22. Ambition

(On the stands)

I gulp as I watch the game between Niiyama Joshi and Karasuno High. This volleyball match had such a huge gap that it was not laughable at all. There was not much to say about the game. It was a easy win for Niiyama Joshi as if they were taking candy from a baby... In this case, Karasuno.

Final score
Karasuno - 0
Niiyama Joshi - 2

1st game

2nd game

I couldn't utter a single word. Karasuno gave a decent fight. They weren't the best team, but they weren't the worse. Niiyama Joshi however didn't care who they were facing and fought for every possible point they could squeeze off. A team like that is truly frightening.

"Don't underestimate them," Kazue states looking straight forward. "Shiratorizawa has always been winning until a few years ago because of the players on those courts right now. Their captain, Ranko, a 3rd year could easily lead the team to victory and their duo; Hana, the 2nd year setter and Chiharu, the 3rd year spiker. Chiharu is also recognized as the #4 in the nation. They play a huge role in the team, but it's not just them. Their whole team isn't to be messed around lightly."

"I see," I tightly grip onto my seat after watching their match. Their serves are powerful. Their receives are smooth. Their spikes are fierce. They're definitely a strong team.

If I want to win.... I'll most likely... No I'll have to face them in the future.

"Not surprised that Niiyama Joshi didn't show any mercy to Karasuno. The poor team couldn't even fight back. The Chiharu girl didn't even seemed fazed when some of the girls on Karasuno were tearing up when they attempted to receive her spikes or serves," Seki says with a shrug.

"She's a strong player," Nao mumbles. "Misaki is strong too, but the real challenge is figuring out how we can go against them. They seem like they have no weaknesses. If the Merciless Queen were here then we'll probably would have a chance--"

"Nao!" Kazue sternly calls her out and Nao shuts her mouth.

"Haha that's true, but it wouldn't be fair to Kimiko. Besides we have Amu here don't we?" Seki grins and my eyes widen.

"O-Of course," I hesitantly answer. I'm not a top player like Chiharu, Misaki, or the Merciless Queen. I don't have much experience on the court so I really wonder whether or not I could reach that level to play with against strong competitors. Only time will tell when I stand in the court with them.

Kazue clears her throat. "Girls since their match is over. Go ahead and take a break. We'll have one more match later during the day so eat lunch or do something else till then okay?"

"Yes!" We answer.

Hm. A few more hours. I should visit Rin and Ran, but earlier Touya told me that they were grabbing some lunch and he'll call me when he'll go to the boys gym to watch some other players that he knows.

The boys gym... I wonder what Ushijima is doing right now.

My thoughts wonder about him and I snap out of it when I hear a whistle from a current match going on. My eyes widen when I realize that everyone in the team left except for Kazue who stares out at the court.


It makes sense that she's staying to watch the other volleyball teams. She's a third year. This is her last game isn't it? My hands balls into a fist seeing her gaze focused on the volleyball matches.

Our team will win the inter-preliminaries as long as I'm here. I will make sure of it!

I head to the boys side of the gym to see how Ushijima's doing. I know he's probably doing good right now, but I just want to make an excuse to see him.

Ushijima POV

"Ushijima do you think you'll win this year's inter-high preliminaries?" a reporter asks.

I heard this question so many times. Are these people deaf?

"Of course and please do not ask the same question that I have already given the answer to," I calmly tell them.

The bright camera lights flash on me.

"Then are you going to continue playing volleyball? Will you be playing for the Spring Tournament after this?" Another reporters asks.

"Yes," I state. "However I have to focus on this game now so I will take my leave," I excuse myself from the mob of reporters.

"Thank you again for letting us interview you!" The news reporters shout with more flashing lights.

I walk away from the reporters' eyesight and sigh. Troublesome. I might go blind from all the lights. I'm just lucky they didn't ask anything about my association with the Ushijima family. I'm sure the reporters are more distracted with games taking place.

I walk back into the boys volleyball gym and notice a blond hair man holding hands with Rin and Ran. My eyes widen seeing Rin and Ran trying to pull away from the blond hair man.

Am I witnessing a kidnap?!


"Touya, I want the cotton candy!" Rin shouts.

".... Rin I don't have any more money. I used all of my money for lunch," Touya explains to him again and pulls him closer so he wouldn't go off on his own.

"Touya I want to go inside the gym!" Ran shouts as she pulls on Touya's shirt and he sweatdrops.

"We will, but I have to tell your sister first," Touya says trying to dial Amu's number.

"Touya you're a blond hair meanie!" The twins shout and an imaginary arrow stabs Touya on the chest.

The poor blond hair boy couldn't handle children. He's the president of the photography club in Karasuno, but there are some things that he can't handle well by himself. This is one of those things.

(Back to Ushijima's view)

The strange foreign blond hair man grabs Rin's hand and Ran pulls on his shirt.

I need to take action. These are Amu's siblings. I can't ignore them. A friend helps another friends's friends. I walk over and grab the blond hair boy's wrist and twist it.

