Struck by Growing Feelings

Mark and Seungwan headed to the Namsan Outdoor Botanical Garden. His manager and Seungkwan followed them. Seungwan stopped at each plant to let Mark bask in the beauty of nature. He whipped out his phone to take pictures and she asked, "Do you want me to take pictures for you?" Mark thanked her and passed his phone to her. After Mark posed with several plants, Seungwan ordered Seungkwan to join him. Seungkwan ran as fast as the Flash to Mark. Mark then requested photos with Seungwan, so he commanded Seungkwan to take the photos. Disappointed, he sluggishly walked away from the two to snap pictures. The manager grabbed Mark's phone to photograph all of them, with Mark in the middle so that Seungkwan does not tussle with Seungwan. 

They all walked some more around the garden until sunset. Now that it was nighttime, Seungwan suggested they visit Namsan Tower to end the night. The men followed her to the tower. At night, the colorful lights shone beautifully and brightly. Mark took a selfie with everyone in front of the tower. After looking at the group picture, they turned around to stare at the tower. 

Seungwan stated, "The lights are so pretty." Gazing at her, Mark agreed. Without Seungwan noticing, he turned off the sound on his phone and took a picture of her side profile. 

Mark and Seungwan bid each other goodbye. Seungwan waved at Seungkwan and the manager, but only the manager waved back. Seungkwan stared off into space. 

Seungwan returned to her apartment. "I'm home!" she announced. Joohyun hugged her and exclaimed, "I missed you!" Seungwan hugged her back. 

"How was the trip?" Joohyun questioned. "Was the guy cute?"

"The trip was fun! We went to the Blind Spot, Namsan Botanical Garden, and then Namsan Tower. And the guy was super cute. This caught me off guard, but the guy I emailed was Mark Tuan."

"The singer?" 

"The singer!" 

They screamed into each other's arms. Suddenly, Irene paused. "How did you not know he was famous?"

"He didn't tell me."

"Why didn't you search his name?"

"I don't think I would've believed that was him. I only knew once these girls asked to take a picture with him."

"Well, it was probably safer for him to not reveal his identity. I mean, there are so many creeps on the Internet." 

Seungwan laughed. "He and his friend Seungkwan said the same thing."

"Did you take any pictures, Seungwan?"

"Right. Let me ask for the pictures. I should also tell him our next location for tomorrow."

Joohyun raised her eyebrows. "Where will you go?"

"I'm thinking of the Antique Furniture Street."

"The antiques there are nice!"

"I know! I'm so excited."

She unlocked her phone to text Mark:

Can you send me the pictures from today? Also, meet me at Antique Furniture Street tomorrow at 9 am

Waiting for his response, she took a shower. Coming out of the bathroom with her hair up in a towel, she checked her phone. Mark replied:

📎 5 images attached

See you tomorrow!

Joohyun saw Seungwan's face light up. "Do you like him, Seungwan?" she inquired. 

"I may have a tiny crush on him, but it doesn't matter because he'll never see me that way. We're from two different worlds. Soon, he'll go back to his singing career, and I'll just be his tour guide. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You never know! You have his email and phone number. You can reach out to him."

"We'll probably remain friends."

Winking, Joohyun said, "A girl can dream, Seungwan."


The next day, Seungwan woke up early to wait for Mark at the Antique Furniture Street. Of course, the manager and Seungkwan tagged along. 

They walked down the street and entered every shop to scan the furniture. The designs were classic. Mark was fascinated by the history behind the items. 

Since they walked many steps, their stomachs were growling from hunger. Seungwan showed them a barbecue place called Maple Tree House, and they feasted on the meat. While eating, sauce from the barbecue stained her cheek, and Mark wiped it using a napkin. Seungkwan looked at them weirdly. She felt her cheeks heat up, so she turned to the side to drink water. 

When it was time to pay, Seungwan and Seungkwan were fighting over the bill, but Mark already paid for the meal behind their backs. 

"You're the guest, yet you keep paying," Seungwan told him.

"It's my way of thanking you for being my tour guide."

She faked a smile. Right. I'm just a tour guide.

"Tomorrow, I think we should go to Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art."

"Sounds good. Let's go in the afternoon at like 3 pm."

"3 pm works."

They waved at each other and parted ways. Seungwan went home, and Joohyun asked, "What happened today?"

"Mark liked the Antique Furniture Street. We got hungry from the walking, so we ate barbecue. When I got sauce on my cheek, he wiped it."

"That's so cute!"

"It was kind of embarrassing. His friend saw, and I started to blush."

"He could've just handed you a napkin to remove it yourself."

"True. Well, he also paid for the barbecue."

"He seems interested in you!"

