wake up with enough time to make dinner.

Unfortunately, once your head hit the pillow you were out like a light and you fell into a comatose like sleep.

"Dad it's okay, I can go get something from the fast-food place down the street," Dean says trying to calm down your dad.

"Fine, but she's going. You're staying here. You did a good job, you deserve a reward son. You too Sam." He coddles. "She's the one that's been slacking her ass off," John growls.

Your head falls in shame. You sniff, your nose runny and your head pounding.

"Yes sir." You whimper. You feel the bile rise in your throat and you book it to the nearest garbage can. You throw up, tears running down your face. You finish and return to where you were standing.

"Now, get, girl." John says grabbing your hair and throwing you at the door, your head slamming into the frame.

You shakily take the money from the palm of Dean's and you walk out into the brisk night with only a tank top and shorts on. You had worn the least amount of clothing possible due to your raging fever.

You shiver and your teeth chatter as you walk to the fast food place and order food for everyone but yourself because there wasn't enough money for all of you.

You go back to the motel and shakily set down the bag on the old card table. Your whole body shakes as you try to get away quickly.

John hits the back of your head and you go to lay down.

After about an hour you feel Sam and Dean lay on either side of you. You snuggle into their warmth.

"We're sorry y/n," Sam says softly.

"It's okay. I don't want you guys to get hit. I can take it." You say quietly. You all stay quiet, huddled together to regain warmth. Dean provides the most, him being 19, Sam was 15 and you were 13.

"Go to sleep y/n/n," Dean says pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "We gotcha."

(TimeSkip- 8 years)

You rolled around in your bed in your cabin, making small noises of fear. You can still see it as if it was yesterday.

John screaming at you and throwing you through the window. Glass shards stuck in your back as you ran through the woods.

Trying to take the glass out yourself but failing and falling asleep on your back. You had woken up with all of the glass removed and your wounds healed. You abruptly sat up from your sleeping position against a tree to see a blond-haired man.

You later learned his name was Gabriel and he was sent to protect you. Even since then Gabriel and yourself had been nearly inseparable.

And that's what leads you to where you were now.

"Y/n, sweetie wake up." You hear a voice say pulling you from your dream. "Y/n." You feel hands shaking you. You walk up with a start.

You see a pair of whiskey-colored eyes staring at you with worry. Before he can get another word in you quickly sit up, wrap your arms around him and nuzzle your face into his chest.

"Shhh, I got you baby. It's okay." He coos softly as you cry quietly into his chest while he strokes your hair.

"I-I don't wanna go b-back to him Gabe." You sob.

"And I won't let you, sweetheart." He says softly. He cups your face in his hands and wipes your tears with his thumbs. You nod and bury your face into his chest again.

He picks you up from under your thighs and sets you on his lap so he can hold you more comfortably.

"I love you, Gabe." You murmur.

"I love you too sugar." He says kissing the side of your head. And you peacefully fell asleep cradled into his chest.
