Part 1

I recommending watching the vid above it will fit with the car chases in this book and heli chases and jet chases and drill chases and boat Chases. some of you guys might not like it but to me it will fit with the car Chases perfectly, ok now on to the book.

Me: (meanwhile) (two cars chase each other trough the desert)

Chase: heh think you can get me? (hits button and it sends mini drills after the chaser and destroys the engine and the chaser explodes) heh, take that! whelp.. (hits button which has a plane symbol and the car turns to a jet*im not kidding it turns it to a F-22 raptor jet*)

Me: (somewhere in USA)

Chase: let me just... (hits button with a car symbol and the jet turn back to a car and the car lands on the runway) (parks)

General: Great job taking that base down Chase!

Chase: eh.. it was like taking a ant of your shirt

General: guess what now?

Chase: what?

General: vacation!!

Chase: I hate when this happens..

General: ok.. last, time?

Chase: you always say that...

General: you deserve it! c'mon!

Chase: fine... (gets in car and drives off)

Me:(Meanwhile.. in Beverly Hills)

Skye: (hums) (cooks meat) hmm I still wonder who lives at that mansion...(car pulls up by the mansion) hm?

Chase:(sighs) why do I even get vacations...

Skye: hmmm ima talk to him after I eat my meat... ok I'm done cooking it! (eats) nom nom ok ima g- (heli rises from behind the mansion) what??

Chase: wow do you know how close you are right buddy? (heli shoots auto can but just explodes) wow.. your the worst bad guys ever(door open from other house) hm?

Skye: are you ok??!

Chase: uhh you might wana stand back...

Skye: why?

Chase: JUST.. stand back

Skye: ok...

Chase: Great now I wait... (tank rolls up) oh hey! how you going (walks right up to the barrel of the tank) c'mon shoot me! (tanks shoots but just explodes)

Skye: OH MY GOD!!

Chase: (walks out of the fire) wow... worst bad guys (goes in his house)


Chase: yeah I'm fine

Skye: phew well I-(bad guy comes and holds her with a knife to her neck) AHHH!! HELP!!!!

Chase: bloody hell! (grabs laser gun and shoots the bad guy)

Bad guy: flip.. (dies)


Chase: just get in the car

Skye: ok.. you mean the hellcat?

Chase: yes now just get in

Skye: ok (gets in)

Chase: (gets in) (drives off)

Skye: where we going

Chase: (sighs) now I talked to you they might think your my friend and aiming for you now and for me.. you should have stayed inside

Skye: uh ok and I said where are we going

Chase: somewhere safe.. US military

Skye: oh ok

Me: (when they got to US military)

Chase: out

Skye: ok (gets out of the car)

General: back s- wait.. who's that?

Skye: my name is Skye

General: well go to that room (points to the room) and I need Chase to see this real quick

Skye: ok (walks to room)

Chase: what you need?

General: whelp.. Grub is upgrading his weapons..

Chase: oh ok

General: we need you to stop him

Chase: easy, and you know where that room leads right?

General: yeah, down stairs (computer beeps) dam his dumb

Chase: yup! cant even make a orbital cannon! hah!

General: whelp.. Grub is super dumb how can he even be the boss?

Chase: I know right! haha!! I bet a 4 year old can beat him in math! hahaha!!

General: yup! hah!

Chase: I better check on Skye

General: oh ok

Chase: (goes down stairs)

Me: (meanwhile..)

Skye: hm.. what to do what to do.. oh Chase's desk, hmm he wont mind if I go through his stuff would he? (looks in his draw)

Chase: Skye.. that my stuff

Skye: ? oh.. hehe..... how long have you been standing there?

Chase: hm... about 10 seconds

Skye: heh...

Chase: its night time let me show you to your room,wait.. (face palms) dam, we have no spare rooms.. you'll sleep in my room tonight follow me

Skye: ok (follows him)

Chase: this is my room, you can sleep here tonight

Skye: ok

Chase: Goodnight

Skye: Goodnight

Chase:(turns light off)

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