Chapter 8 It's been a while

3rd POV

At that time... I saw everything...

When you stood here before...

Did you see it too?

Something.... Behind you...

Three days left

Sunny opened his eyes to sunlight streaming through his window

He checked his phone, there was one new message

'Hey sunny, it's mommy. How are you doing? Are you eating well?"

"I was hoping that I could make it back to see you today, but it's the last day of a big furniture sale and I just can't resist a good bargain!"

"You can take care of yourself for a few days, right? After all, you're a big boy now!"

"Remember to finish your chores before I get back. I left a list on the table next to your door. Okay, that's for now! Mommy loves you! Bye, honey! Oh yeah, one more thing, make sure to pay your sister a visit before we leave. Okay? Bye!" and then the message ended

Sunny glanced the sheet of paper with his chores on it on the table

"Maybe later" he dismissed the sheet and headed down stairs

He had just walked out of his room when he heard a knock from the door

"Oh, no..."  he didn't move

There was another knock, "Maybe if I don't answer it, it'll go away.."

The person on the other side of the door wasn't giving up and kept knocking until sunny finally cracked

He walked downstairs and walked towards the front door

He pressed his ear to the door

"Helllllooooooooo......." a voice floated through the door


"Sunny? Are you there?"

"Do you remember me?" (When I killed your brother?! I talked! JUST! LIKE! THISSSS!!!!!) ( If you get the refrence good for you)

"It's your old friend, kel!"

"Kel, what's he doing here?"

"So, I... uh... I noticed the "For sale" sign in front of your house... and I... err... heard from my mom that you were moving away soon"

"I was wondering... if you wanted to hang out one more time before you go... or whatever... for old time's sake, y'know?"

Sunny hesitated for a moment, he slowly turned the knob

There he was, his friend kel, he was much taller than he remembered but it was him

"Whoa, you actually came out!" kel cried

He scratched his head, "Err... I-I mean... Okay, I'm going to be honest with you, sunny. I really didn't expect you to come out today, so I don't really have a game plan here"

Kel thought for a moment

"Hey, I know! Let's go to hobbeez! It's the hobby shop in the faraway plaza. You remember the way, right? We used to go there all the time when we were kids"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" kel asked

Sunny carefully laid a foot outside, and then another foot. And they set off for the plaza

Sunny looked around, nothing much had changed. He wasn't surprised, faraway was a relatively small town, like those kind of towns you see in horror movies

The two eventually made it to the plaza, it kinda felt weird being back here after years had pasted

They entered hobbeez and kel turned to sunny and flashed him a grin

"Well, here we are at hobbeez! It's probably been a while since you were here... but it hasn't really changed all that much! It's all the same old stuff... Capt. Spaceboy games, sweetheart movies, a few pet rocks... except now they're vintage!"

"I don't think that's how it works...." sunny though to himself

Kel's face lit up, "Actually... Since we're here, I should probably buy a gift for hero. He's in collage right now, but he should be coming back sometime tomorrow"

"Oh, yeah, hero's at that age to go to collage..... Wonder how's he been?"

"He's studying to be a doctor, so maybe I should buy him... some medicine?" kel wondered

"No, that's a horrible idea. You should help pick out the gift, sunny. Let's look around and see what there is!"

They started looking around the store. There were a lot of options for potential presents

The first were a couple of colorful CDs; "These CDs look pretty cool, but I think hero would appreciate something more sentimental! Let's keep looking"

The next were some comic books; "Looking through these comics brings back so many memories. It's just like old times, huh sunny?" kel asked with a grin, "Hero was never too interested in comics though..."

The third thing they looked at were some DVDs; "A lot of these DVDs are catching dust... I'm sure we have most of these somewhere at home already... probably also catching dust."

The forth was a bunch of figurines; "I've always been fond of these little guys... Hero would get mad at me for spending my lunch money on them, though. Let's not remind him of that..."

The fifth thing was a guitar displayed on the wall; "A guitar huh? Hey sunny, remember that time we all pitched in and bought an electric guitar for Y/n's birthday and then he wouldn't stop playing it? He kept yelling something about it being "ALL IN THE MIND". Ah, the good o'l days. Hey, we should visit him later. Hero wasn't that musically talented though..."

The last thing they looked at looked at was a shelf of books. Kel suddenly jumped up, "This... Yes! This is perfect" he pulled out a book from the shelf and showed it to sunny, "'Papa chip'a chip-off-the-old-block cookbook!'. Wow, that's a mouthful. Hero had a copy of this when we were kids, but our dog, hector, destroyed it"

"He's going to be so happy when he sees this... But before that... We need to ask the most important question!" kel said with a very serious expression, "How much those it cost?"

He turned the book over and looked at the price and his eyes bugged out, "20.00$!? This is extortion!!"

He then started rummaging around in his pocket, "Shoot! I left my wallet at home... Err... Can you spot me, sunny? I'll pay you back I promise"

"*Sigh* Same old kel, always leaving something or other behind" He nods

"Thanks, friend! I knew I could on you!" kel said with a grin

they took the book to checkout "Hey, shopkeep! We'd like to buy this cookbook, please!"

