Chapter 7

(Ezra pov)

I must have gone to sleep, because I wake up to find the Inquisitor standing over me. I am lying on the cold metal bench. I immediately jump to my feet. The Inquisitor laughs.
"No need to be THAT afraid of me, Padawan."
"I'm not. You just surprised me," I reply.
"That's not true. I can sense that you lied."
I shrug. "I don't tell the truth to the Empire."
"Not at the moment, perhaps. But soon you will." He towers over me, and I am backed into a wall. I glare at him, trying not to show fear.
"What do you want?" I ask.
My enemy smiles. "What I want is to force your Master to watch as I kill you. Slowly and painfully. But you are too valuable to simply die."
"Valuable?" Fear creeps into my system, and my gut gets a sinking feeling.
"Yes. Later, you are going to give me some information. Your Master won't give me anything... Well, except that he gave me your name."
"What?" I don't realize that I have spoken out loud.
"Yes. Just your first name, but it was enough to trace you through our records. Ezra Bridger, is it?"
I'm caught. Totally, utterly, and completely caught. He knows who my parents were.
"Mira and Ephraim Bridger were fools to think that your identity would remain a secret forever. But it hardly matters now." The Inquisitor activates his red lightsaber and holds it against my throat. "Have you ever considered that you are on the wrong side, Ezra?"
I gape at him, struggling to find a way away from the lightsaber. I hit my head on the wall-hard. I rub it. "Ow! No, I'm on the right side. The Empire is evil. You've tried to kill me and my friends multiple times!"
"But the dark side is more powerful than the light. It can even save your Master from death," the Inquisitor urges. My head snaps up, causing pain to rocket through it. "Death?"
The Inquisitor nods. "Yes. Your Master has been sentenced to death by Governor Tarkin, as a traitor to the Empire."
"No!" I cry out. "Kanan!" I fall back against the wall. "Kanan."
"Here's the deal, Ezra: You join the dark side, and your Master stays alive. If not, Kanan dies."
I fall to my knees. "No!"
"Pick a choice. It is your only offer," my enemy says.
"Fine!" I cry, still on my knees. "Don't kill him! You win! I'll join you!"
The Inquisitor smiles evilly.
He presses a button on his comlink. Agent Kallus comes in. "Take him to the lab." Kallus grabs me and drags me to a lab. He secures me to a table with metal restraints, and seems surprised when I don't resist. The Inquisitor grabs a needle off of another table and injects it into my arm. I scream with the pain that shouldn't have come from a simple needle. And that's the last thing I hear and feel before everything goes black.