"The reason he paid was that he wanted to thank me for being his tour guide. I have to keep reminding myself that. I think he's a nice person in general, especially to women. His friend seems to dislike me, though." 

"His friend is probably third-wheeling. That's why."

Seungwan chuckled. "I think he is! He's going to third-wheel at the Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art as well." 


Seungwan arrived at the museum first, waiting for the trio. Once they entered the building, she introduced them to the traditional art. Then, they viewed the contemporary art. 

Seungkwan whispered into Mark's ear a pickup line, "In a room full of art, I'd still stare at you." Mark pushed his face away but whispered back, "I'm staring at Seungwan." 

After seeing all of the artwork, Seungwan chirps, "The art is stunning!" 

"Like you."

She looked at him, stunned. "You think I'm pretty?"

"Prettier than the art," he argued. 

She playfully punched his shoulder. "That's not true. I'm taking you to Gallery Through tomorrow at the same time to show you how pretty art is." 

"Okay, but I stand by my statement. You should know that you're pretty."

"You're too nice, Mark. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that you're good-looking, right?"

He leaned in closer, his hand behind his ear. "What'd you say? Can you repeat it?"

She rolled her eyes jokingly and grinned. With that, they left the museum. Seungwan was met with a curious Joohyun at home.

"Mark said that I'm pretty. Prettier than the art, even."

"He's saying the truth! You are pretty, Seungwan."

"Again, I don't think he's flirting. He's just kind."

"This can lead to more, Seungwan! He'll fall for you the more time you spend with him, and the more you become closer with him."

"Maybe. But for now, I've been enjoying the tours." 


At Gallery Through, Mark, Seungkwan, and the manager arrived first. When Seungwan entered, Mark walked to her and said, "I still think you're prettier than the art."

"Have you looked at all of the pieces?" she scoffed.

"Nothing will change my opinion."

"You should appreciate the real art. Follow me." The trio followed her. While she stared at the art, Mark's eyes were on her. They went around the whole building and Mark asked, "Where are we going tomorrow?" 

"Do you like jazz?" 

"I love jazz."

"Then we'll have some fun at a jazz bar named All That Jazz at night! 8 pm!"

They returned home. Seungwan told Joohyun, "He said that I'm prettier than the art at Gallery Through, too." 

"He has to be into you!"

"We'll see. I seriously think he's being nice to me because I'm his tour guide."

"I hope you two have more moments tomorrow. What's next on the agenda?"

"We're going to the jazz bar All That Jazz!"

"Have fun, Seungwan!"


Seungwan stood outside of the jazz bar. It was freezing, so Mark wrapped his jacket around her. She tried to refuse, but he wouldn't budge. "Are you sure you're not cold?" she asked. "I'm used to the cold," he answered. "Let's go inside!" he hollered.

They entered the bar. All of them decided to enjoy the music instead of drink. Seungwan told Mark, "I've been listening to your songs the past few days. They're really good. I like your voice a lot."

"What's your favorite song? I'll sing it to you."

"Sing 'Never Gonna Come Down' to me at Grand Hyatt Hotel's ice skating rink tomorrow. Is 7 pm a good time?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to go ice skating with you. I don't think my manager and Seungkwan will join us, though."

"Even better."

Seungwan rushed home to Joohyun. "I think I flirted with Mark. And I think he flirted back."

"Spill the beans!"

"I complimented his songs and singing, and he said he'll sing me my favorite song. I told him to sing to me at the ice skating rink. This time, his manager and friend won't be there. It'll be just us, alone."

They jumped up and down. "There is so much tension between you two! Get your man tomorrow, Seungwan!" Seungwan raised her fist, looking determined. 


At Grand Hyatt Hotel, Mark waited for Seungwan. He unraveled his scarf and placed it around her neck. 

"You're quite the gentleman, Mark."

"Only for you, Seungwan." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. 

She led him to the rink, and, slowly, they ice skated. Mark was a pro whereas Seungwan was struggling. She held onto him tightly as he moved around. He began to serenade her with 'Never Gonna Come Down.'

"Sometimes I just feel for you

Sometimes it just happens only once

Sometimes can't get rid of you

Need to get you out of my dreams

I can't help but think of you all these nights

Guess you just a part of my scene, my movie

I can't help but think of you all the time, all the time."

After singing the last line, the two stared deeply into each other's eyes. Mark leaned in, and Seungwan closed her eyes. She felt his soft lips on hers. Initially, he was gentle. Then, the kiss became open-mouthed—a soul kiss. They kissed as if they were not going to see each other again. Seungwan felt the sense of urgency and pulled him closer. 

From a distance, someone photographed the two. Maybe it wasn't a good idea for the manager and Seungkwan to leave them alone. 
