
[ Hey everyone! If you haven't seen, I have a new book in the works! It will be updated once a week, every Monday! This one will be updated whenever, hopefully once or twice a week. I hope everyone is healthy! ]

They arrived at Howl at the Moon - Orlando a half hour before the grand opening was supposed to take place, and there were already hundreds of people lining up to get in. Casey squeezed his hand as he looked outside in shock.

"I knew there were going to be a lot of people wanting to be here but I never thought this many. It's gonna be a full house!" Alessio exclaimed excitedly.

"Cheers to that!" Ashlyn said, and they all clinked champagne glasses. The limo pulled up to the entrance and they all exited the vehicle, Alessio opening the door and helping her out, being the gentleman that he was. Servando did the same thing for Alex, Ashlyn for Ali. The limo pulled off the curb and the six of them walked up to the main entrance, people calling for their attention. They all went inside, and Casey finally was able to see the inside.

It was humongous.

There were two floors, Alessio informing them that they have a VIP section closed off for them on that floor. The main floor had two bars, both of them stocked with bottles on bottles of liquor and wine. There were a few on tap options as well, and both the bars could hold about twenty people. The bartenders were getting set up, saying a hello to Alessio as he showed them around. A spot for a DJ at the back of the club dance floor, and the dance floor could hold at least five hundred people. There were LED lights outlining the bars, walls, and the DJ booth. Alessio took them all upstairs where some men in suits were already sitting, waiting. He showed the reserved off section for the six of them, which was the balcony overlooking the rest of the club. The floor had their own personal bar in the center of the floor. It looked almost exactly like the Chicago location, if not better.

"Gentlemen." Alessio said when the three men walked over to them. He shook their hands and had the biggest smile on his face.

"It already looks like it's gonna be a great turn out, Mr. Miller. Great job with the place." Cooper Jackson said. He had barely seen the three men that had approached him a few months ago, who had inquired about building the Orlando location in the first place.

"Cooper, George, Ron, this is my girlfriend Casey, and some of my friends, Alex, Servando, Ali, and Ashlyn." He said, introducing them all. They all shook hands, just trying to be respectful. "Drinks are on the house for all of you, we open in ten minutes." Alessio continued as he looked at his watch. "Also, I would love you all to join me downstairs for the grand opening ceremony."

"It would be our honor, Alessio." Ali said with a grin, speaking for them all. Before the bar got too busy, they took a few more pictures to post later. Alex took a few cute ones of Casey and Alessio for her, which they had not done while they were at the house. She made sure to do the same for Alex and Servando as well as Ali and Ashlyn. By the time they were done, it was time to head out the front doors to cut the ribbon to open the bar. The nine of them all went out the doors, and they were faced with hundreds of people waiting to go in. Alessio gripped her hand and laced their fingers together, Casey following him over to the microphone.

"Good evening everyone, thank you all for coming to the grand opening of Howl at the Moon - Orlando. A lot of hard work was put into this place, and it could not be done without the support of my mother, Cooper, George, and Ron, some amazing friends you all probably know, Alex, Servando, Ali, and Ashlyn, as well as my amazing girlfriend Casey. Without you, all this wouldn't have been possible." Alessio said into the microphone, the crowd that was waiting applauding him. He looked over to Casey with a smile on his face, and a grin came across hers. He then looked back to the crowd, grabbing the pair of scissors from one of the security guards and sighing. "Now, without further ado, Howl at the Moon - Orlando is open for business." He announced, cutting the big ribbon that was in front of him. The neon lights of the sign came on and the music started playing from inside. Alessio kissed her on the cheek and went over to the side and out of the way of the crowd trying to get into the club. He shook hands and gave hugs, and he was excited to finally be open for business. "So there's a couple things I left out."

"What's up, Less?" Alex asked, all of them confused.

"So, I may or may not have invited the entire Orlando Pride as well as all of your National Team friends." He said, and the four of them all looked at each other, shocked.

"Are you serious?" Ali asked excitedly.

"Yep. Some declined the invite, but there will be people you all know except for one another." He answered, and Casey hugged him tight, chuckling.

"Anything else you're leaving out?" She asked.

"You'll have to look at some drink names, because there's one named after all five of you, and on game days, whether it be for Orlando or USA, it will be streamed here on the big jumbo screen that comes down from the ceiling." He informed them, and all their jaws dropped.

"I have an alcoholic beverage named after me?" Ashlyn asked, and he nodded. "Oh it's over for you bitches." She said and they all laughed.

