Part 11

You quietly sob into your hands until somebody grabs you by your shoulders.

"Y/N, are you alright?"

You look up to see Chan, a look of concern in his eyes.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"I came to help you move your things...but thats besides the point." Chan shakes his head. "Let's get you out of here."

He takes you by your hand, gently helping you over the side of the fountain.

With an arm around your shoulders, he leads you back up to your dorm room.

When you get there, your roommate has already left.

It still looked like a tornado had hit. Chans eyes widen at the sight of your clothing all over the floor.

"I can explain..." You sigh.

"It's alright... right now, you should take a warm shower and change out of those clothes before you get sick."

You hang your head in shame, doing as he had said.

Once you change into something cozy, you are shocked to see that all of your things were packed neatly back into your suitcases.

Chan sits on your bed, and you flop down beside him.

"So...are you going to talk to me?" Chan tilts his head to look into your eyes.

You take down your hair, telling him about the fight you had with your dormmate.

"When people see idols, they tend to look at the fun side of things..." As he talks, he takes the towel out of your hands, squeezing the water out of your hair. "But you are also surrounded by people who want nothing more than to tear you down."

"Jealousy is a terrible thing... but you have to remember that even though these cruel people exist, there will always be people who are cheering you on." He continues. "Like your parents... even though they are not here with you and you no longer have your necklace, you know that they are rooting for you, and that's all that matters, right?"

You nod your head, letting out a loud exhale as he passes you back the towel.

"It seems like every time I find you alone, you're crying..." Chan lays a reassuring hand on your arm. "But you're not going to be alone anymore."

He gets up off of the bed, motioning for you to follow.

"Come on, let's go to your new home."

Bangchan helps you carry your bags to the Stray Kids dorm.

When you get to your new dorm room, Bangchan lays your suitcases on the bed.

"The boys decorated it for you to help you feel more comfortable, I hope you like it."

"I absolutely love it!"

"I'm glad." He smiles. "The others are out right now, so take your time and settle in."

"I'll just be out in the living room if you need me." He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

You take a moment to nose around the room. The fact that they had put so much effort into your welcome made your heart feel full.

As you pack the last of your clothing in the drawers, you notice a small wrapped box on top of the highboy.

You open it to reveal some delicious looking cookies and a note that read:

"Sorry I can't be there to welcome you with open arms, but I hope these sweets feel like a warm hug when you eat them.


You smile, shoving one in your mouth and taking another in your hand, heading out to find Bangchan.

The living room was small and cozy. Bangchan lay back on the couch, working quietly on his laptop.

He hadn't noticed you entered the room until the couch moved as you sat beside him.

"So you found Felix's treat?" He chuckles, staring at the cookie you were eating.

You nod, holding out the cookie in your other hand for him to take.

Both of his hands were busy typing, so he opened his mouth for you to put it in.

You break off a piece and stick it in his mouth.

"Wow, I was not expecting to be fed." He laughs as he chews.

You laugh, too, leaning over slightly to see what was on his screen so important.

He had noticed that you were curious.

"It's a new song that I'm working on. Do you want to listen?"

"Oh my God, can I?"

He takes one of the earbuds out of his ears, handing it to you.

You close your eyes, listening to the beat.

"Wow, it's really good so far!" You exclaim. " I'm excited to hear when it's done."

You spend the next few hours quietly watching bangchan work.

"Hey, Y/N, do you like how this sounds? or did it sound better before?" Chan asks you a question, but you do not reply...

He hadn't realised that you had slowly dosed off onto his shoulder.

"Ah, why are you so cute?"  He whispers to himself as he looks down at your sleeping face.

He pulls a throw off of the arm of the couch, covering you up and continuing his work for the rest of the evening.
