Chapter 2: Training With a Champ

"Okay, listen up!" boomed Incineroar. "Fighting is hard. It's tough like you've never experienced before! You're going to have to work your butts off to get good. So if you aren't willing to do that, get the heck out of here now!"

Nobody moved from their seats.

"Good, I'm glad nobody left," said Incineroar. "Now let's get started. I need a volunteer. Someone who isn't afraid of getting thrashed."

Blood Falcon stood up and walked over to Incineroar.

"What's your name, chump?" Incineroar asked.

"Blood Falcon," he replied.

"Interesting name," laughed Incineroar. "Well you might be bleeding a bit after this, so be prepared."

Incineroar picked Blood Falcon up slammed him on the ground, then kicked him in the head. As Blood Falcon tried to get up, Incineroar kneed him in the privates, making him crumple on the ground.

"See? All I needed was three moves to bring him to the ground," said Incineroar. "While you guys won't be able to do that anytime soon, it's something to think about. Okay, Blood Falcon, I think you earned your title. Sit down."

Incineroar stood there for a second, then pointed at Spring Man.

"You look like you got a good punch," said Incineroar. "Get up here and hit me as hard as you can. Don't hold back."

Spring Man hesitated, then walked up and stretched out his arms.

"Okay," he said. "Here goes."

Spring Man winded up then let his fist fly straight into Incineroar's jaw, but it didn't phase him at all.

"Nice punch," said Incineroar. "But it definitely needs improvement. What's your name?"

"Spring Man," he replied.

"Okay, sit down Springy."

Incineroar looked over the group again and motioned for Shovel Knight to come up.


"Shovel Knight."

"Okay, bud," said Incineroar. "Let's see what you can do with that shovel of yours. Smack me with it or whatever."

Shovel Knight raised his shovel and poked Incineroar with it. After getting no reaction, he whacked him with it. Still nothing. Shovel Knight jumped up into the air, spun his shovel around a few times, then brought it down onto Incineroar's head.

"Ha, that's all you got?" asked Incineroar. "Your shovel ain't that strong."

"Well, it's a bit worn out," said Shovel Knight. 

"You need a new one," said Incineroar. "I'll have someone hook you up. Sit down"

Shovel Knight sat down as Incineroar pointed at Proto Man.

"You, robot guy," said Incineroar. "Get up here."

Proto Man walked up and awaited orders. 

"Shoot me with your blaster a few times," Incineroar said.

Proto Man didn't hesitate and charged his Proto Buster up. He shot Incineroar in the arm, but he did not flinch. Proto Man charged the Proto Buster again, this time for longer. He shot it again but still did nothing. Instead of trying again, Proto Man just gave up and sat down.

"Hey, what's your name?" Incineroar called.

"Proto Man," he replied.

"Next, the guy with the bandana," said Incineroar. "What's your name?"

"Bandana Dee," he answered.

"Okay, Dee," said Incineroar. "Poke me with your stick a few times."

Bandana Dee walked up quickly poked Incineroar with his spear.

"Harder," incineroar commanded.

Bandana Dee walked backward, got a running start and thrust his spear into Incineroar.

"Not very sharp," he concluded. "Sit down."

Incineroar once again gazed over the crowd and pointed at Chibi-Robo.

"You, toy robot," said Incineroar. "Your turn."

Chibi-Robo walked up stood there.

"Uh, whip me with your plug I guess?" said Incineroar, uncertain as to what Chibi-Robo's weapon was.

Chibi-Robo smacked Incineroar with his plug a few times, but it had no effect.

"What's your name?" asked Incineroar.

"Chibi-Robo," he replied.

"Sit down," said Incineroar. "Okay, Waluigi, I know who you are. Get up here."

"WAH!" Waluigi exclaimed as he ran up to Incineroar.

"Okay hit me with something," said Incineroar.

Waluigi pulled out his tennis racket and started wildly attacking Incineroar with it. The barrage didn't phase Incineroar though.

"Okay Wah, sit down," said Incineroar. "Last one, Captain Toad."

Captain Toad marched up and without even needing a command, slashed him with his pickaxe.

"Hmm, a bit dull," said Incineroar. "Okay, sit down. Now that I've tested everyone, I think today's training session is over."

Blood Falcon raised his hand.

"What do you want?" asked Incineroar.

"Don't I get to punch you?" he asked.

"Nah, you've done your service."
