

"NANCY!" I yelled, "NANCY!!" I screamed again trying to get her out of the trance. Vecna had come for her. Probably because of what happened to Barb a few years ago. "STEVE. WHATS HER FAVORITE SONG?" Dustin asked, "I DONT KNOW." I replyed, thinking back to what her favorite song was when we were dating. "THINK!" He yelled. " I AM!" I yelled back getting frustrated. "WELL THEN THINK HARDER" Robin yelled. Then i got it, "HER FAVORITE SONG'S..."


I was walking through the Upsidedown, I was outside of Steves House... were Barb... "Nancy.." I heard a voice say, It was dark and low. Vecna... Then i heard my name being called again, "NANCY" Except this time it didn't sound like Vecna, They sounded afraid, and worried. "NANCY" They yelled again. I recognized the voice this time. It was Steve. 

"Nancy.."  Vecna, Said again. I heard the sound of a clock, and my head whipped around, I was facing a giant clock... Then i heard my favorite song. Someone must have known what it was.  I saw a Gate back to Hawkins so i started running towards it, I was about halfway there when big boulders started falling in front of me, The gate was getting smaller by the minute. I kept running as fast as i could...


"I MELT WITH YOU." I yelled. That was her favorite song, i remember from when we were dating she would listen to it all the time. (I dont know if thats her favorite song, i think its playing in the first episode when they are shotgunning beers and crap..) Dustin grabbed the bag we had, we filled it with tapes of songs, we got a few from Nancy's collection, we just had to hope that Danger zone was one of those.

"DUSTIN HURRY UP!" I said, "I'M TRYING!!" He yelled, searching frantically for the song.  He found it, and dropped it... On the floor, "SHIT SHIT SHIT" He said, "DUSTIN!" I yelled, "SORRY!" He yelled back and threw the tape to me. I put the headphones on her, hoping it would work. 


I jumped through the gate right as it was about to close, and then fell backwards into steve's arms. I turned around, noticing how close we were. He inched forward and so did I, I was looking into his eyes, and he was looking into mine, I glanced at his lips, and then my eyes flickered back to his eyes...  "GUYS." Lucas Yelled. (I dont remember if he was there or not😬) 


We leapt apart from each other, as Lucas said, "You need to get out of there, before Vecna comes back!" "Right... Right" I said, and Nancy started climbing the ladder, once she was through i climbed up.


As we walked back to  Nancy's house, she was in the front talking to Robin, and i was with dustin in the back. "Okay, Can we talk about the almost kiss you shared with Nancy??"  Dustin asked. "What about it..." I replied... "You Almost KISSED her!!" He said, "Your point?" I asked. "My point. Is that you totally like her!!" He said. "What- no I dont..." I said. He saw right through me.

"You dare lie to your best friend??" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Fine, maybe I like her just a little bit...." I said.
