Chapter 7 The incredible kel

3rd POV

The group had acquired space boyfriend's special mixtape and were heading back to his house to hand it back to him when...

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!" a voice called out, "We've finally found you, pluto! THERE'S NO ESCAPE!!"

They turned and saw a giant rock...thing, hurrying towards them

"Oh, no... My gigantic, well-defined arms and legs are giving out" the rock cursed, "I can't let it end like this. I need to find a hiding place!"

"Hey, you there! Huff... Huff... Please... Lend me you assistance!" the rock pleaded

"H-Huh? Ohh.... uhh... well....err...." hero said, kinda confused why a giant rock was talking them

"HURRY! I DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!!" the rock whisper-shouted

"You need a place to hide, huh..." kel said looking around for a bit

"A-HA!! I GOT IT!!", "You can rest easy now! I got this all under control" kel told the rock

"Okay, that should do it!" kel said a few minutes later, 

"Shoot! their coming! Quick, everyone... act natural!!" hero said

They just started doing random stuff as two space pirates ran towards them

"Huff.... Huff.... Dang it! We lost him!" one of them said

"Hey, you kids! We're looking for a high-profile and very expensive rogue planet named pluto. He's a big, circular, gray-ish guy with huge, bulging muscles. Kinda hard to miss...You seen him?" the other one asked them

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." kel said

"U-Ummmmmmmmmmmm..." aubrey said

"N-No? Can't say we have..." hero told them

"Really?" asked the pirate as he leaned closer towards them

Y/n was slightly shaking

"Don't give in to the peer pressure" hero whispered

"Welp, that's life! Come on dude! Let's keep searching. We'll find him eventually" the pirate said as he and his friend walked off

"Okay, sir... The coast is clear" kel whispered after making sure that the pirates were gone

The rock thing who was apparently named pluto, peeked out from one of the many crater's on the ground with a potted plant on his head

He jumped out of the crater, did a flip in the air and landed on his feet. The potted plant sadly didn't make it


"Such quick thinking! I'm impressed! You have my eternal gratitude. What are your names, if I may ask?" 

"I'm hero, and these are my friends aubrey, kel, Y/n and omori" said hero

"I see! Fine names for fine young people! My name is pluto, and I am a rogue planet... A vagabond if you will" pluto introduced himself

"A vegetable?" asked Y/n, looking confused

"No Y/n, vagabond, not vegetable" hero corrected him

"I do apologize for causing everyone so much trouble. But... I feel that it is not my purpose to act as a mere yard decoration" pluto said the looked up at the endless sky filled with millions of stars

"I want the freedom to roam the sky as I please, like the birds and the stars! If that makes me a rouge planet" pluto clenched his fist, "Then so be it. They can call me what they please, so long as I'm free to do as I please!"

"My soul yearns for freedom! You understand... Don't you children?"


"W-Whoa! Kel, are you crying?" hero asked

A single tear glicened near kel's eye, "Sniff... Such raw emotion... I'm touched.... That was beautiful, pluto..." kel said quietly

"Sniff... Sniff... You said it kel" aubrey sniffled

"Wait, you too aubrey??" kel asked in shock

Even Y/n and omori were crying rivers of tears

"Now, at long last... I am finally free to follow my life long dream... Of running my own transportation comapny!" pluto announced

"I'm going to call it "Pluto's spaceline!""


"This realization has reinvigorated me! And since you helped me in such a selfless way, I must return the favor!"

Pluto cleared his throat, "I am pluto of "Pluto's spaceline" now. Please pretend you have just arrived at a transportation station" he then turned around

"Oh, okay! Uh... Hello? Pluto?" hero called

Pluto started rumbling and whipped around, "GREETINGS FROM PLUTO'S SPACELINE!!! WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TODAY YOUNG TRAVELERS" pluto roared

The kids couldn't hear what pluto was saying because of the sheer ringing in their ears due to pluto screaming in their faces

"Oh, was that too much? Hm, I should try to tone it down..." pluto murmured, "Let's try it again!" he turned around again

"No, it's okay! We'd just like to go back to the campsite, please!" hero told him

"So you want to go to the otherworld campsite?... Ah, my first request... how exciting" pluto said then started to rumble again

"Oh no... Here it comes...." hero murmured

Pluto whipped around again, "GWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! One ride of otherworld campsite, coming right up!"

He then scooped them up and got ready for take off while kel was still trying to find a place to hang on to

Pluto blasted off into the sky while carrying the kids, while kel was left to hang on to pluto's leg for dear life

Eventually they landed in the campsite

"GWAHAHAHAHAHA!! How was that for a smooth ride?" asked pluto

"Comfortable environment and relaxing music. I'd give it five out of five stars!" hero told him

Kel walked towards them wheezing for breath, "Huff... Huff... Says you! I can't even feel my arms anymore...."

"Kel, I have to say.... You did a great job holding on for dear life back there" Pluto told him

"You have the potential to be very strong! Let me teach you a skill that might be useful in the future"

Pluto cleared his throat, "Repeat after me.." then he stuck a pose

"WHEN I FLEX, I FEEL MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Now you try"

They all looked at kel as he flexed his arm

"WHEN I FLEX, I feel my... Best?" the last part kind needs work

He turned to pluto, "Whoa, That felt amazing! I'm pumped!"

