Worthy Pt. 2

Before Peter could protest, he found himself standing in a field of strange wildflowers. He definitely wasn't on Earth anymore.

"Woah, guys!" Peter spun around to face the two gods. "You can't just sweep me off of Earth! Mr. Stark is going to be so worried! And I have school tomorrow! And I barely know you guys!"

Thor let out a booming laugh. "Do not worry, young man of spiders, you can trust us! We are gods!"

Peter sighed heavily, giving up on his protests as Thor and Loki each took one of his shoulders and led him down the hill and into the town. They passed a million things Peter didn't understand, neither one of the men bothering to stop and explain anything to Peter. Eventually, they came to a large palace, easily the size of 3 castles on Earth put together. Peter didn't know what else to do but stare open-mouthed.

Stepping inside, Loki and Thor immediately broke into an argument about who would 1) get to spend the day with Peter, 2) what they would be doing, and 3) which one would tell Odin the news.

"I think young Peter would much rather see the gardens, the culture, the music of the palace! I can take him around, brother dearest, let me show him around!"

"You?" Thor's voice, normally so friendly and kind, was suddenly scoffing and harsh. "You will force Stark's only son to cause mischief! Let me take him around, let me show him the life of a prince! He is worthy, this will be his life one day!"

As Loki fired back a reply, Peter zoned out. He looked around the grand hall. Paintings littered the walls, most of them of Odin, Thor, and Frigga. Loki was nowhere to be seen, and for a moment, Peter frowned and felt bad for the trickster.

Peter wandered away from the two bickering gods, taking in the art and the architecture of the hall. As he began to wander further down the hall, he noticed a floor to ceiling painting in a room off to the side. It was the only painting of Loki, and he was standing on a stage, surrounded by what Peter assumed were the gardens of the palace.

Inside the room, there was what looked like a piano. Peter forgot where he was for a moment, and sitting down at the bench, Peter began to play.

Though he'd never gotten lessons, the teen had always loved piano, and when Aunt May brought home a second hand keyboard, Peter had spent hours cleaning it up, fixing it, and learning to play.

His song was slow and melodic at first, but soon picked up. This was Peter's favorite piece to play, and his most difficult. His fingers flew over the keys quickly, jumping up and down the scales, and Peter's brows were furrowed in concentration.

The teen was so engrossed in his playing, in fact, that he hadn't noticed the presence of another man in the room. It wasn't until he held the final note that he heard clapping and turned.

"Hello, Midagrdian boy," said the man. He was old, far older than Thor and Loki, and he was clad in brilliant blue robes. "As king, I must ask how you got into my palace, and how you learned to play that instrument so well."

"Sir, Mr. Odin, I- I mean, your excellence, your- wow- your excellence, I-"

Odin chuckled and moved closer to the boy, putting a hand on the teen's shoulder. "Calm down, boy. What is your name?"

"Peter, sir," mumbled Peter, his head down.

"And how did you get here, young Peter?"

"Thor and Loki brought me, they said I was worthy and then brought me here."

"You... you wielded Mjolnir?" Shock was plastered over the King's face. "You are worthy of the throne?"

Peter shrugged. "I don't even know what that means! Or what Mjolnir means! All I know is that I picked up Thor's special hammer and he freaked out and swept me away!" Peter threw his hands into the air, momentarily forgetting that he was talking to a God, let alone a king. "Mr. Stark is going to be so worried, and then he'll call my aunt, and she'll be worried, and I'll be in trouble, Thor is going to be in trouble! And its all my fault!"

Odin chuckled again. "Son," he said. "You lifted a hammer designed to be lifted only by those worthy of holding the throne of Asgard. Thor and Loki brought you here so you could learn more about this world."

Peter paled. "The throne?"

"Yes, you will one day ascend to this realm and take the throne. And might I say, I cannot wait for that day to come. I would listen to your playing for hours."

"Thank you," Peter mumbled, blush creeping up on his cheeks. Feeling awkward, and a bit unsure of how to handle the praise, Peter hugged the king. Odin, after a moment of shock, hugged back.

"You lost him?" Suddenly, Loki's voice rang through the room. The two brother's walked through the room, arguing. They looked around, their eyes landing on their father holding a small boy to his chest.

"Peter!" Both gods ran forward. "Don't run off like that again!"

Peter blushed heavier, feeling loved. The concern in Thor and Loki's voices were nice and reassuring; clearly they both cared for Peter.

After a moment of group hugging, Thor pulled away. "You can play the piano, young Peter?"

Peter shrugged. "I taught myself a long time ago, yes."

After some pushing from Odin, and Loki, who was apparently a huge fan of the arts, Peter sat properly and began to play again. This time, he played Moonlight Sonata, another favorite of his. The three gods were absolutely enthralled by the teen's playing, each one falling into their own little worlds as he played.


Thor, Loki, and Peter landed back in Stark tower with a pop. Tony was pacing in the front room, a worried looking team on the couch in front of him.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried your Aunt and I were? Do you know how-" Tony was cut off by a hug.

"Sorry," Peter said, pulling away enough to smile up at his mentor. "Dad."

Tony's face contorted in confusion for a second before he smiled back and ruffled the teen's hair. "Glad to have you back, son."

"Is anyone gonna tell me why you all disappeared?" Clint's voice cut the father/son moment short.

"He was worthy," Loki said with a shrug. "My brother and I really have to be going, though." Peter broke away from Tony and ran towards Thor, who scooped him into a massive, bone crushing hug. After a moment of recovery, Peter hugged Loki. It was long and softer, and Tony could have sworn he saw Loki whisper something in Peter's ear.

"We're off!" Thor said after saying his goodbyes. The two gods took off, and Peter settled onto the couch. The rest of the team left, each one leaving to train or work. Tony, however, stayed, and sat next to the teen.

"So, what the hell does 'worthy' mean?"

Peter laughed. "Apparently I'm going to rule over Asgard one day."

Tony paled, then laughed with his son. "Sounds about right, I can't think of anyone better. What did Loki whisper to you?"

"Nothing, really," Peter sighed. "He just told me to keep playing."
