Chapter 5

After School With Techno.

Techno walked out of the school building and headed towards the school gates, waiting for his brother.

He leaned up against the brick wall that surrounded the school, looking around and noticing Dream walking with Sapnap. He stared for a moment, soon taking his eyes off of him, and looked around for his brother.

Suddenly he saw Wilbur emerge from the crowd, wearing his usual beanie. "Hey!" Wilbur said, smiling softly.

"What took you so long?" Techno asked as he began to walk towards their house.

Wilbur picked up the pace to walk alongside his brother, "Sorry, I was saying goodbye to Fundy."

Techno hummed in response, not really expecting anything else.

The two walked home, talking about random topics along the way. Well, it was more of Wilbur talking about the day and Techno making very little reactions.

They arrive at their front door, Wilbur walking up and fumbling with his bag to grab the keys. "Aha!" He let out a cry of victory and unlocked the front door, walking in and taking his shoes off. Techno following his actions.

As soon as the boys walked in, a loud rapid stomping was heard throughout the entire house. Suddenly, a boy with blond hair wearing a red and white T-shirt appeared from the hallway. While another boy showed up behind him with brown hair and a green button-up.

"Ayy Big man, welcome back!" The blond one said, "Hello, Tommy, Tubbo." Techno greeted, looking at the two boys. "Did you get into another fight, Blade?!" The two boys yell in unison.

"No, I didn't. I'm a bad influence on you two aren't I?"

"You think?" Wilbur said, chuckling while throwing his bag next to the front door.

There was a rustling sound that came from the kitchen, "Welcome home you two, how was school?" A man appeared, wearing a striped green and white hat along with a green robe. The man stretched his long gray feathered wings.

"Hello, Father." the two said in unison.

"School was fine," Techno said in his usual monotone voice.

"So did anything happen with that 'Dreamy' boy that you always talk about? I'm sure you have another story about him." His father said as he sat down at a nearby coffee table.

Techno took a deep breath, "He's just so stupid!"

"Not this again!" Tommy complained, telling Tubbo to follow him back into his room to keep playing.

"He's just so- so-

fucking adorable it's annoying!"

"And the fact that he always smells like strawberries doesn't help either!"

By the time Techno finished his little outburst, Wilbur had sat down with his father and banged his head on the table, though he hit his head, very few sounds were heard. "Hearing him confess his love without him knowing every day frustrates me to no end." Wilbur raised his head and sighed deeply.


"And the way he tilts his head when he's confused is indescribable!"

While the oldest was clearly annoyed with Techno's rambling, their father seemed to enjoy his stories about the boy.

"Well, one day I'm sure you two will be great friends!" His father said. Techno whipped his head around to show his disgust.

"No! I hate him!" After saying that, he went into deep thought about what he had just said.

"Forget it, I'm going to my room."

Techno went to his room, closing the door behind him. He threw himself onto his bed and stared at the ceiling for a good few minutes, tossing and turning every once and a while. Still having one question stuck in his mind.

"Do I really hate him?"

( -- AAA sorry this one is so short! I plan on making a Dream Afterschool Chapter! So do keep an eye out for that one! It may or may not come out today, though I do thank you for reading! Please remember to vote! -- )

-- I wrote this chapter though it was heavily inspired by @blargblarg124 --
