Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don't own this series or its characters

A/N So this is a longer version of the preview I published in my tag post. Hope you like it! And I said I would update later, so here's an early chapter for you all.


February 12th

1900 hours

Spy School

Ben POV:

It's almost Valentines Day. Almost a year since we came back from Operation Leopard Blaze, and I got my second kiss from Erica. I wouldn't say we're dating, because if I did, Erica would murder me, but we've definitely gotten closer. I mean, she actually notices me in the hallways and interacts with me, like talking and greeting. It's actually quite funny at all the mind-blown looks we get from other students when they see the two of us talking in the hallways. Nobody says anything outright about us dating, not after Erica almost mauled the last person who was dumb enough to do so. Mike and Zoe have started dating as well. Zoe apparently got over her crush on me and considers me a best friend again now. I honestly think it's better this way because I don't want to hurt her feelings by ditching her for Erica. Spy School is actually giving us a day off for Valentine's Day, which is really nice because I can probably go do something with Erica. I'm thinking of bringing her out to dinner at some nice restaurant. Of course, it would be near the spy school campus, because requirements. I'm going to ask her today. Coming out from my Self Preservation class, I approached Erica. She did a half-turn and gave me a smile. "Hi Ben," she said. I flushed, still a bit flabbergasted by her attention after all these months. I managed to give a return smile. 

"Hey Erica, can I ask you something in private?" She nodded and followed me to my room. "Um..." I stammered. "Would you like to go out with me for dinner on Valentines Day?" I say in a rush. She raises an eyebrow and smiles at me sweetly. 

"Did you just ask me on a date, Ben?" she says. I flush, unable to do anything but nod. She laughed and nodded. 

"I'll go." I gape at her. Is that it? Will she just go now? She turns towards the door, saying, "I'll get going now. I have stuff do, after all. See you on Valentines Day, at 5:00 PM sharp. Don't keep me waiting. Also, you might want to close your mouth. Keep it open any longer, and you'll be catching flies."
I clamp my mouth shut and nod, waving a goodbye. The next few days passed in a blur. I couldn't really separate one class from another, but I do distinctly remember Zoe's excited squeal when I told her about the dinner, and my adamant refusal to let her and Mike come along on a double date. I told her it would be way too much, especially since this was my first time and I didn't want to mess anything up. I was so distracted in Self Preservation at the gun range that I almost shot some poor first year in the head. I hope I didn't traumatize him.

Finally, it was Valentines Day. The students had somehow organized a huge game of Capture the Flag, so we split into teams and played for a good half of the day. I was thankfully on Erica's side, and we crushed the opposing team, which was captained by Jawa, with Chip and his brother Hank. So basically what happened was we were carried by Erica, and I just tried to stay out of the way of any paintballs, which I was overall very successful at. Then, 5:00 came around. Nervously, I knocked on Erica's door, and she came out, dressed in her usual combat suit. I grinned sheepishly and said, 

"Uh, I came to pick you up" 

"For dinner?" she finished. I nodded wordlessly and she followed me off campus. I had chosen a nice steakhouse right in downtown DC, about a 2 minutes walk from spy school. We sat down together and started browsing the menu. I sighed happily, thinking of the fulfilled day I had had. I should've known my good luck wouldn't have lasted. Before Erica and I even got a chance to order, the door opened, and in walked a person that made my blood freeze ice cold in my veins. Murray Hill.

So, what do you guys think? Satisfactory first chapter? Please vote and comment if you liked it!
