23_Balsa Wood Bones


"Andrew are you ready?" Tara pokes her head into mine and Tyler's room and smiles at me.

"Yeah." I quickly pull on a sweater and walk to her.

"You're wearing a sweater? It's like ninety degrees out." She looks disapprovingly at my sweater.

"I'm wearing shorts," I say.

She rolls her eyes. "Well I guess it's better that we're gonna be inside."

"See." I smile as we walk out to the living room.

Marshal and Tyler are waiting for us on the couch. "You ready, sugar cakes?" Marshal says it dead at Tara.

"Shut up." Tara crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. I walk over to Tyler standing up and put an arm around his waist.

He smiles and looks at me. "Hey," he says, a hint of... sweetness in his voice. I don't know why ever since last night we can't stop being so smiley and close to each other.

"Hi." I lean up and kiss his cheek before wrapping both of my arms around his waist.

"Let's go," Marshal says as he holds the door open. Everyone files out. Tara was right. It's so hot outside. The thirty or fourty seconds it takes to walk to the car, I'm sweating.

I hop in quickly and actually wish I had just stood outside. "Fuck why do you have a black car?!" I look at Tyler. It's so hot in the car, the seat pretty much burns my legs. I pick my legs up and put my feet on the dashboard. The air blowing from the vents runs down my legs and the air's still hot but it's so much better than the way the seat feels on my ass right now.

Tyler starts the car. "Seatbelts!" He yells with enthusiasm. I fumble quickly for the seatbelt and the worst thing happens. I accidentally grab the metal on the buckle.

"Ow. Fuck." I reach around it and yank the seatbelt down into place and try my best to buckle it one handed.

"Poor Andrew." Tyler laughs as he watches me in pain.

"Shut up and drive." I scowl at him. He smiles and pulls out of the driveway and starts driving down the street. After a minute, cool air starts blowing from the vents and I put my feet down and the seat isn't as hot anymore so I start getting more comfortable. With that out of the way, the only thing I have to worry about is Tyler's driving.

He turns corners at incredible speed so we all wrench the opposite direction and I hear Marshal and Tara falling in each other's laps in the backseat.

I look over at Tyler and he's smiling, his hands keep re-gripping the wheel and they keep switching positions and he keeps cutting people off. I keep watching the way his cheeks are rising with his smiling and then I'm being flung forward. The seatbelt locks and I push my hands out to catch myself but my left hand slides off the radio and my head slams into the dashboard.

"Sorry. Are you guys okay? This jackass jumped in front of me." Tyler curses and lays his hand on the horn.

"Cause he's the jackass who's jumping in front of people," Marshal remarks from the back.

"Flying 70 in a 35," Tara follows.

"Tyler, sweetheart, you're a reckless driver," I say to him. He looks over at me and sighs before nodding and turning his head back to the road.

He starts driving again and this time I swear he's doing it just to mess with us cause it feels like he's going faster. I grab the ceiling handle and look up. "Dear God, I don't believe in you, but please forgive my boyfriend and please don't kill us."

"Amen!" Tara and Marshal yell from the back.

The car comes slowly to a halt and we all look at Tyler. He smiles as he looks between us. "We're here." He sends us a quick wink before he turns the car off.

"Jesus Christ. Tyler, I'm driving on the way back," Marshal says, waving his finger at Tyler in the front seat.

"Are you ready?" I hear Tara ask Marshal.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he answers as he looks up at Alana's apartment building. It doesn't look that big. Maybe four or five floors.

When we get inside the lobby is dimmly lit. It's small and quaint and there are no couches or chairs or any furniture really. I see a few vending machines in the corner half-filled and giving off a tiny bit of flickering fluorescent light.

We walk up to the little intercom buttons and find Hicks/Gray. Tyler presses it and after a second it makes a weird clicking sound.

"Who is it?" It's Alana's voice.

"It's Tyler... And like everyone." He turns and looks at us, shrugging.

"Come on up then." Her voice leaves and then a really loud buzzer sounds and an elevator door opens.

"God, this place is creepy," Tara says.

"Aren't you like about to move in?" I ask as I look at her. She shudders as we step into the open door.

The door shuts and Tyler clicks the button to Alana's floor. It takes a second and the elevator sounds like it's going to break under all our weight but it doesn't and the doors finally open. The hall is quiet and lit just enough you can see the black numbers on the golden plaques.

We find Alana's place and Tyler knocks on the door. We all wait and then Alana opens up the door. She's in a green t-shirt that says Aren't I just one big freaking ray of sunshine? in yellow letters and a pair of lacey black boy shorts. Her hair looks matted and somehow still a bit tame.

"Hey, baby." Tara walks up to her and kisses her cheek.

"Why are you guys here so early?" Alana rubs her head and looks at us confusingly.

"It's like 4 o'clock," Marshal states.

"Oh..." Alana shrugs. "Come in then, I guess."


Word Count: 1014

Hey guys!!! So I know this one is SUPER late but like I've been so busy and I'm so sorry. I love you guys so much and like I'm sorry I haven't been updating on the old schedule. Like one every day.

I feel really terrible and I've had this chapter written for a few days but I haven't gotten around to the author's note.

Also I've noticed all throughout the day we've had a new lovely reading the first and from what I saw now the second step brother book. So congratulations and welcome and thank you so much to the newest member of our little lovelie community -StupidAssHoe-

So yeah um hi, thank you for reading and commenting. You're a fast reader. You're like Alana and Jacob literally so rock on my dood.

Also thank you so much to you other lovelies who are still reading this. I really do like love you guys and appreciate you guys and I wanna hug y'all to the point like it's just all so amazing thank you for realness.

Also I might do the song thing again. Idk.


I love you lovelies so much!!!! Stay sweetous!!!! *smooches*


