Nick x Judy (But You Hate Me)

< doing>

[text or call]


{Me talking or commenting}

| Whisper|


So Nick is a "bad boy" but that's just for show because no one likes a nerd is what he thought till he met Judy Hopps top of the class smart nice and to Nick stunningly beautiful they share a dorm for story purposes they are in a college for police work idk if that is actually a real thing but this is a fanfic also everyone who is prey and female are born with an implant not to get pregnant also this is just one long page story I am not doing the whole chapter thing anymore and I don't think I will be posting much of the Y/n stories sorry :( oh and 18+

Nick <opens the door to the room to see Judy's clothes on the floor> Carrots? yah in the shower

Judy <comes out of the bathroom in her towel> Ahh Nick

Nick What are you doing

Judy I was getting out of the shower I thought you would still be at dinner

Nick And why weren't you at dinner?

Judy I uh-

Nick Truth

Judy I am not hungry <stomach growls>

Nick Lie or I tell cap

Judy Why do you need to know... also can i borrow a shirt all my clothes are in the dryer its not finished

Nick Only if you tell me why you weren't at dinner?

Judy Don't tell him I told you

Nick Who? <raises his eyebrow>

Judy Sal

Nick Tell him you told me what

Judy Well I <sighs> he bully's me for various reasons-


Judy Please at least let me finish then go off

Nick Sorry Carrots

Judy And this week every time he has seen me he hits me on my stomach and calls me fat telling me to lose weight so I am gonna skip dinner only eat lunch work out more and-

Nick No your not

Judy Why?

Nick Because I am not letting you skip meals you can do all the other stuff but I am going to be beside you at all times

Judy Why are you trying to protect me

Nick Because I... I have fallen for you Judy Hopps

Judy But you hate me right<blushing mess>

Nick No

Judy *I like you too*

Nick Really! <picks her up spins her then pulls her into a hug>

Judy Hey my towel is gonna fall Nick

Nick <gently throws her on her bed> I will get you one of my tops

Judy Now that we were are dating can we sleep together

Nick That fast Carrots

Judy <blushes> No I mean like you cuddle me!

Nick Oh yeah <hands her his favorite shirt>

Judy <smells it> Warm

Nick I can go pick up your laundry I have stuff there to

Judy Ok but can I come with you?

Nick You need pants I think I have some shorts that might fit you

{After they find shorts for her to wear}

Sal <growls> Got some protection scaryde cat

Judy <grabs Nicks laundry by accident> Oh Ba- Nick I accidently got your laundry

Sal Babe? A predator and prey don't belong together <growls and pounces on Judy and bites her>

Judy OWW

Captain Rowing <walks in on the scean> Sal Sorrow you are expelled

Sal <has Judy's blood and fur in his mouth>

Nick CARROTS <runs to Judy picks her up and rushes her to the nurse> Nurse May

Nurse May Yes Dear- Oh what happened

Nick Story later help her now

{The next morning Judy was in a hospital bed with Nick holding her hand}

Judy <yawns and stretches then winces in pain> Owh

Nick Carrots <hugs her> I thought you were gone

Judy <sees both of there laundry folded in the corner> I love you Nick

Nick I love you to Carrots

Judy You folded our clothes

Nick Yeah I couldn't sleep so I folded them until I fell asleep Nurse May must of moved it

Judy Thank you Babe

Captain Rowing <walks in> I don't care that you two are dating just don't let it interfere with your work

Judy You got it Captain Rowling

Captain Rowling Bye kidos <leaves>

In there dorm after she heals up

Judy <in heat> Babe

Nick Yeah Carrots <sees she is in heat> no

Judy But Nicky

Nick I will be back when its over <leaves>

Judy Fuck <does yk> [Nick it's over]

Nick <goes into the room> Hey babe

Judy Hey Nicky

Nick Wanna cuddle?

Judy <asleep>

Nick I love you carrots <lays with her>

The End my beautiful people
