
Two months later

I wake up truly excited, in a few days is the day that Rachel and I will discover our baby gender.

About two weeks ago we went to the doctors and he was able to know the gender. Kurt is the only person who knows and I'm so excited.

Rachel think is a boy and I think is a girl. But we don't really care about the gender, we want that comes healthy. But I must admit that would be awesome having a little Rachel walking trough the house singing and smiling trough the house like her mother. A mini lawyer, can you imagine? Two Rachels! It's pure happiness!

But if come a mini Finn I would love too! A mini me, that it won't be mini cause I'm a giant. A mini Finn that is going to love play and watch football like I do, I don't play that much cause Trish would freak out just with the idea of me hurting any part of my body. I want to meet my kid already!!!

"Good morning wife." I said when I noticed that Rachel is awake.

"What you're thinking about?" Rachel asked and I half smile.

"Our little boy or girl." I said and she smiled. She is already showing and it's adorable and also I told my fans. They were extremely happy. I posted a picture on Twitter of me and Rachel at the market in that crazy. We are hugging each other laughing about something, it's adorable. And I put in the caption "Me & my wife buying food at 2am for our little craving baby." They went crazy. I love my fans. I love the picture cause really shows our relationship. Even if is 3 in the morning and we are wearing pjs, robes, socks and sandals at the market, we are always laughing around. We don't have bad time.

"I'm tired of calling the baby 'it'" Rachel said and I laughed. Also her sickness is not that bad anymore. She is four months pregnant and the baby is healthy just five more months for we meet it.

"We will have to start to think about names." She said and I smiled. "Wanna make a bet?"

"What?" I asked her.

"I think the baby is a boy and you think is a girl. If is a boy, I choose the name but if is a girl you choose it." She said and I smiled.

"Deal." I said. The party will be in Lima, so we're going to fly to there today and I'm honestly excited. It's been years since we were there for the last time. We didn't came back there since we left to come to Los Angeles five years ago. And now I'm coming back with a pregnant wife, I love my life.

—— Days Later——

I wake up and look to my side. It's weird to wake up and be in my teenager bedroom. Kind of funny. I remember that I had my first time here with Rachel. It was one of those days that you never thought it would be special but in the end was the best day of my life. It's weird that I only had sex with one person in my life, Rachel not Berry, Rachel Hudson! She was my first and I was her first and now we are married.

"You're finally up!" I heard Rachel saying as she walk in the bedroom with shopping bags.

"Hey, where were you?" I asked but the answer is obvious. She smiled to me and walk closer and peck my lips good morning.

"I went shopping with your mom and Kurt. I didn't wanted to wear only one color cause when our baby grow up it won't be mad if I were wearing the other color." She said getting under the covers with me and I laughed with her thoughts, I have the best wife.

"Did you had breakfast?" I asked her and she giggled.

"Honey, I'm pregnant and it's your kid. I have to eat every 10 minutes." She said and I laughed. "But I can eat breakfast again with you if you want me to. Oh! Oh! I bought clothes for you too!" She said excited and I laughed. One thing about Rachel, she can change subjects in seconds, sometimes is hard to keep up a conversation.

"Which color?" I asked her.

"Well, it's a pink shirt but blue jeans so I don't think our baby will be mad." She said shrugging and I peck her lips.

"Let's eat breakfast with me." I said and I can see her eyes bright with joy. Rachel is the sweetest and kindest girl in this entire world.

"Yay!" She said happy and I laugh and get off the bed with her. We're staying at my parents house so is fun but weird sometimes. She is wearing a white jeans and a sweater and you can see her belly from it, I think her belly is a little bit too big for someone who is only 4 months. I'm just wearing sweatpants and no shirt and my hair is a mess.

Party Time

The party is in my parents garden so it's everything just so beautiful. The decoration is all with blue and pink. Rachel is wearing a blue dress and pink high heels. She is not using that much makeup, just the basic and a pink lipstick. Her hair is with those perfect curls and the gran finale, she is with the Finn necklace that I gave to her when I was about to move to New York for the movie...That was such a long time ago. Since that, I won an Oscar, I got engaged, I got married and now I'm waiting for my first child. All that happened and I'm still 23. I'm young.

When we get in the party we talked to everyone but all the time I had my fingers interlocked with Rachel's cause I love the feeling of having her hand in mine.

Hours later, the sun was setting and everyone is having such a good time in this party but everyone is excited to know if is a boy ir a girl! Everyone is or wearing blue or wearing pino, depends if you think is a boy or a girl.

"Cmon baby parents, time to know the gender of your kid!" Kurt said and I smiled to Rachel. "So, this box is filled with pink or blue balloons. If is pink obviously a girl and if is blue it's a boy." Me and Rachel look to the blue and pink box in front of us and smiled to each other.

"3! 2! 1!" Everyone yelled in unison and in the same time, me and Rachel opened the box and pink and blue balloons started to fly all over the place and what the hell? It's a boy or a girl? And everyone is with the same reaction as us.

"Kurt? I didn't got the message." Rachel said and I laughed and nod agreeing.

"Well...It's a boy and a girl! It's twins!" Kurt said and I was shocked, in a happy way and look at Rachel smiled and hug her tight and lift her from the floor. That explains how her belly is a little bit to big for only four months. "When I went to the doctor to grab the results, she explained everything to me. The babies were in a different position that was impossible to identify that were two of them."

I had tears rolling my cheeks, we aren't going to have just a baby. But two of them. A mini Rachel and a mini not that mini Finn. Adorable!
