Struck by a Star

As Mark mentioned to Seungkwan and Seungwan, his flight took place on January 30, and he arrived in Seoul on January 31. Seungkwan waited for him at the Seoul Incheon International Aiport. Mark found him, and Seungkwan carried his luggage. Mark wore sunglasses and a cap to remain discreet. They called for a taxi and went in. In the car, he received a text from Seungwan. 

Did you have a safe flight? Are you in Seoul now?

He smiled at the text. Seungkwan asked, "Who's texting you?"

Mark told him, "Seungwan, the girl who got my email intended for you." 

Seungkwan looked at him in utter shock. "I guess she isn't a creep, then." 

Mark fixed him with a glare. "You made her hate me with your delusion." 

Seungkwan shrugged his shoulders. "I'm looking out for your safety, Mark. Anyway, does she live in Seoul, too?" 

Mark smiled again. "She does. I'm going to meet up with her later because she's going to be my tour guide." 

Seungkwan grabbed Mark's shoulders and shook him. "Are you insane? What if she does something to you?" The taxi driver looked at the two in the mirror, judging them. 

Mark faked a laugh for the taxi driver to hear and removed Seungkwan's grip from his body. "Dude, relax. We're meeting in public. Plus, my manager will accompany me. He's at a hotel right now. Also, I don't think she knows who I am."

Seungkwan was still wary of the girl. "Do you even know what she looks like?"

Mark thought about his question. "Actually, I don't." 

Seungkwan, confused as ever, stared at him with concern. "That's it. I'm going with you. I don't trust that girl."

"Fine. But please be inconspicuous. You're not outside much, and when you are, you attract attention," Mark begged.

"I am NOT flamboyant!" Seungkwan shouted. The taxi driver looked at them again. 

Mark shushed him. "Just as you are not flamboyant, Seungwan isn't a creep."

Seungkwan crossed his arms and stayed quiet throughout the car ride. Mark reveled in the silence. He replied to Seungwan. 

I had a safe flight and now I'm in Seoul 

They reached their destination and brought Mark's luggage into the house. Mark unpacked his bags to arrange his clothes in the dresser and closet. Seungkwan placed Mark's hygienic necessities in the bathroom. Seungwan texted him again and he responded:

I'm at the cafe Blind Spot. Lmk when you can come!

I'm on my way!

Mark notified his manager and Seungkwan that he was going to the coffee shop to meet Seungwan. They got ready to monitor his time with the mysterious email girl. 

Mark and Seungkwan called for a taxi and entered the shop. His manager waited for him at the front. Immediately, Seungkwan sat down at an empty table to scan the room behind the menu. It was somewhat vacant. Meanwhile, Mark and his manager stood near the entrance, examining the customers to find Seungwan. 

"Are you Mark?" Seungwan questioned. 

He walked to her, and his manager stayed in place at the door. "Yeah, I'm Mark. Are you Seungwan?"

"That's me! It's nice to meet you." She straightened her arm to shake his hand. 

She's really pretty. 

Shaking it firmly, he said, "It's a pleasure to see you in person."

"I wanted to show you my favorite place for coffee and tea. Then, we can take a stroll around Itaewon. I have so much planned for the next couple of days!"

"Looks like you prepared an itinerary. Very organized of you, tour guide." 

They exchanged smiles and ordered coffee. More people walked in and were seated. They saw Mark and chattered. 

"That's singer Mark Tuan, right?" 

"It is him!"

They also snapped pictures. Seungwan heard their comments and looked up "Mark Tuan." They were right: the guy in front of her was the famous singer by the name of Mark Tuan. 

Mark covered the side of his face, but it was no use because two teenage girls asked for a picture. Mark nodded his head, and the girls handed Seungwan the phone to take photos. They ran back to their seats, squealing after thanking them. 

Seungwan furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "I had no idea you were a singer, Mark." 

"Let me introduce myself officially. Hi, I'm Mark Tuan, the soloist. Behind me is my manager. Seungkwan is on the side over there." 

Seungwan waved at the manager. Facing toward Seungkwan, she chirped, "It's so great to finally meet you, Seungkwan!" Seungkwan reluctantly said hi back. With two fingers, he pointed at his eyes and then at Seungwan's eyes to signal that he was watching her every move. 

"Don't mind him. He still thinks you're a weird person." 

Seungwan cackled. "You're the weird one for still using email!" she exclaimed. 

"You use it, too!" he countered.

Seungwan accepted the truth and directed her focus onto Mark. They finished their coffee, which Mark paid for. 

"Let's go to the Namsan Outdoor Botanical Garden next!" 

"Lead the way, tour guide."
