
"Are you really sure that Clay and I should sneak in?" I asked. It's kinda scary to just sneak in to this goons, they know about us and we never found out how.

Gaven gave me the earpiece and a gun "Well, we don't have a choice. Harper will back you up though. Keith will stay here with me"

I nodded. Clay and I wore the suit and fixed the gadgets. While we are waiting for Gaven's go signal, I heard my phone ringing. It's Louis.

The girls gave me their go signal, I went further away from them and I excitedly answered my phone. It's really nice having someone who's clingy in a way.

"Hey" I said. I tried not to sound to excited about him calling me.

"Aren't you done yet?" That voice! His adorable, soft voice, it makes me wanna melt.

I shook my head as if he can see me "Nope, not yet. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing. I just miss you. I want to fly there right now" Okay... gosh! My heart is beating so hard! If I'm not on a mission, I'd definitely ask him to come here with me. It sucks'

"You don't have to. I'll be back as soon as I can." After saying that, I heard Harper calling my name. When I turned around, she's smiling at me like an idiot.

"We have to go." She mouthed so that Louis won't hear her. I nodded at her and she just smiled.

"Louis, they're already looking for me. I gotta go. I'll call you later, okay?" I said and heard him sigh "I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"No. I totally understand. Take care. Okay? Can't wait to see you" How come he can make this happen? We are just talking through the phone, but he can make my heart flutters. He can make me blush. He's one weird freak.

"Uh. Me too. Take care" I hung up. I was held staring at Louis' caller ID on my phone. I never thought I would feel something like this towards a guy.

I returned to the girls, and we planned what are gonna do tonight. The plan is perfect, I just hope that they won't get away this time.

"Can you hear me?"  Keith said from the other line. I went to the second floor, while Clay is on the first. We need to be in different areas.

"Perfect." I answered.

"Agree."  Clay also answered on the other line.

"Do your thing, while I look out here." Gaven said and I nodded. shiiiiz. She can't even see me, why did I do that?

I entered the first room and it looks normal. No guns, no anything that could possibly look suspicious. I entered all the room but no one is here.

"Clay, I'm going down. The coast is clear." I said.

"Okay. I'm in the kitchen."

While walking downstairs, I felt someone moved behind me. When I turned around, I get my gun and pointed it to the person. It's Victor's bodyguard. He looks... scared...

I looked at him confusingly. He's shaking as heck! His eyes looks afraid. I don't know why.

"Please. Don't kill me. I'll tell you everything. Just please..."

Then suddenly, he passed out. When he fell down, Harper is behind the guy. I'm still surprised about what was happening.

"Max, are you okay?" She asked me. I looked at her and she's very worried.

I nodded. "Yeah. But, he wasn't attacking me. He said he'll tell me everything, just don't kill him."

"Shoot! I'm sorry. I thought he was about to attack you again." She said while picking up the guy "Let's just bring him to Miranda before he wakes up"

We decided to go back to The Camp that night also. We have to bring the goon before he wakes up. Who knows if he's gonna attack us again.

When we got to The Camp, the suspect is held on the interrogation room. We waited for him to wake up before we can enter.

"That's really weird. He was so scared. If only you guys have seen him, you'll definitely feel that he was really afraid of something, or someone." I just can't take the man's looks on his face when he was begging me not to kill him.

They all looked at me. I know perfectly that they know what I saw in his eyes. We all saw it millions of times and it's really heartbreaking for someone to beg for his life.

"He'll be fine." Harper held my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile "He's fine here in The Camp than the outside."

"Yeah, guess you're right." I told her. Well, he's safe here because no one could kill him here easily, if that's what he's worrying about.

Clay sat closer to me and said, "I really wanna know why he's scared. It's so unlikely for someone to just pop in out of nowhere and beg for his life."

"Yeah, who might've threatened him?" Keith added.

We are busy talking about possible reason why he might be that scared. When suddenly, medical staff are running towards the prison. They are panicking. Just like what happened when we were supposed to talk to Victor Julio, his boss.

We wanted to check but we were forbidden, so we just waited in the lobby. When one of the doctors came out, we all stopped him.

"What happened?" Gaven asked with an authoritative voice.

Doctor Smith removed his glasses and sighed, "Hector died. The same thing that happened to his boss."

"How is that possible?" I asked him. This is really unbelievable! We haven't yet found out what and who killed Victor, and now his bodyguard died for the same reason again?

He shook his head and said, "We still don't know. But we're really doing everything to figure out how it happened. You girls should go back to your room. We will just inform Miranda if ever we see something. I'll go ahead" Then we walked away.

We got back to our room and decided to take a rest from our long trip. I need to relax my mind for a bit. I'm taking a shower when an idea struck my mind. This is a one heck of risk but I guess I should really do this. I want this mission to end already. This is one of the weirdest mission we've ever encountered. From the mission itself, down to my personal life is really uncanny.

"Uh, girls, I need to talk to doctor Smith. I forgot I have to ask him something." I said. I didn't wait for their response and just ran out of our room.

"Okay. There's no turning back." I told myself as I walk towards doctor Smith's clinic. I need his help with this one. I know it might seem selfish but it's better if I work on this alone. I'll just explain to my girls and Miranda if anything turns out to be something.

I opened the door of his clinic and saw him reading "Doctor? I need to discuss with you about Victor's and Hector's situation."

He puts down the file he is reading and looked at me deeply "What is it about? Have a seat."

"Doctor Smith, I know someone did this to them on purpose. I need to have a sample of their saliva and blood." I told him without any hesitation. I badly want to find out what happened.

He shook his head and sighed "You know I cannot do that. It's not my..."

"But I can. And I cannot just enter the room where they are holding their bodies, but you can." I didn't let him finish his sentence. I'm really confident about this and I'm hoping that he'll help me.

"This will cost us our job..."

I walked towards him and looked at him straight in the eyes so that he'll know that I'm dead serious about this mission "I know. But I also know that it can help us solve the case. I will carry all the charges, take all the responsibility, if they found out. Just help me get a nurse's DNA and I'll do the trick. That's all."

He closed his eyes and bit his lip. "Okay. I'll help you. Tell me what you need."

I smiled widely and sat on the chair again "Okay, we both know that only medical staffs are allowed in that room. And before we get to the room, there's an eye and finger print scanner." I said and he nodded.

"So, what do you have in mind, Max?"

"Call any lady nurse. Make her hold this gadget and look at this screen." I told him while giving a phone like gadget. This gadget is what we use for collecting DNAs from people. "This is very illegal without the consent of Miranda, so please, be careful."

"Okay. But whatever happens, you'll back me up right?"

"Of course, doctor. I'll be back in 30 minutes" I said and left the clinic.
