Chapter 10: Silence

Seryla left Gideon's presence with these parting words. "Well, if you get killed, that's your problem, not mine." Gideon rolled his eyes before vanishing into the darkness. (Y/n), on the other hand, sat on her bed and pondered on more things, questions she didn't know the answer to. Just as she was about to leave her room to look for Alastor, Seryla's blue eyes met with her (e/c) irises. "Evening, my dear." She smiled sweetly. She came into the room and told (Y/n) to sit next to her on (y/n)'s bed.

"We need your help, (y/n)." She began. "Alastor has been a threat ever since he arrived to help your father. If you didn't know this, a demon makes a rite from dealing with a human for exchange for their soul. Your father gave his soul to Alastor as a sign for the complete contract, but he was devastated when he found out Alastor's true motives. Alastor manipulated him, tortured him, deceived him even, and he will do the same to you. Gideon and I want to protect you from him, but you need to help us be rid of him."

(Y/n)'s eyes turned to an expression of fear. She didn't know what to fear more, the fact that Seryla might be right, or the fact that (y/n) herself might need to make Alastor leave. "Here take this. I crafted it in hopes that you may return one day. Us demons cannot defeat such a powerful entity, but I bet with the strength of two demons and a powerful human such as yourself, we can be rid of this manipulative spirit once and for all. Your father will be avenged and your mother's death won't be in vain, so what do you say?" Seryla handed (y/n) the well-crafted, frosted dagger as she asked (y/n) the question.

"This frosted dagger will freeze him to his core, and the slightest touch will make him shatter into a million pieces. His dark heart will find no more pleasure in hurting people for it will finally be at rest. You can't trust what he says, he'll mess with your head and corrupt your thoughts... just like how he did with your father. He made you father kill your poor depressed mother. That demon who claims he is a gentlemen is not what he seems. So please help us, won't you?"

(Y/n) looked at Seryla's sad eyes and replied "I'll... get back to you." Seryla nodded and left the room, her frosted dagger on (y/n)'s lap. As the door closed behind this so called Seryla, the figure's brown hair and blue eyes transformed back to black, sleek hair and purple pupils. "If Seryla doesn't want to help me get rid of the threat, I might as well force her to join me." Gideon chuckled before he decended from the stairs. He snapped his fingers and the piano in the hall began to play a melody.

He chuckled and sang "Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain... still remains within the sound of silence." He grazed his hands across the railing before he waltzed with himself to the centre of the room.

"In restless dreams I walked alone, narrow streets of cobblestone. 'Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light, that split the night, and touched the sound of silence..." he chuckled. "And in the naked light I saw, ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, people hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never share! And no one dared... Disturb the sound of silence!"

"Fools, said I, You do not know, silence, like a cancer, grows. Hear my words that I might teach you! Take my arms that I might reach you! But my words, like silent raindrops fell, and echoed in the wells, of silence!" He stomped his foot and frost covered the walls as time stopped before him, his heart bitter. "And the people bowed and prayed to the neon 'god' they made...and the sign flashed out its warning, in the words that it was forming. And the sign said, The words of the prophets are written on the station walls, and tenement halls. And whispered in the sound.... of silence..." he raised his hands and the frost died down, disappearing as he vanished with a snap of his finger.

Seryla watched him in the shadows, her heart dark and upset, knowing that Gideon shape shifted to look like her and gave (Y/n) the dagger. But she knew about Gideon's past, how it wasn't as pleasant as he made it seem. As she was walking back to her quarters, she heard the familiar footsteps of Alastor's shoes, tapping lightly on the marble floor. "So it has begun..." his voice echoed. Seryla turned to his silhouetted figure in the darkness and nodded, her eyes gleaming with persistence and determination. Alastor chuckled "As much of a threat that I am... I bet she'll still believe me instead of yourself and Gideon, but I can only tell when the future comes to pass."

Alastor actually had no idea about anything that happened, but he could sense the change in energy, a sinister feel if you will, but the truth is still not yet found. He teleported to (y/n)'s room as she kept the dagger away in her drawer. "(Y/n)." He greeted with a smile. (Y/n) bowed slightly in response. "Getting ready for bed I see? It's already quite dark." Alastor said as he opened the blinds slightly. "Isn't it wonderful?" He sighed as he looks at the shimmering stars in the dark sky. (Y/n) came to his side, but still keeping her distance as she agreed, stargazing with him.

The two enjoyed the moment together before Alastor turned to her and snapped his fingers saying "Goodnight, Princess." sending her to sleep. He caught her as she rested on her shoulder and he carried her to her bed, before leaving a kiss on her forehead and leaving the room.
