#67 Back Home

Naruto POV

We were walking down the streets of Konoha when I noticed that Temari was quieter than usual. I took her hand and pulled her closer to me, smiling at her. She smiled back but I saw in her eyes that something was bothering her.

We got out of the village and I teleported us back to Suna, smiling at the feeling of hot air in my lungs. Walking into the kazekage's office Rasa greeted us with a smile.

"I see you have accomplished your mission.", he said, looking up from his paperwork. "Yeah, although Jiraiya, the transitional Hokage that Konoha had appointed, didn't have faith in us at first. Anyways, I would say that the kids have earned a week vacation.", our sensei proposed, earning a thoughtful nod from the kazekage.

"What do you want to do with our free week?", I asked Temari, while we were walking towards our future home to look how it was coming along. "I don't know.", she replied, looking over the people that were walking around us. "Hey, Temari, take my hand.", I said, holding my hand out to her. She took my hand and we disappeared in a yellow flash. We reappeared on the sandstone walls of Sunagakure, looking into the setting sun that was burning the desert and painting everything red.

I faced Temari and took her hands. "What is going on?", I asked. "Nothing.", Temari replied silently, while she obviously didn't believe that herself. I tilted my head and looked at her with a raised brow. "You can't hide these things from me.", I said smiling. Temari sighed deeply and hugged me. When we parted, I saw the tears in her eyes. I could also hear it in her voice as she spoke up with sadness in it. "We let three comrades die on this mission today. We could have saved them.", she whispered, tears breaking free. I hugged the crying girl, trying to sooth her guilt. "We did everything we could. When we saved Tsunade, we signaled them that we had her. But by the position we had found them, I think that they were already dead at that point. We couldn't have done anything since we were fighting our own fights when they died.", I whispered, trying to reason with the girl. "But if I can't save them, then how am I supposed to be protecting you?", Temari said, sobbing. "You won't have to protect me, and even if you have to, I am sure you would do just fine.", I said, smiling at her with complete trust in my words. She smiled lightly at me, wiping her tears. "Why am I getting so worked up about these Anbu ? I mean I didn't even know them and they were well aware of the risk they were taking.", Temari said, sniffling. I just put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to me. "Let's go and look at how our house is coming along.", I said, pulling the girl with me.

"Wow.", was the only thing Temari said as she looked at the construction site, where our house was being built. The workers had already completely finished our house. The other two small houses were almost done too. Since it was pretty late in the day there were no workers, as it was way too hot to work, and we took the liberty to go into the house to look around. The walls had yet to be painted and there was a lot of debris laying around, but I knew that it would look perfect. A quick glance to the side told me that Temari was thinking the same thing. I smiled, having succeeded in getting her thoughts away from the three dead Anbu.

"How about we go to the spa?", I asked, when we left the house. "That sounds great, it has been a while, since we went there.", my girlfriend smiled, taking my hand. I smiled back at her and gave her a quick kiss before a yellow flash engulfed us again.

We entered the spa and saw that Maria was at the front desk. She smiled at us and gave us the sealed box with the keys to the private part of the spa. I opened the blood seal and took out the keys, nodding at the woman, who took the box and placed it back under her desk.

As we entered our bedroom I turned to Temari and gave her a deep kiss, pulling her close to me. "I love you.", I whispered, when we parted again. Temari blushed and nuzzled her face in my neck, mumbling "I love you more.". I grinned and quickly spun her around, before letting myself fall back onto our bed, pulling her with me. The blonde girl yelped as she fell on me, before she grinned and began to laugh. I smiled and waited a bit for her to stop laughing, pulling her down into a kiss.

As we parted Temari sat up. "Let's go to sleep, I'm tired.", she said, standing up and going to the closet, where we always kept a few sets of clothing. She was halfway through changing when she noticed that I had not moved from my position on the bed and was watching her. "You like what you see?", she asked smiling, her bare back facing me, while she threw her bra in the closet and took out a t-shirt. "Yeah, I do.", I replied, standing up, while she put the shirt on. As usually she slept only in panties and shirt.

I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. Temari let out a small moan before turning around and pressing her lips against mine, for another heated kiss.

"Now, let's get you changed", she whispered into my ears. I smiled as she took of my shirt and I unbuckled my belt, soon enough standing there only clad in my boxershorts. I went to the closet, swaying my ass in an exaggerated fashion, drawing laughter from my girlfriend. I grinned to myself as I put a pair of sweatpants on and slid a t-shirt over my shoulders. "Why do you always cover your muscles? They are so nice to look at.", Temari complained, with a smile on her face. I didn't respond but instead went over to her and put my arms around her back. "Then you will have to take my shirt off of me.", I said with a wink before giving her a quick kiss and throwing myself on the bed. Temari was blushing madly at my suggestion but followed me onto the bed.

After a few minutes of kissing, she slowly sneaked her hands down my back, trying to distract me with another kiss. I grinned and let her be, lifting my arms so she could take of my shirt for the second time in a few minutes. Once she was done I took charge however and rolled her over, pinning her down and assaulting her with kisses.

I woke up, when something was moving wildly in my arms. Opening my eyes I saw that it was in the middle of the night and that Temari was turning in my arms. I saw on her face that she was not having a pleasant dreams, so I decided to wake her up. Lightly tickling her, she quickly opened her eyes and began laughing.

"Glad I could make you smile.", I said, smiling. Temari smiled at me and put her head on my chest. "I kept seeing their dead bodies.", Temari mumbled, suppressing some tears. I kissed her forehead and held her tightly. "I'm here.", I whispered, watching as the girl slowly fell asleep.
