
[ Another phone chapter, let me know if there's any formatting errors, otherwise enjoy! ]

Another six trainings went by until she was getting ready for her next game. All the soccer was starting to take a toll on her, but she felt good. Sure, she was exhausted, but it was the most she felt like herself in a while. She was spending everyday doing something she loved, and she would not trade the world for the opportunity in front of her. It made her excited to play at Florida State University in the fall, even though she may or may not play being a freshman.

Casey had washed her uniform in the hotel laundry room, and it was going to be the last time she ever wore the bright blue jersey, shorts, and socks for her school. It was a bittersweet moment, for she had been putting her blood and sweat into this team for the past four years, and this was it. She was hoping that they could get one more title before she left, and she was optimistic. As she got back up to her hotel room, she checked the time to see that she had twenty minutes until she had to leave to make it to the field by three. Emily and Kelley has continuously pestered her about coming with her to the game, but that day they had been very quiet. She knew they did not forget, so she was scared to see what they were up to.

Casey pulled on her uniform shorts and socks and put her jersey in her soccer bag, then slipped her Birkenstocks onto her feet. She would do her hair once she got to the field, and after she made sure she had everything, including a protein shake given to her by Dawn herself, she grabbed her keys and phone, slipped her aviators over her eyes, and left the hotel room. She made it to the elevator without having Kelley, Emily, or Alex chasing her, making her sigh a bit of relief.

When she got to her Jeep, she had to stop and pull out her phone.

As she recorded, she took in the sight of her Jeep, which was now graffitied with window markers from the team wishing her luck. They had all signed their names on the windows, and she could not help but laugh. She had only been a part of the team for less than a week and they treated her like she was the kid who still had games with fruit and juice boxes at halftime. She did not mind, for she was the youngest and the rookie in camp, but all the colorful window markers were a little excessive.

She unlocked her car and put her bag in the back seat, then hopped up front and started it. Her phone hooked up to her Jeep and she put on her hype game day playlist, the one she, Jenna, and Riley all listened to on game days, Suge by Da Baby blaring through her speakers. She had the windows down and she was off to make the hour and a half drive to Tampa for her final game of her high school career.

When she arrived, she was fifteen minutes late from traffic, and her team was already out stretching. She was lucky they had an early training, so she was all ready to go, but she hated being late. She grabbed her bag out of the backseat and locked her car behind her as she went toward the gate to get to the field, and although she got some looks, she went across the field to get her stuff on, her teammates greeting her as she arrived.

"Cutting it close there, Radcliffe." Coach Henderson said when she sat down on the turf to put on her cleats and grab her gloves.

"Sorry, traffic was really bad. I'm ready to go though, we trained about an hour before I left." She apologized, and before he could say something, she continued. "And before you say it, yes, I know I still have to stretch because I was just sitting in a car for way longer than I should have."

"All I was gonna say is I'm glad you made it, but you're right." He chuckled. "Alright, bring it in real quick." He called to the team, and they all jogged in while Casey stretched on the outskirts of the circle, but close enough to where she could still hear. "Alright, this is our last game of the season, some six of you your last game of your high school career. So, let's go have some fun, get hype, and let loose. Get into lines and go through one-jockey-one twos. Casey, get warmed up with Terra." He said to them as he looked to the top booth and signaled for them to turn up the music a little. The team dispersed and went to warm up, having fun and dancing along to the music while the went through their drills. Their opponent was one that was in their division during the regular season, and they had never lost to this team, so they were in a good position for this game. It was never a mercy, but usually the Dragons won at least two-nil on an off day. It would be a good battle, but they were all confident.

She warmed up, getting some shots in before being called for captains. They won the coin toss and had possession the first half, and after she shook hands with the refs and players, she went and changed into her jersey and slipped her shin guards into her socks. Larry started to speak into the microphone up top, welcoming the fans that had come out for the game. As he announced, the teams lined up for the national anthem, Casey licking fingers with Terra in front of her and all of them bouncing their arms with the beat as their nation's song as it played through the stadium. They then went through both teams, announcing each player and their grade, then it was go time. Riley and Casey did their hand shake and went to their positions, and she leapt up to hit the crossbar one last time. She did it her first and last games of every season, sort of a way to start and end each season. The whistle blew and the game was on, and this one was for glory.

The first half of the game was fairly quiet, but the Dragons kept main possession. The defense had done its job of keeping it out of their zone, but the offense had not worked its magic all game, and they could tell Coach Henderson was not pleased. When they went to the sideline for halftime, they all grabbed water and went to the corner flag.

"I don't know what's going on out there, but it's time to wake up and get going. I have seen better soccer the entire season than right now. Let's go, send our seniors out right and let's win this thing! Does anyone have anything to add?" He shouted to them, and they processed their performance and his words.

