The Contingency Plan

Hi. It's me again. I've been kinda taking a break from writing, so apologies if I've been updating really randomly. I've also started working on another story based upon Greek mythology and a goddess I created. Also, my mom took me to a cabin in the middle of nowhere for vacation and I just got back. Some of you have been asking about what happened to the OC Elizabeth I created last time, so here's a chapter from her POV. I've also decided to start naming my chapters. Enjoy!

P.S. - If you guys can get this to 5.5k (or even 5K) reads, I promise I'll update right away. Promise! So please share this with others you know and have them give it a try! :)

Domodedovo International Airport, Moscow, Russia

1500 hours

March 1st

Elizabeth's POV:

1 day ago...

Going on a plane with Cyrus and Catherine Hale is scary. Not to mention it's my first time ever flying on a plane. When I thought about the year and my plans for it, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would become a spy, let alone ever get to go on a mission. I expected to have a normal life at a normal middle school doing normal things. Instead, I flew on a really nice CIA private jet (it had soft, plush, leather seats, and a big flat-screen TV) into the middle of Russia with two of the greatest spies in the world. At least our plane didn't get shot down by SPYDER and dropped into a lake of crocodiles. I heard Ben and Erica had some serious issues with that on one of their missions. I can't believe I'm on a mission! I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. What if I screw everything up? My nerves were at an all-time high. 

As we landed in the private terminal of Moscow's  Domodedovo International Airport, I stared at my surroundings in awe. This was the first airport that I had ever been to, and it was huge! It was crammed with people going every which way, with huge floor to ceiling windows and little restaurants everywhere. As I spun around, looking at my surroundings, unable to believe the grandeur that I saw, Cyrus snapped his fingers.

"Hey there! Elaine or Elizabeth or whatever! Listen up!" Snapping back into reality, I stammered an apology and turned to him. He shook his head and muttered something under his breath, sounding like 'kids these days'.

"As I was saying, you'll be the backup for this mission. We have reliable intel that suggests that the launch site for a plasma cannon from the evil organization BACON is somewhere in Moscow. We've pinned down the exact coordinates to be 62°55′32.32″N 40°34′40.36″E, at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. That car," he said, motioning to a heavily armored Humvee that had suddenly appeared, "has the coordinates to the site plugged in. Catherine and I will rendezvous with Erica, Ben, and the others. You take the car to the coordinates and get going right now, as it's a long 15-hour drive. Buckle in, and try to get some sleep and stay rested. The driver is someone I trust, a hacker called Orion that works for us. There's food, water, and a gun in the car. I've seen your weapons skills, and frankly, they're much better than Ben's. When you get to the mission site, follow the sounds of explosions and shooting. We'll be there. Good luck agent, we'll see you there soon." After Cyrus finished his speech, Catherine gave me an encouraging pat on the back.

"I'm sure you'll do just fine, my dear. Stay safe for now," she chirped in her delightful British accent. I nodded nervously and walked into the car. The interior obviously wasn't as good as our CIA private jet but was relatively nice. It had leather seats, with some kind of silver briefcase on one of them and a bag of what I assumed to be food on another. The guy sitting in front must be the Orion guy. I'd heard of him. Apparently, he was this hacker genius guy that helped Ben and Erica on their last mission in Britain or whatever. I expected him to look like a computer nerd, but dang, he was pretty hot. He flashed me a grin as I plopped into the back of the Humvee, looking ridiculously excited to see me. 

"Hey! I know you probably know already, but my name's Orion! I used to work for the bad guys but then the CIA came and I worked with them to save the world! Did you know that being a hacker for people pays a lot of money? But it's kinda really lonely and I don't know what to do with the money. I own Wickham Palace, but I'm all alone there, and I own a chateau in France too, and a Russian Yukutsk 260 Helicopter, and a private submarine, and a minor league baseball team, 40% of Madagascar, and a bunch of other random stuff. It's kinda hard to date people like that, y'know? I can't tell them that I'm a top-secret hacker that works for money or stuff like that. Anyway, I'm so glad to see you! I've been dying for some company since that group of CIA agents left my chateau. Oh, you don't know how lonely it can get, even with my dogs. It's so nice that the CIA trusts me enough with this job! When I got the call I was so excited! I even chartered my own private jet and I bought this car! I know I did some bad stuff but I think I've..." Orion continued blabbering on about stuff as I nodded my head and made noncommittal sounds. After a while, the stress of the day washed over me and I drifted away in the back of the car.

I jolted awake, sitting up blearily and shaking my head, trying to clear my mind. Orion was still chattering away in the front, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I had been asleep. I think he was saying something about a baseball card that was 2.5 million dollars? Don't get me wrong, he's a cute guy, but he's kinda weird as well. Shaking off the thoughts, I looked out the window. We were driving through a green valley, with gentle hills on each side and a lake nearby. 

It was a beautiful day out. I decided to check out what was in the packages Cyrus had given me. As I correctly guessed, the bag contained food and water. There were 4 protein bars, a bag of trail mix, some bananas, and a ham and cheese sandwich. I devoured the sandwich, watching the countryside roll by. As I ripped the wrapper off the protein bar, I thought about the upcoming mission. I was wary for what might happen and afraid I might screw it up. I needed to have a clear head and prepare myself. After finishing up another bar and a banana, I drunk a swig of water and opened the silver briefcase. Inside was a smooth black suit and a utility belt loaded with weapons. I unfolded the suit held it up. It was a skintight black catsuit that seemed to made of leather. The utility belt was loaded with a semi-auto handgun which I believed was a Glock 19, which we had worked with at school, several loaded magazines of bullets, a bottle of what looked to be chloroform, and a grappling hook. I unloaded the Glock, checking that the magazine was proper loaded, then slammed the magazine back in and checked that the safety was on. Then, I quickly changed into the catsuit and strapped the utility belt on. Orion informed me that we still had around 5 hours left in our drive, then started talking about his past contracts or whatever, and I felt myself beginning do doze off again.

When I awoke, Orion had finally ceased his endless talking. He was frowning at whatever he saw on his phone, then focused back on the road. He locked eyes with me through the rearview mirror, looking deadly serious for once.

"There has been an intel update. BACON is going to take over Launchpads 43/3 and 43/4. Coordinates 62.927°N 40.450°E and 62.929°N 40.457°E. They're launching 2 plasma cannons into space. You're going to go to Launchpad 43/3 and rendezvous with the group going there. Sending the intel over to Cyrus now. Our ETA is 5 minutes. Make sure everything is ready. They'll need you ASAP when we get there." I simply nodded, my stomach a jumble of nerves and my hand resting lightly on the Glock, ready to fire at the slightest sign of trouble. Orion jammed down on the pedal, and we screeched around the corner to Launchpad 43/3. The first thing I heard as I threw open the door was screaming. People were being thrown out of a tall building, which I assumed was some kind of command center. Zoe was helping the people, while Ben, Erica, Cyrus, and the others were nowhere to be seen, probably inside the command center somewhere. I ran toward Zoe, waving to get her attention. The battle for our lives, and those of millions of others, had just started.

Well. That was a very long chapter for me. 1.5k words, and I wanted to end it there because it's a good stopping point. A lot of people enjoyed the character of Elizabeth, so I decided to bring her back for a little reunion with the team. Comments on the characters? Do you think I am writing them in character? As always, please vote, comment, and share! Have a great day y'all :)
