Chapter 3

(Inquisitor pov)

So, the Padawan is Ezra Bridger. Why am I not surprised? Ezra disappeared from most Imperial records when he was 7 years old. Kanan must have found him, after his parents were taken by the Empire. The Imperials had assumed that he was dead.

I pull up the file on Ezra on my computer. His parents were Mira and Ephraim Bridger, he was born on Lothal, and his parents were enemies of the Empire. The records presumed him dead at 8 years old.
This record is fairly incomplete, I think to myself. The boy is still alive, and well. How did our records not show that he was Force-sensitive?

I scan the record some more. The date of his birth, and how much he weighed is the rest of the record. There isn't much to know about him. To the Imperials, he was just another kid.
Not anymore.

My Master will be pleased. This Padawan will be very valuable to him. Now, to set the trap.
I grab a Holoprojector and head for Kanan Jarrus' cell.
