h y u n c h a n

Requested by @PurpleWaves0_0

Hyunjins body ached, but he ignored it. He wanted the dance to come out perfect and if he stopped now, he will never get it.

The music blared into the room, his head empty as he focused on the moves, keen to get it perfect. His shoes squeaked against the wooden floor, he felt the sweat dripping down his face, and he started feeling dizzy, stumbling a little, but pushed it aside as he continued focusing on the dance. Too focused to not realise the other male in the room.

When the music finally stopped, Hyunjin collapsed onto the ground. He felt a little sick but told himself that it didn't matter, that he needs to get the dance perfect. He got up and walked over to the speaker, but he didn't make it when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and was faced with a worried Chan.

"Hyunjin, please rest," Chan begged, "you're overworking yourself again."

Hyunjin desperately wanted to go back to the dorms, to be able to lay in his comfy bed and sleep, but he couldn't. Not until he got the dance perfect.

"I'll be fine, hyung," Hyunjin spoke, turning around, "I need to practic-"

The blonde didn't get to continue, when he felt himself being picked up, bridal style. He instantly wrapped his arms around the oldest neck.

"Hyung, put me down. I need to practic-"

"Zip it. I'm taking you back to the dorms, and that's final." Chan interrupted, not realising the blush appearing on the youngers cheek.

The pair was silent all the way back, Hyunjin fell asleep half way there and Chan was too busy staring at the younger, but also being careful off his surroundings. The older knew that Hyunjin was sick, when he saw the blonde stumble during the dance, and also because of how warm the younger was. He also noticed that Hyunjin hasn't ate anything all day, too busy cooped in the dance practice room. Chan was worried, of course he was, especially since he's grown feelings for the blonde haired male.

The walk to the dorms wasn't that long, it only took a few minutes. Chan pulled out his keys and unlocked the door, managing to still hold the blonde haired male in his arms. He pushed the door open and walked in. Jeongin was the first to greet him.

"Hey hyung." Jeongin quietly whispered, noticing the sleeping male.

Chan smiled as a response and walked to his room, which he shared with Felix, however, the younger Aussie wasn't there. Chan figured the freckled male was cuddling with his boyfriend, Jisung. The older gently laid Hyunjin down on the bed, covering him with a blanket. He placed his palm over the youngers forehead, feeling the way too hot skin. He quickly walked to the kitchen, grabbed a small towel, and drenched it with cold water. He grabbed some medicine and a bottle of water, then went back to Hyunjin, who was now awake.

"How are you feeling?" Chan asked, giving Hyunjin the medicine and water. Hyunjin sat up, then gulped down the medicine, drinking sips of water afterwards and laid back down, giving the bottle back to the older Aussie.

Hyunjin shut his eyes for a few seconds, "I feel like I'm gonna melt."

Chan placed the cold towel on the youngers forehead, which seemed to cool Hyunjin down a little. Chan was about to get up, but he felt a warm hand grab his wrist.

"Stay, please." Hyunjin spoke, giving puppy eyes to the older, which obviously worked.

Chan nodded and sat next to Hyunjin. The blonde haired male moved his hand so he was holding the Aussies hand, which the older secretly loved.

"I have to tell you something, hyung." Hyunjin said, avoiding eye contact.

"What is it? Is it something bad? Are you feeling worse? Should I take you to the hospital?" Chan interrogated. 

Hyunjin squeezed the brunettes hand, "it's not anything bad, I think. Well it could make you hate me-."

"I could never hate you." Chan interrupted, smiling softly.

Hyunjin let out a sigh, "Okay...erm...so basicallyilikeyou, asinilikeyouasmorethanfriends."
(Basically I like you, as in I like you as more than friends).

"Woah Jinnie, I did not get any of that. Is it okay if you can repeat what you said?" Chan asked.

Hyunjin shut his eyes shut and let out another sigh, "Erm...I like you..."

It was quiet for a few seconds, Hyunjin still didn't open his eyes, too scared of the olders response. Chan was still trying to process what the younger confessed.

"He likes me?"  Chan thought, "OMG HE LIKES ME!!"

Chan snapped out of his thoughts, and he tightly hugged the blonde haired male, which seemed to shock the younger male.


"I like you too Jinnie." Chan confessed, pulling away from the hug and smiled brightly at the younger, a red tint on his cheeks.

"Wa-wait, re-really?"

Chan nodded, kissing the youngers cheek.


Double update, yayy!!

Hope you enjoyed!
