#93 Destroying Paths

Naruto POV

I watched, as my teammates jumped away and then turned towards the group of pierced shinobi that stood before me. Taking out my katana I went through a series of one handed hand signs, before slamming it onto the ground. "Where is Akira?", came the almost immediate question from the smoke cloud that had appeared. "I am so sorry.", I said, looking in the eyes of four giant tigers, each with numerous scars on their fur. "Was it them?", the one on the right asked, almost whispering, while looking at the cloaked figures in front of me. "No, but they are working together.", I said, while readying my sword. "Let's do this.", I said, as I jumped towards the pains. A woman with short orange hair jumped in my way and slammed her hands on the ground, summoning a giant bird, that flew straight at me. I knew, that the tigers had my back so I just went ahead, straight at the summoner. The pain slammed her hands on the ground another time, just as the bird was body slammed out of the air by one of the tigers, causing both to roll over the ground, away from everyone, eventually dispelling themselves, since they had sustained too much damage from the collision. The second smoke cloud was broken, as a giant rhino charged through it. I ducked under its horn, resuming my run towards the group of pains. I faintly heard the rhino being taken down by two of the tigers, before hearing them all dispel. I was slightly worried, since I had yet to attack any of the pains and they had already taken out three of my summonings. I continued with my attack, dragging my arm back forming a rasengan in the free hand. I saw the summoner, readying another summoning. I sped up and was almost in range to hit her, when I saw another pain jump between me and her, blocking my path. I was just about to slow down, so I wouldn't run straight into him, since I was not fast enough to bring my arm in front of me in time to destroy this path of pain, when I saw Akiara, the last remaining tiger, come from the side and tackle the pain out of the way. I saw the summoner's eyes widen, before I slammed my rasengan into her body, ripping it apart, before anyone else could react. I jumped back trying to evade the retaliating strikes of the demon path, who was wildly firing rockets at me. I had to watch as the pain that had been tackled away by Akiara, was saved by one of the rockets, that flew straight into the back of the tiger. He instantly dispelled and the downed pain stood up, with no injuries other than a slightly torn coat. I grit my teeth and looked around, seeing that everyone was kind of out matched. I saw Itachi's dead body lying on the ground, next to Ino, Shino and Neji, who were hopefully only sleeping. Temari was apparently evenly matched against Sasori, who was chasing her around, using his puppets, just like Konan was trying to land a hit on team Shiro. They too looked like they had evaded most of the hard hits from Konan, but it was obvious, that they had not landed one either. Putting my hands out I pushed chakra into them, while focusing on the five remaining pains. They had changed their formation, when I had killed the summoning shinobi, now the one with the chakra absorbing ability stood in front, backed up by the almighty one and the mechanic shinobi. Behind them stood the Human path and the Naraka path. I saw the Naraka path go through a series of hand signs and could only watch as a giant gate appeared. A light travelled from the gate to the path I had just destroyed and sure enough, the girl stood up as if nothing had happened. I groaned and pushed more chakra into my hands. I had forgotten about the reviving abilities of that particular path. I had to take him out first, if I wanted to make any progress in this fight. Pushing even more chakra into my hands, I created two balls of condensed chakra, that swirled in my hands. Starting to run at the group of six the balls began to glow with more and more chakra, eventually forming four blades that spun around the balls. I saw the Preta path move towards me to absorb my jutsus. Smiling, I continued to run, while I threw one of my Rasenshuriken over the head of the first few shinobi. I saw the eyes of the pains widen, as my Rasenshuriken hit the human and the naraka path . The compressed chakra ball exploded and the two paths were shredded. I still had my second rasenshuriken in my hand and pushed it in front of me, towards the preta path. Grinning, I saw how the man readied himself for the impact. I smiled, pulled the my hand back and punched the shinobi square in the face. He flew away towards the site and I pushed my second rasenshuriken into the animal path, killing it a second time.

I smiled ever so slightly, I had just destroyed three of the paths with one single attack. Then I was suddenly pushed away.

I landed in a tree, face first, almost breaking my neck. When I looked up I saw the Deva path standing in front of the three man group. I stood up, readying myself for a hard fight. I knew what the paths are capable of, and I also knew, that I had only taken out the worst paths. It would be a long fight.