"Hm... It could use a little work, But nevertheless..." pluto murmured and turned around

"You've definitely got the power within you! Take this lesson and use it well. Farewell, children. Until next time!" with that he shot back up into the sky and disappeared

After kel learned how to flex, they headed to space boyfriend's house to returned the lost mixtape

They arrived and climbed up the stairs to space boyfirend's room

"Well, I'll be! You kids really did it! It's a little dirty, but that our missing special mixtape for sure! Thanks a lot my guy" The pirate said as they showed him the mixtape

They then they brought up what rosa told them (The space boyfriend and sweetheart breakup part, not the Y/n is a ugly sloath part)

"W-What? Did they really? For real this time?" the pirate asked in disbelief

"Oh no, but that would mean... That there's no point in playing him the special mixtape anymore.... All hope.... is lost"

"Oh, don't be so down, space pirate guy! It's just a rumor... and even if it is true, it's not the end of the world" aubrey tried reassured him, "People get over breakups all the time! I'm sure space boyfriend will be back on his feet soon. He just needs sometime to readjust"

"In that case, we should probably get rid of that special mixtape after all. Listening to the songs might be way too emotional for him" hero told them

What they didn't know was that kel had slipped the mixtape out of omori's pocket and was about to play it to wake up space boyfriend, until it was too late



"Uh-oh... I've got a bad feeling about this...." hero said looking at space boyfriend


"What..... is...... that......"

"INFERNAL..... RACKET!?!?!?"

The group stared and the pirate bolted down the stairs as space boyfriend threw off his balcket

"Darnit, kel! Look what you did!" aubrey shouted at kel

"FWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FEAR ME FOR I HAVE AWAKENED!!" space boyfriend shouted

He paused

" sec"

He disappeared and reappeared in front of the boombox and pull out the mixtape, and lovingly put it in his pocket

"Hmhmhmhmhm... FWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Much better! Now, where was I...? Ah, yes" he teleported back on to the bed

"Foolish children! I must thank you for bringing me out of that pathetic state. I grew tired of lying in bed, pretending to be sick. Like I always say....FEELINGS ARE FOR LOSERS!!" space boyfriend shouted

"Falsehood!!" Y/n suddenly shouted

"SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" space boyfriend shouted as he pull out his space gun

Space boyfriend shot Y/n with his laser gun, burning him to a krisp

"Y/n!!!!!!!!!" they all shouted. Hero quickly pulled out a jar of life jam and spread it across the burnt piece of Y/n, bringing him back to life

"The wench, sweetheart...." space boyfriend continued, not paying any attention to them

"She's going to pay for leaving me!"

"I did everything for her! I gave everything to her! EVERYTHING! YOU HEAR ME!?!?"

"That ungrateful, little...aughhhhh...AAAUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" space boyfriend yelled in frustration and shot a laser on his bed


"I'm going to find sweetheart... AND I'M GOING TO MAKE HER PAY!!!!"

Aubrey stepped up, "Sorry, but we can't let you do that, space boyfriend... Or should I say..... SPACE EX-BOYFRIEND!!"

"Interesting. You want to challenge me? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM!?" space ex-boyfriend demanded


"I control all the planets in the solar system and have the ability to fly through space at will!! The power of the entire universe is at my command!"

"Blah, blah, blah! Talk all you want... We're not scared of you!!" kel shouted

"If you plan on going around and causing trouble, you're going to get through us first!!" hero claimed

Space ex-boyfriend was silent for a second

"Hmph... So that's how it's going to be. If you still insist on stopping me... I'm afraid we'll just have to settle this the hard way" space ex-boyfriend said quietly

"I'LL TAKE ALL OF YOU ON!!!!!!!! FIGHT ME, EARTHLY SCUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They all got ready for battle but then, kel stepped forward

"Don't worry guys, I got this" he told them

He approached space ex-boyfriend

"Oh? You're approaching me? Go on, DO YOU'RE WORST!!!!" he roared

Kel slowly raised his arms up, he thought about what pluto told him, "You've definitely got the power within you! Take this lesson and use it well"

"When I flex....

I feel....



KEL. USED. FLEXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!

Space ex-boyfriend looked up at kel's hulking figure

"You don't scare me! I am the most powerful being in the universe!!!" He yelled as he aimed space gun at him

"DIEEEEEE!!!!!" he shouted as he fired

A red beam shot out of the end of the gun and hit kel square in face

It. did. nothing

space ex-boyfriend looked up at kel as he cracks his neck a few time, it slowly doned on him maybe he picked the wrong kid to fight

Kel took a deep breath


Fist after fist made contact with space ex-boyfriend. When kel was finished, he was crumpled on the floor, slightly twitching, barely alive

Kel shrank back down to his normal size again and grinned at his friends, "Told ya I got it!"

