Part 16

"What could it possibly be missing?" You ask.

"I don't know... maybe we should ask the others."

Felix carefully picks up the cake, and you go out to find everyone.

You and Felix part ways. He checks the dining room while you look in all of their bedrooms... none of them are anywhere in sight, so you decide to go find Felix once again.

When you enter the dining room, you are met with a loud popping sound and a face full of confetti. It frightens you so much your legs feel weak, and you almost fall to your knees.

All of the boys stand in a circle around the table, along with your cake that now had a set of candles in it.

A wave of stomach sickness comes over you. you weren't sure how you should feel.

Felix slowly starts to light the candles while they all sing happy birthday in unison.

As you stare down at the cake, still in shock, they all look at you hopefully, waiting for you to blow them out.

You decide to play along. You could tell the boys put a lot of love into this.

You take your time blowing out the candles, struggling to blink away the tears that well up in your eyes.

"Did you make a wish!?" Minho claps.

You nod, and Felix hands you a knife to cut the cake.

Once everyone gets a piece, you dig in. In spite of its appearance, it was once of the best cakes you've ever eaten.

But the joy of eating one of your favorite foods did not shake the knot in your throat, and a tear slips down your cheek.

"Y/N, you're crying."

You hadn't realised Hyunjin had been standing so close.

"Ah, don't cry! What's the matter?" Chan leans in, wiping the tears from your face.

"Nothing, I'm fine! Just really happy that's all." You lie.

"Y/N is so emotional! How cute!" Jeongin laughs.

All of the boys poke fun at you besides one...

Han looks lost. Nobody seems to notice as he lays down his plate and quietly leaves the room.

You shove your last bite into your mouth and excuse yourself, quickly following him outside.

It was still early, so the sun was still bright in your eyes.

He hears you following behind him and turns to face you.

"I'm not responsible for all of this... you know that right." He glances down at the ground.

You wanted to believe him... you really did, but how else could the others know your secret?

"Please believe me, Y/N..." He grabs a hold of your arms, squeezing your elbows with a pleading expression.

His face looked sincere, but you still felt unsure.

You tilt your head down to avoid eye contact, but he grabs you by the chin, forcing you to look into his eyes.

"Please look at me." He bites his lip. "I know it may be hard but please trust me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you."

You wanted so badly to trust him, but it still was not adding up.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" He sighs. "I can see it in your eyes."

He furrows his brows, struggling to find the right words to say.

"It felt really good knowing that you felt comfortable enough with me to confine in me, so the last thing I would want to do is break that trust." He continues. "And to be honest I... I really like you, Y/N... like, a lot."

As he speaks, he leans toward you, stopping when your noses touch.

"So please... allow me to get closer to you."

With these words, he closes the gap between you, his lips touching softly against yours.
