Part 5 Your kidding... right?

As Jasmine sat down at her seat, she noticed how Leonardo was walking over to where she was and then sat down next to her "Jasmine correct?" he asked making her raise a brow at his question "Yeah and?" she asked back making him smile to her softly almost as if he was happy about her answer "I simply thought that yesterday we set off on the wrong foot and I wanted to try again today to talk with you with a simple conversation" he explained making her look at him confused at the moment and what he had just spoken to her right now.

"No" she said simply, this surprised him a bit as he thought that if he smiled like he always did when he picked his next target she would blush and say yes, but Jasmine rejected him fully "Move Leo, your in my seat" Karai said making him turn to her "I was actually allowed to sit here for the next few lessons. I requested of helping Jasmine adjust here and in science class starting now" he explained making Jasmine groan while Karai huffed and went to another seat, Jasmine simply focused on her book as Leo went to get his things out to be ready for class which Jasmine was already prepared for at the moment as she got a text from Vincent "My friends just told me some jock from two of your classes punched you! Are you alright?" he wrote making her sigh and explain the whole story to him in a few texts.

"Ok. Next time I see him... I'll punch him for what he did" he wrote back which made her giggle "Don't please. I think he's already getting suspended or something for what he did" she wrote back to him before turning her phone off as the teacher came in to begin the lesson, she listened to the teacher and ignored each time Leonardo pushed a small note to her to try and begin a written conversation with him, when the lesson ended she quickly moved for her next lesson which was sadly math meaning she was next to the purple masked turtle once more making Jasmine groan in anger to this as she moved to her locker where Donatello was getting his things at the moment.

He turned to watch her as she switched her things for math and then quickly walked away not caring about people whispering about the bandage on her cheek like he saw, instead he closed his locker and went the same way she did to his class where she was already sitting and reading her book right now making him sit down and get ready for the lesson, as the teacher walked in she held papers that were from the test of the day before "Now then, your tests have all been graded. For those who didn't pass you will be staying after school to retake the test and you cannot leave before that or you will get detention" she explained as she then passed the results to the students but Jasmine who didn't take the test.

Some students groaned to the fact that they would need to stay after school to retake the test while others were relieved that they passed, Donatello smiled at the fact that he got 100% on it like he always did since math was easy for him "Oh yeah, if you need any help in math. I'll be more than happy to help" he said while turning to Jasmine who was glaring at him "Are you kidding me? I just got here yesterday, I didn't even show any signs of having a hard time in math" she said making him look surprised at her as the teacher then handed her a sheet of paper "It's to figure out your level in math, don't push yourself if your stuck on one or you can't figure out the answer, just pass it and once your done give it to me so I can figure out something for you" she explained making Jasmine nod and get to work on it as the teacher went to her desk to speak to April who was unhappy with her grade.

  Donatello watched as Jasmine began to fill in the sheet, he noticed some mistakes she was making on some questions while other times she got some right, it made him wonder what his next move should be as he then got an idea making him go over to the teacher to tell her "Alright then, but it's most likely that I will help her if needed" she said making him nod in understanding and got back to his seat, as the bell rang Jasmine gave the teacher the sheet and then left for her last class of the day which to her surprise was art meaning Michelangelo, Renet, M.C and Kathleen was there as the four were seated at the moment already waiting for class to start, when Mikey saw Jasmine walked in he smirked at his move "Hey Jasmine! There's a seat over here" he said making her slowly walk over to it.

The teacher walked in as the students greeted him kindly "Today's project will be about yourself, I want you all to paint yourself and something that would explain something about when you were young and how you felt about yourself now that you think about it" he explained making everyone nod and begin working on the project, Mikey looked over to see Jasmine drawing at the moment something but he couldn't tell what it was because it was such light drawing with her pen at the moment "What are you going to draw?" he decided to ask but she spoke nothing to him as an answer making him wonder what she was up to right now to be so quiet, he decided to work a bit on his work and try to see what she was doing later on when she wouldn't be looking.

When the bell rang she took her work and walked out, Mikey actually thought he would get a chance but ended up not being able to see anything at the moment, but he saw the bandage and thought about asking others about it, Jasmine had gotten her things from her locker when Veronica came over to see her "I thought we could go to your place to work on our project" she explained making Jasmine look down to the floor before sadly nodding, the two walked out with Veronica following Jasmine to her place and as she saw where they were going she understood that something was up as she saw where Jasmine was living "There you are ya little shit!" the man who spoke this made Veronica's eyes widen as she saw how scared Jasmine was at the moment.
