Keanu Reeves x Johnny Depp

{Me }
[Text or call]
|~Seductive Whisper~|

Look I know this ship probably isn't popular but me and my bf agreed it would be swaggy so idc we start in california at the grocery store

Random Lady: <talking to Depp> I know your not with Amber anymore so why not me

Johnny: Sorry Ma'am I

Keanu: <sees what's happening and goes over there> Hey Honey <hugs Depp>

Random Lady: Oh sorry <leaves>

Johnny: Reeves!

Keanu: Yeah that's me sorry if I made that situation weird you just looked very uncomfy

Johnny: It's okay <blushes>

Keanu: Depp are u okay ur really red! <feels his forehead>

Johnny: I am okay I just uhm <redder> 

Keanu: U don't feel hot <feels his cheeks>

Johnny: I just I really admire you and meeting you has always been on my bucket list!

Keanu: Then why do u look flushed?

Johnny: I wish I would tell you I just don't have enough courage  <red>

Keanu: Why would u need courage Johnny?

Johnny: It doesn't matter but it was great meeting you 

Keanu: Wait Johnny could I have your number?

Johnny:  Yeah <gives him his number>

{A week later Keanu asked Johnny to come stay at his house for a little}

Johnny <wearing a black oversized sweater and dark grey sweats as it is late fall> 

Depp [I am here]

Reeves [The door is unlocked]

Keanu Hey Johnny!

Johnny: Hey Keanu why did you ask me here

Keanu <kisses Johnny>

Johnny <suprised and happy as he kisses back>

Keanu <breaks the kiss> U like me back

Johnny You have been my celberty crush for a bit now

Keanu Mine to

Johnny Actually!?

{months later Johnny just got in the shower}

Keanu My love may I join you

Johnny Yes

Keanu <gets in the shower behind Johnny and puts his hand all over his body>

Johnny ~Mmh Keanu~

Keanu |~ I love your noises Baby Boy~|

Johnny |~I love making them for you~|

Keanu ~Good Boy~