"You're kidnapping children, strange blond hair boy. That's illegal," I state and the blond hair boy screams in pain.

"Owww!!!!! W-What are you talking about?!" The strange boy cries out and lets go of Rin.

"Mr. Ushi!" Rin and Ran happily greet and tackle me to give me a big hug.

"Let's go to the gym. It's dangerous out here with suspicious people with weird color hair." I tell them as I stare down at the boy who's agonizing and having a mental breakdown.

"Okay!" They cheer and walk with me.

On the other hand, the blond hair boy looks like he's about to cry as he watches us leave and looks back at his broken wrist. "Why me!?!?!"

(The boys gym)

I head into the boys gym and notice Touya..... crying? Maybe. I don't want to assume, but it is him. I walk towards him. He notices me then starts wailing.

"Amu! Some kind of wacko came and twisted my arm then took the twins!!!" Touya cries with actual tears. "He twisted my wrist can you believe that?!!?!!? What kind of person twists another dude's wrist?!?!? I don't even know him!?" Touya grabs my shoulders and shakes them. "The kids-- the kids followed him and called the stranger Mr. Ushi!!!! The dangerous man took them away into the boys gym!"

I give him a deadpan look. This spells Ushijima. No it is Ushijima like written all over. "Touya it's okay. I'll take care of it. Thank you for helping me take care of my siblings. Just head to the other gym to watch your friends. Leave everything to me."

"T-thank you Amu," Touya sniffles and I sweatdrop.

He's such a idiot... Just like another idiot I know. I silently think to myself as I head to the gym.

(10 minutes later)

"So basically Ushijima twist the wrist of a person who wasn't a stranger, but instead was someone taking care of Rin and Ran. The boy is probably crying to himself right now because of Ushijima's first thought of him was stranger danger," I explain to the entire boys volleyball team.

"Pfft. Hahahaha!" Tendou bursts out laughing hearing the story, while everyone else just sweatdrops.

"Poor kid," Ohira mumbles.

Shirabu turns to the man who did this."Why did you think he was a stranger anyways?" Shirabu asks.

"He has blond hair which is very unusual," Ushijima claims. "He seem to attract a lot of attention as well which made it more suspicious."

"......" I want to say something, but I know shouldn't. I think Ushijima looks way more like someone who would want to kidnap children because of his size, plus his hair is just as unique or maybe a bit more than Touya's.

"I'm sure Ushijima had good intentions!" Goshiki proclaims and everyone stares at him with a deadpan look.

"Yah Mr. Ushi gave us cotton candy!" Rin chimes in and Ran nods her head.

"Yes I did have good intentions. Rin and Ran are Amu's siblings. I can not just let someone take them away with possibility they could be endanger. They are important to me just like how Amu is important to me," he states and my heart skips a beat.

He had no common sense, but he knows his way with words. I hit my chest to calm my beating heart.

"Because you like her right?" Tendou says with smirk as he nudges him.

"Of course. Friends always stick close together to support each other and help out their families and their friend's friends as well," Ushijima answers.

I feel a cold blizzard breeze hit me and then a heavy friendship block land on my head. I silently cry to myself. He seriously loves to friend-zone me. Does he even know what it means to date? No he'll probably think of the calendar instead because he's so clueless when it comes to concepts of love.

Why did I have to choose to love this doofus? Oh wait I can't help but fall in love with this idiot because of this strange personality of his. I face palm myself. He'll probably will never know the definition of love.

Ushijima pats me on the head. "You did well on your previous game against Date Tech, your spike did leave them speechless after all."

"Spike? Wait a minute. How did you know?" I blurt out clearly confused by his words. "Did you watch my match?

"Of course. The entire team did," Ushijima clarifies and everyone nod their heads.

"It was good match," Ohira says with a smile.

"I agree! It made me want to play against you!" Goshiki says pumping his fists.

"Thanks," I grin. "How did your game go?"

"We won," they easily answer.

"2-0 we only gave them a few points," Shirabu states.

Of course they did. Why did I even bother to ask? They play just Niiyama Joshi... Volleyball Elites. I'm no where lose to them.

"Amu do you have the ambition to win?" Ushijima asks me and my eyes widen.

"I-I do! I want to win!" I answer," why are you asking?"

"The moment you lose the purpose to win. You lose," Ushijima states. "The slightest hesitation will give the team the advantage."

"Huh? You already told me that," I point out. "But don't you feel like that?"

"He doesn't. He's the captain of our team. If he falters we lose," Shirabu calmly answers. "Same with me as the setter. Everyone is a part of the team."

"More like he'll tell us to win every time he opens his mouth on the court," Tendou answers. "If you watch us play then you'll see."

"I agree. You should come watch one of our matches tomorrow. You could see how we play," Ushijima offers. "You only see our practice matches with college students."

"Yay! Let's watch Mr. Ushi's match tomorrow!" Ran cheers and bobbles his head as he eats the cotton candy.

I nod my head. I should get a chance to watch a match of theirs tomorrow. Maybe I could learn something from them and be a better player.
