v. instagram, messages, real life

// domestic abuse, blood



zayn Reunited with my everything ❤️

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i know

it's bad

i can't be angry w him. i went
over to his house and he had a
path of roses to the backyard
and it was this big romantic
gesture and it felt like we were
ok. or i prayed to some god in
that moment that we were ok

a, i love u. but it's been 5 months
of this bullshit. even when y'all
first got together zayn was a
manipulative piece of shit ab
the whole perrie situation. he
was a manipulative piece of shit
when everything went down
and u went to rehab. and he's
still a manipulative piece of

vicky's right. dira i know u
thought getting engaged would
somehow fix this. but it hasn't.
and it's time to stop beating
around the bush and hoping
everything's gonna be alright. it
won't be. face it. he'll keep
doing this over and over again
and you'll keep forgiving him
over and over again.

i know. i fucking know. i can't
help it. i'll stop. i'll fix it.

i promise i will.


real life!

Zayn pushes Adira against his bedroom wall and nuzzles her neck. "I missed you," he mumbles, brushing his lips against her skin.

"Zayn"—she sighs—"we need to talk."

"No talking."

"Zayn, plea—"

Adira's words are cut off by her own scream as Zayn bites down into her flesh. "No talking." He wraps his free hand around her neck, tightening it until she's clawing at him for release. Her face turns red. Her mouth is open, begging for air. Her face contorts into an expression of anguish.

Finally, he releases her, and she gasps, air rushing into her lungs in waves. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You could've fucking killed me."

"Why are you still talking?" he questions, tilting his head to side, before he pummels her. Blood covers every surface of the room, her whimpers echo, and her clothes are strewn across the room. His breathing is rapid as he tugs at his sweat-stained shirt. In the last moment, he kisses her forehead. "Put your clothes on. I'll be right back, baby."

        "911 operator. What is your emergency?"