"We need to use the outsides more. Find Anna and Kendra on the outsides to create some more offense. Maybe if we switched into a four-three-three we can add to that offensive, having Jenna stay central as a compact defensive mid and being able to use Liz, Amber, or Emma on the outsides." Casey suggested, catching her coach's and team's attention. He seemed to ponder the idea, then sighed.

"You know, maybe hanging with the National Team isn't so bad. Alright, let's do that. Same back four, Jenna in the middle with Amber and Emma on the outsides. Terra, Hailey, and Sel go up top. If this doesn't seem to work, we'll switch back to a four-four-two." He said, and they took the new formation to the field as they got ready for the second half. Casey and Riley did their handshake for the last time of their high school and club career. Maybe one day they would play for the same team, but for now, that was it. They hugged each other after that one then went to their positions, lining up in a promising four-three-three formation.

The formation change was what they needed.

Instantly there was a shift in pace from the Dragons as they worked with the formation, winning possession from their opposition and working with their three in the middle and their two outside backs to create more offense. Their shot percentage was up and they seemed to be moving the ball more fluently throughout the field. Casey shouted at them on how to move since she had worked with the formation more often than the rest of her team, and they all worked together to finally get a few in the back of the net.

After another forty minutes of play, the Dragons came out on top, winning three-nil to claim their fourth district title in five years. They went through and shook hands with the other team before celebrating with her teammates. They lined up on the other side of the field to face their friends and family to be given their medals for their win. After they called each individual player, their athletic director Larry Hartman had the district trophy in his hand ready to give to their captain, Casey Radcliffe. She took it in her hands and smiled, looking back at her team as they started with low yelling and hands aimed toward the trophy in her hands. She pushed it into the air with the biggest grin on her face, the entire team yelling and hollering over their accomplishment. She got her pictures with the trophy and a couple group pictures before handing it off. She knew that she needed to get going, for she was already going to barely make her evening training with the National Team.

"Casey!" She heard Jackson yell from the gate as she got toward the exit of the stadium. She found him and smiled, waving and going toward him.

"Hey Jackson." She greeted with a smile, planting her lips on his.

"Your parents wanted me to tell you that they had to go, they're on call. And I know you can't stay, but I just want to say I'm super proud of you and congrats." He responded, pulling a bouquet of flowers out from behind him. She smiled and took them in her hand, wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you babe. And I know I can't stay but I will see you Friday, maybe Thursday night depending how training goes." She sighed, and he smiled, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"At least let me walk you to your car." He said, and she chuckled, nodding. She held his hand as they walked out to her car, the flowers and keys in one hand, his hand in her other one. She heard him laugh when he saw her car.

"What, do you not like my window paint?" She asked with a laugh.

"I think it's amazing. They do this?" He questioned, and she laughed, nodding as she put her bag in her trunk.

"Yeah, it's something else alright." She chuckled as she closed her trunk. She turned around to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I have to go, but I really would rather stay here."

"Go, play some more soccer since you didn't do much today." He said, and she slapped his chest as she brought her arms back around.

"Thanks for the support." She scoffed, and he just laughed, hugging her tight one last time before she left to head back for Orlando. She got in and put the flowers in the passenger seat before hooking her phone up, her music playing through the speakers. She got going on the road, glancing over at the flowers every once in a while.

She arrived back at the hotel just as the team was just starting to come out and load onto the bus. She practically ran from her car with her gear in her bag on her back. She had left her jersey in her car and changed back into her tie dye t-shirt, but still had her shorts and socks on as she approached the bus.

"Casey, we didn't think you were going to be back." Jill said as they loaded up.

"Yeah, I came straight from the field back after the game." She responded.

"Did you win?" Kelley shouted when she saw her.

"Yeah, we did." She answered with a smile. Those within earshot congratulated her, and she thanked them with a small chuckle.

"Well we didn't think you were making training, but if you want to join us and take it easy, you are more than welcome." Jill told her, and Casey chuckled.

"Oh I'm ready to go." She said, and Jill seemed a little taken aback as she boarded the bus with a ton of energy in her system. Her teammates high-fived her as she made her way to her seat, sitting down and putting her bag in the seat next to her. As the bus started to move, she took the time to post on Instagram about their district win. There were a ton of pictures taken sent to their group chat, and she found a few good ones of her raising the trophy with her team. She had a few on her phone as well, including the nice picture of her Jeep that she would save for her last picture on her spread of five that she chose. She chuckled as she tagged the US Women's National Team account on the picture of her Jeep, and posted it with the caption 'four-peat'.

When they got to the field, they all unloaded and Casey changed into US attire and they all went and loosened up. She was not sure what they were doing, but the rest of the team seemed excited.

"Alright, we're gonna get into our position groups and do some isolated training, then we'll scrimmage, and finish with a game of soccer tennis." Jill said, and now she understood why everyone was excited. Jill had said the magic words.

Soccer tennis.
