June 9, 2013

" I'm graduating today." Sammi screamed in her ear as she jumped on Cat's bed.

"Sammi, I need you to get off my bed, I'm trying to sleep."

" Mommy said I could wake you up."

" So mommy's up?"

" Nope, she went back to sleep." Of course she did. Classic Janet.

"Go put on your dress. When the clock says 6:30 you can wake me back up. Don't wake up Teagen, either."

Cat rolled back over and went back to sleep for another 30 minutes, before her alarm went off. She rolled out of bed and put her uniform on, the same one she had been wearing since Kindergarten.

She was in the bathroom putting makeup on when Sammi came bursting in, "Hurry up."

" Sammi, that's rude." 

Sammi just raced out again. Cat finished her makeup and braided her hair, she had a presentation today. She then needed to get out of there and make it to the auditorium before the graduation started. William was taking her to school today, with Teagen in tow. Sammi got to stay with Janet and watch cartoons all morning until it was time for graduation. Cat was really trying to be excited for Sammi, but Janet never went this far for Cat. 

"Dad, I've got breakfast in my hands, we can go. I need to be there early to set up if I want to be able to leave."

They got in the car and Cat tried to make small talk with William, because Cat knew he really wasn't listening. He pulled up to the curb.

"Bye dad, love you, see you in a few hours. Bye teapot." Cat said quickly as she shut the door to the minivan.

'Teapot' had become a nickname for Teagen that only Cat could use. 

Cat went to her English teacher's classroom.

" Thank you so much for letting me go first, Mrs. Gilman.

" Of course, Cat. I understand you need to be at your younger sister's graduation."

" Do you mind if I try pulling up my presentation?" 

 They had to pick a common theme of literature and provide a classic literature as well as a newer book example, a song that encompasses it, as well as make a real world connection to their lives.

" Go ahead and grab your computer and plug in the cable when you are ready."

Cat sat and waited through Mrs. Gilman's speech about how they had grown up so much in the past year and their writing had matured and they were ready for  next year's English class.

Cat got up and began her presentation on Coming of Age. She went the perfect speed, not too fast so that people couldn't read, but she wasn't wasting time either. She finished her presentation and put her computer away.

"Thank you." Cat said as she walked towards the auditorium.

She was the first one there so she saved seats for everyone. Janet and William arrived 20 minutes later with Teagen. The ceremony was about to begin.

Cat saw Mrs. Evans leading her class in. Sammi was wearing a navy blue gown with a cap that had a little chin strap. All the Kindergartners got up on the stage and sang the same songs that Cat sang. She heard the first sentence and knew the rest of the words.

The kids then got in line.

" Samantha Montgomery. When Samantha grows up she wants to be just like her mommy." Mrs. Evans said.

Oh Lord. That was totally coached. Cat heard Janet tell Sammi that answer.

After the ceremony, Sammi came and took pictures. Janet wanted one family picture then basically banished Cat and Teagen to the other side of the auditorium, so she could have alone time.

" It's okay Teapot, we'll go have fun." Cat set Teagen down and she ran around eventually Teagen got bored of being inside so Cat took her out onto the playground. They played until Cat got a text from William. They had been gone for about 30 minutes and no one had noticed.

Lunch was all about Sammi, so Cat just sat quietly and nodded and smiled politely.

Janet decided to take Sammi shopping, so she just left Cat, William, and Teagen at the restaurant.

William got a text. "Cat I have to drop the two of you off at home. There's an emergency patient."

Great. She was stuck babysitting for who knows how long.

William made sure they got inside okay, kissed their cheeks then left again.

" Teapot, what do you want to do?"

" Ballpit."

" Sure, come on we have to go blow it up first."

Twenty minutes later they were in an inflatable pool throwing plastic balls at each other.

"Teagen, it's time for dinner, come here please." Cat called out to her younger sister, who was still running around outside, she'd been going for hours and Cat needed a break, unfortunately, there was no one to give her one.

" No."

" Uh-uh T, you aren't doing this to me, I'm giving you a warning, if I have to tell you again, there won't be any TV tonight, so come inside."

" O-tay." Teagen said cantering inside.

" Ma-cheese me." That was Teagen's way of saying feed me mac and cheese. Luckily, Cat could cook it and Amelia always left extra boxes in the cupboard just for these occasions. 

" Ok, sweet girl, I'll make Mac and cheese, do you want some crackers while you wait."

" Please."

Cat got Teagen in her high chair without much of a fuss and in fifteen minutes dinner was ready. Cat fed Teagen as she fed herself, which was not easy. Teagen was tired, Cat could tell from the look in her eyes. She hadn't wanted to take a nap today and Cat wasn't gonna force it. 

When they were done, Cat took Teagen out in the front yard and played a game of I'm gonna get you, until Teagen started rubbing her eyes. 

Cat took Teagen back inside and sat down on the couch with Teagen facing her on Cat's lap.

" What song should we sing, huh? Twinkle Twinkle? Or rockabye baby?"

Rockabye Teagen. On sissy's lap, when you get sleepy  just take a nap. Then when you wake up we can play and we'll have some fun for the rest of the day. 