They were too flabbergasted to say anything

"ugghh.....", they looked to see space ex-boyfriend getting back on his feet. He looked around his room with a confused expression on his face, "H-huh? What happened? W-Where am I? W-Who are you?"

"Hey, there! How are you feeling?" hero asked carefully

"Oh, hello... I'm Capt. Spaceboy! It's a pleasure to meet y-" suddenly he dropped to the floor, "Oww, everything suddenly hurts!"

"Oh no, are you okay? You got a little angry earlier, so our friend had to..." aubrey trailed off

"Ah... I see... My other half must have gotten the better of me" Capt. Spaceboy grimaced as he slowly stood up again, "I must apologize. Your actions were likely well-justified. I just hope I didn't cause you all too much trouble"

Capt. Spaceboy looked down sadly, "I've been having a hard time controlling my emotions lately. I try my best to keep them at bay, but it's becoming much more difficult"

"Sweetheart.... She was the love of my life.... It's almost impossible for me to imagine life apart from her. I guess I'm a bit lost.."

He pulled out the mixtape from his pocket, "This special mixtape is full of mine and sweetheart's favorite songs. I put so much love into making this for her" (He deserves better)

He smiled, "Thank you for returning it to me. This is still full of precious memories after all"

 Capt. Spceboy seemed to be feeling a little better and thanked them again for knocking some sense back into them

Unfortunately when they asked about the whereabouts of basil, Capt. Spaceboy told them he hasn't seen anybody like that around (He gave aubrey a Sno-cone ticket to cheer he up because he kept crying about basil)

He told them to keep their hopes high and bid them good luck with their journey. With that he and his crew left to get some sno-cones to help him with his healing heart




9 keys left....

They made their way out of Capt. Spaceboy's house and down the hill to tell mari the news

"Hello, everyone!" she greeted them with her usual cheerful attitude "How's the search for basil going?" 

There was a pause, "Well, mari... It seems that we've taken a little detour. Just trying to help those in need, you know?" hero said

Aubrey jumped up, "Look, mari! I got a sno-cone ticket!"

"Well, that's very nice, aubrey!" mari told her

"Thanks!" aubrey said with a grin

"Mari! Look what I can do!" kel shouted and flexed his arm

"........That's.... very nice too, kel!" mari said

"I know, isn't it!?" kel said proudly

Hero stroked his chin, "It's so strange. We've searched all over the place, but we haven't seen a hint of basil anywhere"

"Oh, basil.... I would where he could have gone" mari said, worry in her voice

"Y/n.....misses....Friend basil...." Y/n said sadly

"There must be something we're missing.... Do you have any leads, omori?" mari asked him

After their conversation with mari, they walked back to the ladder that climbed up from

They all started making their way down the ladder, omori was the last and was about to follow his friends when he saw something

It was a weird shadowy figure that looked like...

"Basil?" he called out. Basil(?) didn't say anything and walked deeper into field of plants

Omori looked at where basil disappeared to and then looked back at the crater

He made up his mind and decided to follow basil

He made his way through the leaves looking around for basil, it was hard to see because this part of the field was much more darker than the other part and the thick vegetation didn't help

Omori stumbled around for a bit till he found a clearing with a table with a cake on it, with party hats scattered around it

"A wish? But what should I wish for? I have everything I could want right here"

He kept looking around until he stumbled on to another clearing with a plate of cookies, some playing cards, a stack of books, a stuffed toy and some shoes

"Mari's cookies... Mari's cookies have much more love baked into them. I could eat them forever"

It was starting snow now, omori was still searching for basil until he stumbled across another clearing, all kind of toys: a jigsaw puzzle, some toy cars and building blocks were scattered everywhere

"We're still young... We should dream big, right?"

Out of the corner of omori's eye he saw somebody walking through the leaves

"Basil?" he called out as he chased after him, there was no basil but a another clearing. In this clearing, presents were scatter around with one noticeably larger one with a weird shape

"This year, you get just one present... from all of us"

Omori didn't know how much time had passed and he about to give up and go back to the ladder when..

He found him. basil. standing in from what seem to be a barn house

"Basil!" omori called out

Basil looked at omori for a second and without any words, walked into the barn with omori close behind

When he entered, omori was met with....a stair way. Omori looked around, there was only the stairs, other than that it was just a inky black void for miles and miles

Omori started climbing up the stairs. He climbed and climbed. The stairs seem to be endless





Eventually he got to the top of the staircase to find a sheet of music perched on a stand, the notes on the sheet were all scribbled out. Behind it was a picture of a family. A mom, a dad and two kids, a boy and a girl. They were all smiling happily at the camera

Suddenly something came out from the sheet of music. Omori started to run down the stairs. The thing was gaining on him until-

He was back in the white space

He looked at his knife

He plunged the knife into his stomach




wake up sunny........

it's the start of a new day........

Hey it's me again. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also, I have something to announce

We got a new cover babyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! A brand new cover drawn by yours truly

Also yes the space ex-boyfriend fight was a jojo reference

That all for now and until next time, bye~bye~

Oh, one more thing

I've always wanted to do this. Say it with me now *Ahem*

