9. Rich People Training Camp

Ushijima POV
(Day before training camp- At home)

"Sir is it necessary to bring all these books to the volleyball training camp?" My personal butler asks as he watches my suitcase fill up with the books I bought about making a friendship.

"I'm sorry, but may I ask what your name is again?" I ask and he sighs.

"Shikamaru. I'm your personal butler from the wishes of your grandmother. Please try to not forget my name again," Shikamaru answers then readjusts his necktie and gloves.

Personal butler? He seems refined. Simple combed over black hair. He's a little older than me, but not by much. I sigh. I don't know why grandmother would want me to have a personal butler. I'm fine by myself.

"Shikamaru. I believe that everything I'm bringing is necessary for me to have in order to befriend Amu by the end of this trip," I answer. "They say the best opportunities to be friends with someone is when you're on a trip with them 24/7."

Shikamaru's face flushes bright red from my comment. "... S-Sir you're not going to be the same room with this girl?" Shikamaru says in shock and I shake my head.

"Of course not, the team will be there along with her siblings." I explain and Shikamaru sighs in relief.

"That's reassuring," Shikamaru smiles. "Is that why you have these bags filled candy and pillows?" He asks staring at the large bag of candy and a bag of pillows next to the suitcase.

"Of course. I have to impress her and her siblings." I answer. "I did research about kids and it says that their favorite snack is candy. I also researched about what a pillow fight is because her siblings said they wanted to have one." I point to the pillows in the bag. "Each pillow has a different level of softness so they can experience different kinds of pillow fights."

Shikamaru sweat drops from my explanation. "I don't who Amu is, but I feel like she's going to have a rough time being with you."

"Why do you say that?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No reason. It's just from seeing the things you're bringing it's enough for me to make that assumption." Shikamaru says and lightly messages his head.

I take out the friendship book made by Jun Tsukiyomi and show it to Shikamaru. "I've been following the guidelines from this book. I followed her, talk to her, and impressed her so far. I still have to do the other things listed, but I've been going in a good pace." I explain to him and he sweatdrops.

"Ushijima sir. You can't depend on a book. Sometimes you learn more from experience," Shikamaru states and my eyes widen.

"Experience?" I repeat and he excitedly nods his head.

"Right!" He snatches the book from my hand. "You just have to be yourself and that way Amu will li --- I mean will want to be friends with you." Shikamaru states and tries to put the book in my suitcase. His eyes widen seeing something in my bag. "Is this for the kids?" He says holding a stuffed cow plushie from my suitcase.

"Nope it's mine. I need it in order to go to sleep." I answer and Shikamaru's face pales.

".... Ushijima.... You're too unique for this world," Shikamaru mumbles in shock and I tilt head.

Why does everyone say that?

(Training Camp)

"No way Amu-nee is this the training camp?" Rin and Ran gawk seeing the large building which apparently is the training camp.

This is larger than our own house!?

I hold onto Ran's and Rin's hand as we head into the training camp facility. Just from walking through the hallways, it's hard to believe this is a camp. There are expensive vases and trophies everywhere you walk. The floor is made of marble and it's way too clean for anyone to think this is a camp. What's with this school? They have way too much money to spend!?

I hear someone whistle. I turn around and scowl seeing Tendou coming towards us with a silly grin."Woah you and Wakatoshi work pretty fast," Tendou snickers as he ruffles Rin's and Ran's heads.

I immediately pull them away from Tendou. "We did not have kids you idiot, these are my siblings," I retort back.

"Amu-nee who's that? He has strange red hair." Ran asks as she shyly waves back at Tendou.

I crouch down and look them both in the eye. "Rin, Ran stay away from Tendou. He's a dangerous." I whisper. "He kidnapped me before."

"Kidnap!? Isn't that bad!?" Rin shouts in shock.

"Now now I didn't kidnap her. I told her where she was going and why she was going there in the first place," Tendou defends himself and puts his hand up. "Don't make categorize me as the bad guy. I think your sister is just angry about hearing me speak the truth~ cause it's bound to happen some time."

"Wha-- what are you taking about?!" I blurt out in a fluster. What the hell is this idiot saying in front of children!?

The gym doors immediately open, with Ushijima and the team standing next to him. Not exactly the person I wanted to see at the moment..... Actually why is Ushijima holding bags of candy?! Shouldn't the team be practicing volleyball right now?! Were they watching and waiting for me to come here from the beginning?!

"Here you go mini Amus," Ushijima hands Rin and Ran each a huge bag of candy. I sweat drop. Mini Amus.... Seriously! He still doesn't remember their names.

"Yay!!!" They gleefully cheer taking the candy from Ushijima.

"Rin and Ran we don't take candies from strangers remember," I scold and try to take their candy bags away, but they shake their heads.

"He's not a stranger. " Rin comments as he tightly hold onto his free candy.

"Yah he's Mr. Ushi!" Ran giggles. "He's our pet."

"Pfft. Mr. Ushi is a pet.... Hahahahahaha" Tendou rolls on the floor laughing.

"Is it really that funny?" Ushijima frowns seeing Tendou laugh at the nickname my brother and sister made up for Ushijima.

"That right. Ushijima- Senpai isn't a pet!" Goshiki defends his favorite Senpai. "He's the one and only ---"

"Mr. Ushi!" Rin and Ran interrupt. The rest of the team blinks a couple of times after hearing that and soon burst out laughing.

