xviii. instagram



adira tb to on set for stuck with u video 🤍 12 hours till release ! so excited to share it with all of u

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justinbieber Amazing day amazing girl
adira 🤍

amalaflynn ahhh crazy 🥺

vickyambler oh i could just eat u up
adira i'm right in front of u pls don't be shy
justinbieber No be shy

lilyaldridge So excited!
adira ty !! miss u lily

photodumpingadira Justin really looked so musty during his long hair phase 😭😭
adira hey hey pls don't be rude when u don't know what people are going thru. especially to people i care about. love u.

jesusisadiratbh uh why'd she ignore amala
lettingmelive2.0 idk it's almost as if amala's with the man who put adira in the hospital rn 🤨

homiesforlove I'm so excited for this song honestly. With all this drama we gon get that #1


adiraposts_ Ahhhhhh I stan the best queen

adirazfeelingz plsssss the way she's ignoring zayn and amala and promoting the song

unreleasedbieber girl really lost her whole family in 2 years

isbizzlereallydead Justin looks so good here omg




adira 6 hours till stuck with u w/ @justinbieber

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amalaflynn beautiful sis

justinbieber 😍😍😍

justinbieber Are u serious 😍

vickyambler ayo ur like.. hot i think 🤨

creakingcreque I LOVE UUUUU

adiratracker pls ur so hot i can't handle this
adira says u 😭🤍 i see that story highlight ur beautiful!!

adirashoots i can't wait to see this video so i can just sit and admire ur beauty

bieberaesthetic If u and Justin don't kiss in the video what is this all for🙄🙄

dreamingjadira #JADIRA

adiraflynnvids stuck with u will debut at number 1💆‍♀️stuck with u will debut at number 1💆‍♀️stuck with u will debut at number 1💆‍♀️stuck with u will debut at number 1💆‍♀️
louisemendez Yes speak it into existence bitch

adiramysaviour when this song debuts at number 1 and people can stop saying adira's prime is over YUPPPPPP

jadiraswag Love u 🥺




justinbieber #STUCKWITHU OUT NOW!! A picture from our celebration tonight ... So blessed and lucky to be able to share this experience with a soul as beautiful and special as @adira. Thankful. 🙏

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adira thankful for you
justinbieber Right back at u. Promise

amalaflynn insane
everythingjadira girl clearly they do not want to talk to you....

creakingcreque love the song biebs 😎
justinbieber Thank u Mikey!! Very cool!
creakingcreque is this sarcasm
justinbieber I would never

vickyambler i took this. everyone thank me
fuckyeahjadira thank you goddess on earth
vickyambler this energy!

justinstyle ok maybe i'm starting to ship this......

drewjustinbieby I think this relationship is cuter than Jailey 🤷‍♀️
bringbackjailey take this shit back
drewjustinbieby Girl your ship is dead please give it up

biebersgirlies Loving this PR stunt

viralbieby The song is so good!!!!!!!!!!

bieberboy In love with the song and you guys

dailybieber so proud of u both. the song is amazing ❤️❤️❤️

bieberroom song's not really my vibe but i think after a few listens i'll be in love 💕

manip creds:
kingqueenmanip on