"Kel! How've you been, buddy? It's been a while since you've come around, hasn't it?" the shopkeeper greeted kel

He looked at the book, "Ah, that's 'papa chip'a chip-off-the-old-block cookbook'! I see you have good taste"

"Yeah, my brother used to follow his recipes all the time! His cookies were my favorite" kel said, drooling from the mouth a little

"It's rare that I see another fan of papa chip's works. That'll be 20.00$, please!" 

They payed the money and the shopkeeper handed them the book, "Thank you, kind sirs! Please enjoy!"

"Thanks a lot, sunny! I bet hero will love this!" kel said as they left the shop

"So.... Where do you wanna go now, sunny? Guess there's really not much to do around the shrubs, huh?"

Then he got an idea, "Oh, how about the faraway park? Yeah, the park!"

The two set off towards the park, when they got there, they saw a familiar looking boy with blonde hair and blue eyes talking to a girl on a scooter

"Wait, don't go! Please!"

"Sorry, dude. I can't help you. You're on your own!"

Sunny and kel move closer to see what was going on, "This ain't none of my business. If you got beef with her, then talk to her yourself, you creep!" the girl was saying to the boy

"I'm begging you. Just ask her to give it back. She won't listen to me..." the boy pleaded

"Wait is that...?" kel murmured

"That's basil!"

Sunny looked at the boy, the poofy hair, the blue eyes, the weak build, the flower in his hair. There was no doubt about it, it was definitely basil. Sunny was kinda surprised how little he changed

"Leave him alone, you bully!" kel shouted as he rushed forward

The girl turned to look at him, "Oh, it kel... Grumble, grumble" the girl didn't seem too happy to see him

"Why don't you mind your own business?" she snapped

"Well, why don't you go bother someone else, kim?" kel snapped back

Kim snorted, "Well, aren't you acting all high-and-mighty? You don't make the rules around here!"

"WHAT'S GOIN' ON OVER THERE!?", five people riding bicycles came cycling in

The girl who seemed to be the leader got off her bike

"Oh, hey aubrey.... This nerd kel just showed up and thinks he can boss me around! Let's show him what's what!" kim said

Sunny's eyes winded, "Aubrey? Like, aubrey aubrey? .....She's kinda ho- Wait, no focus sunny, focus!"

"Kel... What do you want?" she didn't even sounded like aubrey. The aubrey sunny remembered always had this cheery tone in her voice. But this one had none of that, it was cold and sharp

"Stop messing with basil! How could you!? We all used to be friends, don't you remember? Tell her sunny!" kel said as he grabbed sunny by the arms and pulled him in front of him "Please let go of me :("

"..Sunny?" she looked him up and down "Wow, it really is you. It's been a while, but you haven't changed a bit"

"Can't say the same for you"

"How long has it been since you left your house? Three years...? Maybe four? Must have been nice to live in your own little bubble" she said as she smirked

"Watch it, aubrey! You don't know what he's been through" kel snapped

"Hmph... Whatever" aubrey said nonchalantly

"Abrey! Please... Listen to me..." basil spoke up

Before he could continue kim rammed him with her scooter, knocking basil to the ground

"Hey, stop that!" kel shouted

"Leave it alone, kel. This isn't your problem" aubrey told him

"What the heck is wrong with you, aubrey!?" kel shouted

He stomped his feet in anger, "Ugh... Sunny! C'mon! We've got to do something!"

"Haha... Are you guys really picking a fight?" She swung her bat with malicious smile

"Sure, why not? The two of you against me! How's that sound? Come at me! I'll take the both of you!"

Sunny suddenly dashed forwards and pull out a knife from god knows where and swung it at aubrey

Aybrey grunted in pain as the knife slashed her forearm "Is...Is that a knife?"

Aubrey fell to her knees as she clutched her arm, they could see blood seeping through her fingers

Her gang ran to her aid, "Oh, shoot... Aubrey, are you okay? You're... You're hurt"

"What the hell is wrong with you!" aubrey shouted at sunny

"Sunny, where did you get that?! You shouldn't be carry things like that around!" kel said as he quickly snatched away the knife from sunny

"Was one not enough?! Do you want more?! Is that it?!!" aubrey shouted

She slowly got back to her feet, "Ugh... Whatever..... I'll get you back for this....." with that, she and her gang rode off

Kel sighed, "Aubrey's really changed since you last saw her. Her and her new friends have been nothing but trouble"

His gaze moved towards basil who was still on the ground clutching his head in fear

"Poor basil... Let's check if he's okay"

They walked up to him, "Hey, basil. How are you doin'?" kel asked him

Basil looked up at them with his pale blue eyes, "Ah... I'm fine... Thank you.... Kel....." he said quietly

"I don't know if you noticed, but sunny is here too! Say hi, sunny" kel said

Sunny waved

"Oh... hey, sunny. It's been a while, hasn't it?" basil said with a awkward laugh


"So, did you wanna hang out with us today?" he asked basil

"O-Oh... I'm sorry... I'd love to, but... I... I should probably head home" basil apologized

"Huh? Really? Are you sure?" kel asked

"My, um... My grandma hasn't been feeling too well lately" basil said

"Oh.. Sorry to hear that"

"Well... Let us at least walk you home. It's been so long since we've all hung out" kel said

"O-Oh... A-Alright then... Thank you" basil said

With that, the three of them started walking towards basil's house

Hey! It's me again! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry for the lack of art in this chapter. I promise more art in the next chapter. Anyway..... That's all for now, until next time, BYE~BYE~~
