
"Girls, wake up." I heard Miranda's voice waking us up in our room. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her face with a huge grin.

"What is up with you?" Keith asked her and covered her body with a blanket and groaned.

Miranda clapped her hand and removed our blankets one by one and said, "I've got some good news. Pack your things and you're moving out of your hotel room. Simon lended you one his penthouses and you girls will stay there until this mission is over."

With that, the girls and I sat down on our bed with huge grins on our faces! A penthouse! Just for us!!

"Oh gosh! For real???" Harper exclaimed excitedly and we're here jumping on our beds, feeling excited about our new house!!!!!

We hurriedly went to the hotel and get our stuff. We moved in the house that day because we were very excited! Simon called and told us that he'll just meet us some other time because he's very busy.

"This is so beautiful!" I whispered while I enter the penthouse. This is really beautiful! The view is spectacular, the space is huge, fully furnished. The fridge is full! Ohhhh!! It'll be totally comfortable working here.

Keith sat on the sofa and pulled me down, we sat side by side and sighed. "This is life" we said together and we both laughed.

We are busy roaming around, checking each room, drawers, cabinets when my phone rings. I looked at the call ID and Louis' name is flashing in it! Darn! I forgot to call him last night! I was so tired, and when we woke up, we immediately moved here. Gosh!

"Louis. I'm really really sorry but my flight was canceled. But I'm about to board the plane. I forgot to call you because things kept on coming up. I'm really sorry." I told him. I don't want him to speak without hearing my lies. Geeeeez.

"Hey, it's cool. I was just checking to see if you're fine. But you answered and explained, so yeah. Guess you're aight." He chuckled.

He's not... mad? "You're not mad, are you?"

"Why would I? It's totally fine. I just can't wait to see you." I blushed. Why does every time he says that, my heart melts???? "I gotta go. Call me when the plane landed." I didn't manage to say a thing because I might end up giggling like a little girl. I just ended the call and smiled like an idiot.

I waited for several hours until I called Louis to tell him that I'm in LA. He asked me to just spend the night with him.

"I missed you" Louis greeted me with a hug. He waited for me outside his car because he picked me up from the penthouse. Talk about being clingy.

I don't know what to respond to him, so I just let him hug me and replied, "I'm hungry"

"I know you are." Louis said and we went inside his car.

Before I fasten my seatbelt, he held my hand and gently pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly. He then whispered to my ears, "I really did miss you."

"Me too, Lou." I told him. My heart beats fast while saying those words, I know it's not possible because I cannot see his face, but I can sense that he has a huge grin on his face.

Louis pulled away and kissed me on the lips. It's a passionate kiss... I'm longing for this kiss. Gosh! He really does make me crazy, huh.

"Let's drop by our house, then let's have dinner? Funny, but the boys missed you. They really want to hang out with you." Louis said. "I'm getting kinda jealous."

I looked at him with surprise look on my face. I couldn't say a thing! When Louis faced me, he just chuckled and held my hand tight. The heck is wrong with this guy???


When I picked her up at their penthouse, I felt really really nervous! It's like seeing her for the first time again. She's just so beautiful with her hair flowing down her back, her very beautiful smile, and the way she walks.

Why does everything about her is just beautiful?

I told her that we should drop by our house first because the boys kept on pestering me about her. They surely love her. The boys said that she's a close book, a very interesting one. I am glad that she is slowly allowing herself to open up to me.

"PAIGE!!!!" Harry ran towards Paige when he saw us going out of the car. He carried her bridal style and brought her inside.

I followed them and they're all talking and playing with her. I am so glad that they all love her, well, who doesn't?

"I love Paige." Niall blurted out.

We all looked at him, and then Paige hugged Niall's arms and said, "Well, I love you too, Nialler."

"Woah, woah, woah! She haven't told me that she loves me, yet you're already stealing her from me." I removed her hands on Niall's arm and sat between them. "She's mine!!!" I shouted and they all laughed.


Harry sat next to me and cuddled me. "You know, I love you right, boobear?" He asked and I pouted while nodding. At least Hazza is still mine.

I watch my boys as they playfully tease Paige. They never did that to my ex girlfriend. They were never close to her because she thought my boys are too childish, she thought we are all immatures. I tried to leveled with her personality, tried changing myself for her, yet it wasn't enough.

My boys never said anything bad about her but I know, I can feel that they don't like her that much. But with Paige, everything is different. They only met few times, yet they adore her so much.

"Excuse me, I have to go to the comfort room." Paige said and she stood up.

When she's no longer in the room, they all looked at me with a smirk on their faces. What?

"You love her!" Liam said and messed with my hair.

I was about to say something, when Zayn sat next to me with a dreamy look on his face. "Oh, the way you stare at her!"

"The way he smiles at her." Harry added.

And then Niall giggled like a little girl and said, "Full of love!"

I just looked down and shook my head. I can't help but smile because they are totally right. I am in love with Paige Millard. I'm so deeply in love with her. I'm drown to her, but instead of getting up, I'll be more happy to just sink in.

Paige suddenly entered the room and sat beside me, I put my arms around her waist and pulled her to me, "Yes. Yes, I am." I told the boys and the just giggled.

I looked at Paige who seems really confused but didn't bother to ask. I'm so in love with this girl I am hugging.

After our playful trip at our home, we decided to finally take off and spend time alone together. I really missed having her on my own.


"So, where do you wanna go?" He asked me when we entered his car. I sat properly on my seat and looked at him.

I shrugged and replied. "Your call. Just don't bring me to another fancy place. I'm not in the mood to be fancy."

Louis chuckled and intertwined his hand on mine, "I think I have the perfect place in my mind."

With that, he drove away. The ride going somewhere is fun, Louis held my hand while driving and we talked about lots of things, especially stuff about the boys.

He told me that the boys love me so much, and I, as well, love them. They are all adorable and kind. I just hope that when this mission is over, they will still treat me the way they treat me now. I don't want to lose them as much as I don't want to lose Louis.

After some hours, Louis parked his car and I can see the beach from here. Wow. He really went his way to go here? I smiled while looking at the window.

"Love it?" He asked. I nodded and bit my lower lip.

He stepped outside the car and opened the door on my side. "Let's go." Then he dragged me outside. Shizzz. This guy keeps on dragging me anywhere. I feel like my hands are gonna fall off.

"You don't have to drag me, you know." I laughed and he just smiled at me.

We went to the shore and feel the cold breeze of the sea. This is amazing! I can't even remember the last time I went to the beach for a non-mission purpose.

"It's beautiful here, Louis." I whispered as I roam my eyes around the beach. It's pretty cold because it's autumn season, but heck, it's really beautiful here.

He hugged me from behind "Glad you loved it."