"Why don't we all head inside? I think it's time for a party." Servando suggested with a laugh, and they all agreed, going in through the doors. Now most of the lights were off, the only lights being the bright and colorful LED lights and all the overhead lights from the bar. It was dark, but not too dark to where they could not see. They went back up a floor to the VIP section, Alessio staying behind to talk with some business people before joining them upstairs. The music was blaring, but it was not as loud upstairs as it was down below. They headed for the bar and ordered drinks, each of them finding the drink named after them, and when Casey saw hers, her heart melted.

Sunshine - tequila with lemon juice, orange juice, a splash of fruit punch, and Sprite.

There were drinks named the Shark for Ashlyn, Liebe for Ali, Baby Horse for Alex, and Mr. Morgan for Servando, and they were all based with their favorite liquors. They were all excited to have their own drinks at a bar, it was a type of honor not a lot of people got to hold.

"This is amazing." Ashlyn said when she took a sip of hers.

"He really knocked these out of the park." Servando agreed.

After they had a couple of drinks, Alex pulled Casey down to the dance floor while Servando talked with the businessmen that they had met only an hour before. They found some of their teammates and all danced with one another, Casey dancing on Alex and Alex doing the same to her. They were only a couple of drinks in, and they both had full intentions of drinking more than they probably should. Alex excused herself to go get more drinks for the two of them.

"Hey Sunshine." A voice said in her ear. She smiled, turning around to face Alessio, finding his eyes. They were a pierce green like hers, but deeper. Hers were much brighter.

"You remembered I was a tequila girl." She stated with a laugh, and he smiled. It was like the first night they ever met, standing on the dance floor.

"See something you like, Casey?" He asked her, snapping her from her thoughts. She did not answer, but rather looked away as she felt her cheeks redden. Those were the words he said to her when they first realized they were meant for each other. Her drink was taken out of her hand and placed on the table beside them. She felt her chin being lifted by his fingers, their eyes meeting again. "I love you." He said, and she chuckled against his lips as his face got closer to hers.

"I love you too." She answered, their lips connecting.There was a spark of chemistry between them as their lips danced against each other, eventually their tongues doing some sort of tango. The same hand started to wrap around the back of her neck and into her hair, the other hand reaching behind her and pulling her closer to him. Things seem to be going in slow motion, different colored lights luminating their faces and the bass from the music making their hearts pound.

She wanted this moment to last a lifetime.

He pulled away a few moments later and pecked her lips. She urged for more, but knew she needed to be patient. He smiled as Alex came back over, handing her a new drink.

"I just needed a little break. I'll find you later." He told her, and she chuckled.

"I'll hold you to it." Casey answered before he walked away. She took a sip of the new drink and looked at Alex with fiery eyes.

"Yeah, you're definitely getting laid tonight."


Casey was blinded by the light when she woke up from her slumber. Her head was pounding and her body ached. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was thankfully in her own bed and was not completely naked, only wearing one of Alessio's hoodies. She chuckled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, seeing she was alone. She looked over at the time and saw it was only ten in the morning. Had she really only slept a few hours? She remembered getting home around three in the morning, and if she recalled correctly, they did not go to bed until four.

She stood up and found herself a little wobbly, but she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She looked in the mirror and laughed, her makeup very much smudged. She brushed her teeth, put her hair up and washed her face. She found a pair of shorts to pull on and went downstairs, finding Alessio in the kitchen talking with Servando.

"Why good morning Sunshine. I didn't expect you to be up so early." Alessio said when he saw her, and she chuckled, pecking his cheek.

"Yeah, me neither." She scoffed as he handed her a cup of coffee and some Advil, and she smiled. "Thank you."

"I have to get going back to LA. Do you think you guys could get Alex home at some point?" Servando asked.

"Yeah no problem. We'll make sure she gets home." Alessio answered with a laugh. Servando gave a hug to Casey and shook Alessio's hand into a hug, and then he was out the door.

"Ash and Ali still here?" Casey asked as she took another sip of her coffee.

"No, I think they ended back up at their hotel last night." He responded as he got closer to her. She smiled as he slowly kissed her lips. "Good morning." He repeated, this time more sincere.

"Good morning." She answered with a smile. "Last night was amazing."

"Yeah, it was. Eleven out of ten would do it again." He agreed with a laugh.

"What's on the agenda today?" She asked.

"I was thinking of a lazy day by the pool with some pizza." He told her.

"That sounds like an amazing idea." Alex said as she emerged from down the hallway, scaring both of them.

"You wanna borrow a bathing suit?" Casey asked with a laugh.

"I was smart, I brought my own." She responded as Alessio handed her a cup of coffee and Advil as well. "A true God." She sighed thankfully.

It was going to be a well needed and deserved recovery day.
