Chapter 16: Code

She looked at the key with eyes filled with wonder, and was determined to find out what it was for. She felt a strong feeling in her chest telling her to go to her father's office. But the only disadvantage would be her attempting to go in. She couldn't remember the order of the books, and could only ask Seryla to help. However, she had also began to stop trusting the two in a way.

Nevertheless, she left her room once more and quietly made her way down the grand staircase, through the hallways, and into the Library. She went to the very back to find those four books there, looking back at her. She sighed and tried pulling them, but it didn't work. She tried again, and ended up with the same result. "What's the bloody password?" She questioned herself frustrated. She left the library for a moment to think, and she walked back and forth in the hallway trying to find some sort of solution.

She then took notice of the painting on the crimson walls. Her father was a big art enthusiast, always looking for Victorian paintings to hang. Meeting her eyes, there was a portrait of the first Queen Elizabeth looking down at (y/n) with all her grace and beauty. (Y/n) looked away and gazed at more paintings. The Napoleon Sailors, the Duke and Duchess of the Netherlands, Former kings and queens, but out of all of this, one seemed to stand out.

It was their very manor painted, but it seemed sinister and scary looking, as if the house weren't theirs anymore. Next to it was a painting of a couple. The male had skeek black hair and was wearing a very grand attire while the lady had beautiful brown hair and was wearing an exquisite dress that might be from royalty. She shifted her gaze to the right and found a painting of broken items. It included a wine glass, a mirror, a wine bottle, a pair of glasses, and a piece of jewellery. "Interesting..." she said to herself. And the Final image was a painting of a green book with flames behind it. Presumably some sort of holy book or something.

"Odd order of paintings but I guess dad thought it was nice." She said. She walked back into the library and again looked at those four books, troubled, but quickly realised the titles of the books reminded her of those perculiar paintings. She quickly made her way back to the hall way and took a good look at the images. Their sinister looking house, a couple, broken things, and a fiery book. She began to wonder if the painting of the flaming book was the book titled "The Rite of Flame" and the painting with the broken things was "The shattering."

She then looked at the remaining two. Curious, she looked behind the painting of the couple to find the title "Demon's Call" which means "House of Thieves" is the first painting. She ran back silently to the Library and pulled in the order: House of Thieves, Demon's Call, The Shattering, and The Rite of Flame, and the passage opened before her. She walked down the steep, spiral cobblestone stairway down to her father's office. "Now what...?" She asked herself as she looked at the key.

She then sat down in her father's chair and began to wonder what's locked in his office. She looked around and found cupboards that hadn't been opened in ages. She attempted to open the cupboard, but it didn't seem to be the right key. She then found a cabinet behind her, which was glowing sightly. She used the key to unlock the cabinet and out flew a dark, velvet green book that had tattered pages. It set itself down on a table before her and flipped to her rite.

There she found a heart locket necklace and a letter written for her. She opened it and it read "This book here is the book of Rites. The human who the demon has made a Rite with will be the possessor of the key. Here is the book that I use to record the Rites. I also want you to have this necklace. I've enchanted it that it may keep you out of harm's way. Consider it my gift to you, (y/n)." Alastor's name was signed at the bottom of it. (Y/n) put on the necklace and placed the book back into the drawer and locked it.

She left the office and went back upstairs to her room, exhausted. She fell on her bed and instantly fell asleep. The next morning, she was awoken by Alastor, who said "So you found the book. I had a feeling you wouldn't sleep after what had happened yesterday. I should have asked for your consent before doing anything but I guess I was eager to get it over with. Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs, I'll be waiting."

But just before he left, (y/n) spoke up "I.. I like you. I use to be afraid of you, but you've been treating me really nicely, and I guess I gave in to the flattery. It's okay if you don't feel the same and that you may not treat me like how you are now, but I just wanted to get it off my chest. It's find if you don't return the feelings, I mean.. how could you? You're a demon and I'm just a mere human who can't do anything but cry and get hurt. You constantly have to look out for me and I appreciate it, but I feel bad that I'm causing you so much trouble a-and-" but she was quickly cut off by Alastor

"You should get ready for the day. We will discuss this later... I will be downstairs." Not quite the response she was hoping, in fact he was rather cold in his tone before leaving the room. "Why did I do that...?" (Y/n) said slapping herself.
