Part 37 Working the hair

Now that the crazy couple knew where Jas was, it was only a matter of time before they do something to force her back into there world of control, the gang got to work while someone would stay with her as a way of comfort and she needed it badly with how she was after they left... She was a shaking leaf for god sake and they didn't get close to them "We need to figure out a way to make them leave" Angela claimed making them all nod, during this time Tiffany was holding Jasmine in her arms, the poor girl was still shaken from what happened and needed to rest for now.

She was very worried about Jasmine and what she might be thinking on doing about this... But for now they had to make sure she got some rest and was able to relax about all this happening, she looked down to see the girl sleeping but she sadly wasn't all that sure if she truly was sleeping... She was simply pretending to then later on escape and do something she believes will help everyone but herself, Tiffany looked over to her phone to see the text bubble still unanswered, Angela texted her a while ago to ask how Jas was doing... But the labrador wasn't sure on how to answer that question with what she could already tell about the sad girl, she simply hoped something good will happen.

And then she heard it... Faint but she heard a light clink from the floor, she moved a bit to look down and her eyes widen as she picked up the pink dragon scale, as quickly as she could Tiffany grabbed her phone to take a picture of the scale and sent it to her sister... Not long after the group quietly came in to see it and then examined Jasmine's sleeping form to see more scales getting ready to fall or on the bed, they all worked on collecting them without waking her up and walked out while Tiffany kept watching over Jas "Now I understand why they wanted to sell them... There so beautiful" April gasped out "But why sell them like this? Why not make them into jewelry and sell them for a bigger profit?" Swift asked as then something clicked in Donatello's head.

"They sell it like they are to people who will make them into jewelry! The buyers would then sell them but half of the profits would go to them since they sold to them the scales!" he claimed making there eyes widen at this genius plan, it all made sense now to them and with not knowing how long she would shed they would later on rise the prices for the scales to get more money on them to get even more money without Jasmine knowing in the first place "That is sick! Using Jas like some money tree" Rebel hissed making them nod "She wouldn't want this at all, being used for her scales to sell them, she would maybe want something else from the scales" M.C said making them then wonder what that might be.

Jas felt a tug on her hair, it woke her up as she saw Tiffany combing her hair gently but sadly did tug at a few locks of hair "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" she asked sweetly which Jasmine smiled to and slowly sat up giving the lab a chance to get the other locks of hair that were stuck under her body when she slept, this might be the only moment she felt relaxed before everything that happened to her came back to her mind which made her whimper in worry that Tiffany heard well and pulled the young girl close to herself "Everything will be alright I promise you that" she said making Jas nod and sigh as she tried to calm down as best she could at the moment and then her eyes landed on there hair.

"You... You can keep brushing it if you want... My hair I mean" it had been so quietly spoken that Tiffany barely heard nothing, but she smiled and grabbed the brush to get back to work on Jasmine's hair and this time she was careful to not cause a pull for her hair to happen, Jas closed her eyes slowly while the fact that her hair being brushed was relaxing to her but also slowly making her doze off which Tiffany found funny to watch as Jas then went to sleep... As Mikey then came inside to check on them "Were trying to figure out a way to have Jas stay here... Only thing we got is for her to report them to the police" he said making her sigh and nod, Jasmine's word in all of this would be the only way to save her as she would admit what the couple had attempted to do without Jas even knowing.

"I'll talk to her about all of this and see what I can do" she responded making Mikey nod and leave the room, the labrador sighed and looked down at Jasmine... This was the last thing she wanted, she kept working on the hair and finished in the end by making her a french braid by the time she woke up and saw it by simply feeling her hair had been set in a different way making then turn towards Tiffany "They say that the only way they could think of to make them leave would be for you to report them to the police" this made Jas shiver at the thought which made Tiffany quickly hold her hands "I'm sure someone will be more then happy to come with you to the station to report them in" she said... For a moment it was dead silent making her worry Jas wouldn't talk... But then "Alright... I'll do it... I'll go today to the station to report them in... Only if someone comes with me" she said making the labrador nod with a smile as they walked out to tell the news.
