Be Mine?

Louis's P.O.V

Harry has actually opened up and started talking to me again through out these past few days and I'm happy he isn't in the mood he was in after I told him about wanting a child. I love him to death and I just wanna take a bigger step in our relationship. 

Today is finally the day we are gonna take a trip down town to the orphanage. I'm very overwhelmed with excitement and I cant wait to see all the little children running around. "Harry I'm ready if you are." I say peeking in the bathroom. He has just finished combing his hair over and he looks beautiful. 

"You look nice babe." I tell him while pecking his cheek and intertwining our fingers. He gives me a soft smile showing off his dimples. I blush slightly as he kisses the top of my head then leads me out the door. We pull out of the drive way and head down the road. 

"Well this is exciting." I say after a while of silence. "Yeah." Is all he says before turning the radio on. I frown at his small reply. I shut off the radio and get a surprised look from Harry. "Why did you shut that off.?" He asks reaching for the power button once  more. I grab his hand and hold it in mine. 

"Is there something wrong?" I ask as we slow down at a red light. "No there's nothing wrong, why would you think somethings wrong?" He rants on nervously. "Because you had no emotion when I started to talk about the orphanage. I say giving him a stern look. He pushes down on the gas and we turn left to head down the next road. 

"Ok somethings bothering me and I just don't want to talk about it now." He finally says aloud. "Oh, well im sorry you could of told me Harry I.." I was caught off by him crying. "NO Louis you wouldn't understand. Its about you!" He sobs out. "What do you mean its about me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask rubbing his inner thigh. 

"No lets just talk about this at home ok?" He says wiping his tears on his sleeve. I sigh before speaking once more. "No Harry, we are about to go look for a child of our own and your mad." I say before crossing my arms over my chest and looking out the window. 

"Lou. I'm really happy that you want to get a kid. I do too. Its just its put a damper on some plans I had. He says before pulling the car to a stop in the parking lot of the orphanage. I look over to see him staring right back at me. 

"What is it?" I ask him. He sighs before pulling something out of his back pocket. "Louis, I know getting a kid is gonna be the main thing on your mind right now but I would like to ask you something." He says looking down at his lap. "Harry.." I am cut off once again by him speaking. 

"Ive loved you since the very first day we met. You brightened my world Louis Tomlinson. You made me feel like the best man in the world and I want to make you feel the same. So would you do the honer in being my husband." He says while opening a small box to reveal a beautiful ring. I dont know any other way to react. I just burst into tears. 

"YES, YES, YES!" I say before latching onto him with all the strength I have. "I love you so much." I whisper in his ear before pulling apart and attaching my lips to his. This kiss wasn't like any other kiss we have shared over the past few years we've been together, it was full of emotion and love. Our lips moved in since and it was just the best moment of my life. 

I pull away finally and press my for head to his. "I love you." He says before slipping the ring onto my finger. He then lifts it to his mouth and kisses it softly. "I love you too." I say kissing him once more. 

"Now lets go find us a little buddy." He says laughing a bit. I nod and wipe my tears of joy away from my face. I step out of the car and he grabs ahold of my hand. We open the doors and head to the front desk. 

Harry's P.O.V

I actually did it. I finally proposed to him! A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it feels amazing knowing that within a year the beautiful man standing next to me Will be mine forever. 

"Hello how may I help you two gentlemen?" The women at the front desk of the orphanage asks as we approach the desk. 

"Oh well me and my fiance are here to hopefully adopt a child today." Louis answers immediately smiling when he says fiance. She smiles and nods. "Ok well my names Laura and I will go get someone to show you around." She says before disappearing into another room. 

"Well I'm excited."  Louis says as she leaves. I laugh at how happy he is to be here. I cant wait to see his reaction to all of the kids. 

"Hi my names Morgan and ill be showing you around." She greets us with a smile and guides us down the hallway. 

"Now what age range are you looking for?" She speaks up. Louis looks at me like I should answer. "I don't know maybe two to three?" He says still looking at me. I shake my head which brings a smile to his face.

"Ok then lets head this way." She says leading us into a nursery looking part of the building. When we step inside the room the sounds of laughing and some crying can be heard. Many kids are playing with random toys while others are crying for no reason at all. 

"Awwe they are so cuute!" Louis squeals while walking around the room. He looks so fucking cute when hes this happy. I'm so glade I decided to ask him or this probably wouldn't of happened. "Hi." A small voice is heard from somewhere down below. I look down to see a small blonde lad tugging at my pant leg. "Oh hi there." I say squatting down to his level. 

"Whats your name mister.?" He asks smiling wide. "I'm Harry. And you are?" I ask poking his tummy getting him to laugh. "I'm Noah." He speaks out shyly. "Well Noah, I want you to meet someone." I say grabbing his hand. Before we can walk to find Louis he tugs on my hand. I look down to see him making grabby hands at me. 

I pick up the rather light boy and head to find Louis. "I like your hair mister." He giggles while playing with my curls. "Well I like your tummy Noah." I say before tickling him again which makes him burst into a fit of laughter. 

I finally spot Lou playing with a little boy over by the blocks. "Hey Lou I want you to meet someone." I say while looking at Noah.

"Well looks like I have to go Jacob so bye." He says getting up and heading over to me. "That kid wouldn't let me leave for anything." He says when he meets me. "Well I've made a new friend." I say while poking Noah's nose. He scrunches it and laughs. Louis smiles and introduces himself. 

"Hi I'm Louie." He says looking at the smaller boy. "I'm Noah." He says while reaching out to him. I hand him to Louis and Noah begins to play with his hair like he did mine. "Your hair isn't fun like Harry's" He says with a frown. "Well you know what is fun?" Louis asks the small boy. 

"What?" He says excitedly. Louis lifts the boy up in the air and spins him around. Noah's smile grows bigger as Louis swings him around playfully. "I think this is the one." Louis says once he stops spinning.  I just nod and we head to meet Morgan to sign the papers. 

"Ok you guys are ready to go home!" Morgan says happily once we finished signing the papers. "Thank you so much." Louis says as we walk out the front doors with Noah. Our son. A child of our own!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Hai guys. Hope you liked it! Please vote and leave some comments. If you guys think I should put some smut in this tell me. But if so then ill have to have someone else write the smut for me. I just cant write it lol. Anyways love you all!~ Kota c: (Oh and Happy Birthday To The One And Only Calum Hood!)
