c h a n l i x (2)

Requested by @SkzSTAY4life

It's been a few years since Chan saved Felix from his father. The couple decided that when they finish school they'll open up their own cafe and that's what they did. Their cafe was called 'STAY' and it became quite popular, it was mainly because of the handsome owners, but also because the food and drinks were amazing.

The Aussie couple was currently in the kitchen, they haven't opened the cafe yet and their friends were arriving soon to hang out.

"Channie..." Felix quietly spoke, fiddling with his finger,

Chan hummed, his attention now on his fiancé.

"I know I've said this so many times, and you're probably getting really annoyed by it," Felix rambled, trying to hold back his tears, "but thank you, really. I honestly don't know if I would've survived if you didn't help me from my father."

Chans eyes softened, he put down the plate he was holding and walked over to his fiancé, wrapping his muscular arms around the youngers tiny body, "Lixie, I will never get annoyed at you, okay? I love you and no matter what you say I will always love you. And I believe that even if we didn't bump into eachother that day, we would've still met another day, and I still would've helped. As cheesy as it sounds, it feels like we were meant to bump into eachother that day. "

Chan cupped the youngers face, and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears that flew down Felixs freckled cheeks. The older placed a gentle kiss on his fiancés forehead, then placed his own forehead onto the youngers, both of them were staring into each other's eyes with bright smiles on their faces. Felix rested his tiny hands onto Chans giant one, that was still cupping his face, and started play with the engagement ring.

"I love you so much." Felix whispered.

"I love you more." Chan whispered back.


god this was really cringey.
I tried to make it fluffy but it didn't work out so well...heh.

Anygays, hope you enjoyed 💞💞
