Chapter 5: Castle Siege

"I got one," said Proto Man.

"Nice," said Incineroar.

Proto Man had intercepted a message being sent from Wolf to the rest of the villains using some type of universal communicator. They had been trying to intercept a message since the meeting the week before. 

"Play it for us," said Incineroar.

Proto Man played Wolf's message.

"The plan worked. They're all split up. I saw them fighting at some meeting. Now it'll be easy to pick them off now that they're divided. Some of them are hunting us down, so we can use a distraction then strike. The others are just waiting for more information, but they won't go after us if they don't have any. So try to keep it small-scale stuff. Wolf out."

"So they wanted everyone to split up?" asked Spring Man.

"I guess so," said Incineroar. "I mean, it makes sense. There's no way the few villains could take down 50 plus of us. But now that we know what's going on, we can go after them."

"Makes me wonder who's all involved," said Blood Falcon. "I bet Black Shadow is with them."

"Well let's see," said Incineroar. "Bowser, Ganondorf, Wolf, Ridley, Dark Samus, King Dedede, Bowser Jr., and King K. Rool. And you said Black Shadow, so we can add him."

"So what's the plan?" asked Shovel Knight. "We don't know where they're hiding."

"Well some of them are probably just in they're regular lairs," said Incineroar. "Bowser's Castle, Ganondorf's Castle, King Dedede's Castle, King K. Rool's mountain base thing."

"Then let's waste no time," said Proto Man. "We can go after Bowser first."

"That'll work," said Incineroar. 

Incineroar and his trainees left his gym and headed towards Bowser's Castle. When they arrived, there were tons of Bowser's minions guarding the castle. There was Goombas, Koopas, Bob-ombs, Bullet Bills, Hammer Bros, Wigglers, Pokeys, Piranha Plants, Buzzy Beetles, Lakitus, and leading them all, Goomboss, a huge Goomba king.

"This'll be fun," said Proto Man. 

"Okay, I'll take the Goomba King and you guys just thrash the other minions," said Incineroar. "Got it?"

Everyone dispersed, taking on their own group of enemies. Waluigi attacked the Goombas, stomping on them and smashing them with his tennis racket. He picked a Goomba up and used it as a tennis ball, hitting a horde of other Goombas.

Spring Man rushed into a group of Koopas, sending his fists out to punch them. A Koopa ran at him, jumping into him, but Spring Man just brushed him off. He then sent a flurry of punches into the horde, taking them all out.

Proto Man took on the Bob-ombs, shooting them from a safe distance and detonating them. A few Bob-ombs got too close to him, so Proto Man just bashed them with his shield, knocking them into other Bob-ombs, starting an explosive chain reaction, finishing off the rest of the Bob-ombs.

Bandana Dee faced an oncoming line of Bullet Bills, chucking spears into then, screwing up their direction. He used some of them to jump towards the source, a Bill Blaster, landing on it with his spear, destroying it.

Shovel Knight braved the Hammer Bros, reflecting the hammers with his trusty shovel. He dived into the middle of the Hammer Bros, and spun around, knocking them all off their feet. He proceeded to slash them while they were down.

Chibi-Robo engaged the Wigglers, who instantly got angry when he hit them. Chibi-Robo backed up and whipped his plug at the Wigglers. He then pulled out his laser gun and shot the rest of them.

Blood Falcon fought the Pokeys, who's spikes didn't hurt him at all. He Raptor Boosted into a Pokey, sending his body parts flying into the others. He finished the last one off with a flying Falcon Punch to the head.

Captain Toad took on the Piranha Plants, using his pickaxe to cut them down. He swung at one, impaling it, then turned at slashed another one. Then he used his pickaxe as a boomerang, taking out the last few.

All of the newcomers then took on the rest of the minions in an all-out battle. After a few minutes, they had cleaned up the rest of the minions. Meanwhile, Incineroar was fighting Goomboss, who really didn't have any reliable way to attack. He just tried to stomp on incineroar, who reacted by punching him in the foot. Incineroar kicked him a few times, punched him in the stomach, then picked him up and threw him on the ground. He finished Goomboos with an elbow drop, knocking him out cold. Now that the minions were out of the way, the group headed into the castle to find Bowser.