Goshiki grumbles. "I don't understand why these two are here, this is our training camp." He pouts as he pokes Rin's cheek.

I move Goshiki's finger aside in annoyance and make him poke his own fingers on his forehead. "I have to take care of my younger twin siblings since my parents work over time during the weekend, no one can take care of them." I answer.

"Why don't you get them a babysitter?" Shirabu asks.

"You can send to a daycare?" Ohira adds.

"Oh I got it!" Goshiki grins. " You can get a nanny! When I was little I used to have a nanny who would take of me all the time!" Goshiki proudly states.

"Hmmm. I have a bunch of butlers and maids in my house, who would take care of me," Ushijima comments and turns to me. "Amu you should get yourself some butlers and maids so they can take care of you."

A vein pops on my head. "Damn you rich people," I curse under my breath. Like hell I could afford butler, maids, or a nanny. I can't even afford to send them to a babysitter or a daycare center. Basically I'm poor. Can't they understand the definition of poor!?

"Rich?" Ushijima repeats a bit surprise. "I'm not that rich compared to the Serizawa family and Akashi family. I'm middle class."

Middle class??? What does he define as rich then??? He's richer that me. I frown. Probably a small fraction of the money his family makes can feed my family for the rest of their lives.

"It's going to be nice to have kids here," Coach Washijo comes over and pats the two twins on the head with a smile then turns to the team with a stern look on his face. "Practice isn't over. Two laps." He says and everyone flinches then sighs.

"Yes coach..." Everyone mumbles and run another two laps.

(Dinner time)

I normally don't eat much food because our family is always on a tight budget... Yet since we're here and they're offering is the food, we might as well help ourselves to whatever we can eat. This isn't just my thinking, but Ran and Rin are thinking the same as well.

"Amu isn't this your 2nd plate already?" Goshiki asks seeing me put more food on my plate.

"It's my third," I correct and he sweat drops. 

"It amazing how you can easily eat so much, but you're so skinny," Shirabu comments seeing my plate with food disappear again.

"Why am I amazing Ushijima and Tendou are on the fifth plate already," I comment and watch the two boys rapidly eat their food like animals. Do they even chew and savor the favors???

After finishing my meal, Coach Washijo comes over and hands me a room key. "Amu here's your room key. You're in room 16."

"Oh okay, is anyone else in room 16?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Everyone had their own room, but your room is near Ushijima's" he answers and my eyes widen.

What the-- everyone has their own room?! This sounds like a hotel!? This is why I can't handle rich people. Wait a minute... "Why is my room next to Ushijima's room?" I question.

"It's more convenient that way. I'm the one who know you the most." Ushijima calmly states then turns to Rin and Ran. "Once you get used to your room, we can have a pillow fight. I brought many different kinds of pillows that we could test out tomorrow."

"Yay! Pillow fight!!" The two cheer and I sweat drop. I can't imagine Ushijima and my siblings having a pillow fight. Ushijima will probably take it seriously... Is a pillow fight even safe with Ushijima??

Ushijima POV
(Later that night)

I turn on the light, put my glasses on and begin reading the friendship books that I bought. Many of these books advise that I don't make a move until I get to know Amu, but I already know her so I don't understand why it says that. I flip through the next few pages to find out some more information on how to make a friendship.

What should I do for tomorrow?

Knock knock

"Who is it now?" I open the door to find Tendou, Goshiki, Shirabu, Ohira, and Semi at the door.

"Yo!" Tendou causally comes in with the others following right behind them.

"Your room is so perfect!" Goshiki gawks.

"The rooms are all the same," Shirabu slightly frowns hearing his idiotic teammate's words.

"What are you all doing here?" I ask and Ohira shrugs.

"Tendou just said he wanted to have a slumber party," Ohira answers.

"I don't understand why, we're just a bunch of boys there's nothing we can do," Semi mumbles and snaps when he seeing Tendou going through my things. "Oi Tendou what are you doing!?"

"Trying to see if Wakatoshi has any porn books," Tendou answers.

Porn books?

"Ushijima doesn't read indecent stuff, only you would read something like that," Shirabu comments, but Tendou shakes his head.

"I didn't find a porn book, but look at what Wakatoshi has," Tendou says with a sly smirk as he holds the friendship book I was just reading. "Wakatoshi, what is this?"

"A friendship book, I use it as a way of guidance to making a friendship with Amu," I explain.

"..... Guidance....." The entire teams mumbles with a blank look.

"That's right," I take out my suitcase and show them the collection of books that I have. "I don't know how to make a friendship so I bought a bunch of books with instructions on how to make a friendship bond."

"Uhh......" The entire team stares at me and I blink a couple times from the sudden attention.

<Our captain is hopeless!!!!!>

Tendou swings his arm around my neck. "Listen to our advice Wakatoshi. These instruction manuals can't help you. You need experience and advice from us. We won't leave you astray~"

"Yah Ushijima-Senpai listen to us! We'll guide you to the right direction!" Goshiki squeaks.

"Does he really think these books are going to help him?" Shirabu whispers to the two third years he finds more mature than Tendou.

"Ushijima is just a little dense," Ohira states with a sweatdrop.

"More like a lot," Semi comments.


"Damn it! This is a boys training camp right? Why are they so loud?!" Amu murmurs in annoyance as she covers her ears from the loud noise. "They could've afford to make sound proof walls are least!" Amu clicks her tongue as she tries to fall asleep next to her two siblings who easily fall asleep next to her.
