
I let my hands fall to the side, my mouth falls open. I'm flabbergasted. It's then that Tara decides to pop her head out of the closet.

Tyler looks up at me, over at her, and then up at me again. "I was going to tell you when I knew I could."

I just stare at him. It feels like the only thing I can do. It's now that his blue eyes feel ever more piercing.

I get off of him, stand up, walk past Tara, out the door, and then I'm down the stairs. I slip on the closest possible shoes and pull on the closest pull over. As soon as the front door is open, I'm staring at a stressed-looking Marshal.

I squint at him. Tilt my head. "Marshal?"

"Is Tyler here?" He sounds upset, his voice is shaking.

"He's currently upstairs. Marshal, what's going on?" He reaches up and wipes his tear-stained cheek.

"Delta and I... we broke up." His expression drops.

"Oh Marshal..." I reach my arms out and he falls into them, a wail escaping him. "Come on... Let's go someplace and talk about it."

He nods on my shoulder. "You drive..." He holds his keys up. I grab them and we walk out to his car together. I help him into the passenger side and then I sit in the driver side.

After a minute of the quiet sobs from Marshal, we've arrived at Tara's apartment building. I help Marshal into the elevator as he holds onto my arm.

"She was so mad about picking you and Tyler up from the police station. She said I could've used the money for something better and said it was a boyfriend thing to do..."

"She thinks you're cheating on her with me doesn't she?" He nods. Quiet. The doors open and we walk to Tara's apartment. I knock fast and hard.

After a minute, Alana flings the door open. Her hair is feathered and now died a burgundy. She's stunning in a purple slinky dress and black high heels; no wonder she seems so tall. Her brown eyes, lined with thick black eyeliner, flicker from me to Marshal. She looks Marshal up and down. "Oh, God."

I look between them. Marshal stands up taller as he looks at her. "You."

"You." They look at each other, flabbergasted.

"You guys know each other?" I look at them.

They both look at me before back at each other again. "Jacob's brother." Alana says. I look at Marshal.

"He disappeared after that girl's funeral." It sounds snarky almost.

"'That girl' has a name." Alana's voice raises as she looks at him.

"Well whatever the fuck it is, he went to her funeral and poof. Gone."

"You don't want to start this with me. I already told the stupid fucking cops I had nothing to do with him disappearing."

"Then who did? That stupid slut?"

"Hey!" She reaches out, pushes him back with both hands. "She had sex with one guy once that doesn't mean slut! It means teenage girl!"

Marshal looks at her. "I heard more."

"Well you heard wrong!" Alana sounds furious and I wonder now how many people that girl affected. Alana steps back, puts her hands over her face and after a second she looks up, wiping her eyes with her fingers. "I had nothing to do with Jacob disappearing." She looks down for a second, finishes wiping her eyes. "But I know where he is." She looks up at Marshal. I turn my head and look at him.

His mouth parts like he's about to say something but he steps back. "Where?"

"He lives in LA with me. The day of my graduation he just called me out of fucking nowhere. He told me to go live with him. He knew Tyler was there with Mark and Jack and Felix. He told me to go and I went." She sniffles, wipes her nose. "I had to, for Cheyanne."

"You knew where he was and you never told any of us. Any of us people who were worried fucking sick." Marshal snaps. She looks at him.

"He didn't want anyone to know. Hell the only people he would've fucking ever told was me and probably Cheyanne."

"Cheyanne's fucking dead! That makes you the only person he would've fucking told!" He yells.

"It's not my fault he didn't want to stay here and listen to people talk about Cheyanne like that! Hear you talk about her like that! 'Oh gather the fuck around! The whore had feelings!'" By this point, Alana's crying again. "I hate it all! She only had sex with one guy! He was her best friend and he fucking betrayed her! Told everyone! She had sex with one guy and it was her biggest fear! It was the one thing she hated to fear but still feared! She had sex with her best friend! One guy! And she got 'whore' and 'slut' because that's all anyone cares about! Making other people seem like shit because of one mistake!" She's yelling, crying, her makeup is running. "I wish everyday! Every-mother-fucking-day that she was still here to say something stupid and corny and so innopropriate or personal or even just terrible! Just to make me laugh! I wish she was here to keep giving me hugs because she can't stand letting go! She was my best friend and you people have no idea how much she fucking affected me or Tyler or thousands of other people with that high voice, over thought plans, contagious laugh! Now she can't affect any more people than she wanted to! She wanted to start a fucking revolution! She wanted to make everyone see what was right! She wanted to change people's lives! And she did! She changed mine and Tyler's and so many other people! She wanted to change everyone's! But now she can't because people like you fucking killed her!" She falls down on the ground. Her hands cover her face and she cries. Not small or fake like most. It's big, genuine.


Word Count: 1019

Hiiii. So I know I'm like incredibly late for this update. I've had like ten people yelling at me for being so terrible at updating. I'm sorry. I've had like the BIGGEST writer's block. But here you goo!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it and just leave your comments on it down below.

I'll try updating again soon.

Remember to always stay lovelie and sweetous as you always have been!!!


I love you lovelies so much!!!! Stay sweetous!!!! *smooches*



