C 6

I sit in my room, reading, when my door bursts open.

Thankfully my parents weren't home when I arrived.

I glance up to see my mom running in with an envelope in her hands.

"It's here"

"My real acceptance letter to MIT?"

"What? Oh God no. Oxford"

I sigh closing my book.

"I never—"

"I did. Open it, open it"

My mom runs to me like an excited kid as she thrusts it into my hands.

I sigh setting my book down as I open it.

"What it say? What it say?"

I skim over it, seeing it says I got in.

"I didn't get in"

I give it back as I pick up my book  again.

"What? Really? I swear I put in a good word with the administrator. Wait hold on, you did get in! Gwen this is amazing!"

"I don't want to go"

"Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy"

"Mom I don't want to go okay!"

"Is this because of that spider-freak"

"Spider-Man. And you know him. It's Peter you know Peter. You have his whole life"

"Well clearly not. He is a murderer."

"He is not!"

"He is! And you know he is. I am sorry to say this Gwen but your best friend  Spider- Peter—whatever he is, is a murderer and we can't have you associated with him anymore. It will effect your future"

"He has saved people! He saved me countless times!"

"For all we know he was probably the reason you needed saved. Now you are going end of. Ooh I gotta get everything ready, you're gonna love it sweetheart"

My mom then rises as she walks out.

I let out an annoyed scream as I fall back into my bed putting a pillow over my face.

There is then a knock in my door.

I huff as I remove my pillow turning to the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me hunny, can I come in?"

"Sure dad"

I sit up, as my dad walks in, shutting the door behind him.



"Look, about your mom"

"Oh yes the Oxford enthusiast"

"Gwen, you know she wants what is best for you"

Dad sits on my bed next fo me, as I  move aside.

"Yes. I understand I just... I don't need Oxford. Just because she went there and got to where she wanted to be doesn't mean I need to"

"She just wants you to accomplish the best in life"

"I know dad but forcing me to go to Oxford isn't the way to go"

"I'll talk to her."


I smile as my dad returns it.

"Just think about it okay? It's a good school Gwen"

"(Sigh) okay. But I am not agreeing to go"

My dad nods, as he rises to his feet, heading to the door.


He stops turning to me.

"About Peter..."

"If you believe he is good, then who am I to change your mind"

"But what do you believe?"

"I believe there is good and bad in everyone. Some that strive for good and those who strive for bad. No matter how hard you believe someone is entirely good they are also bad. Ans however hard you believe someone is bad they are also good. You just hope that their goodness outweighs their badness"

"What does that mean?"

"Good people can do bad things and bad people can do good things. You just gotta hope that whatever they do is for the best. For everyone not just yourself"

He then turns as he walks out leaving me with my thoughts.

Lost in my thoughts I hear a crash.

I jump as I turn to my window.

I walk over, opening my window as I slide it up.

I stick my head out.


I look both sides seeing no one.

I sigh as I move back into my room, going to close the window as I stop as a hand grasps mine.


I jump as I fall back into my butt.

I look up seeing Spider-man by my window.

Well Peter dressed as Spider-Man.

What the hell is he doing?

Was he trying to scary me?

And is that  a new suit?

How he get that?

Did Happy get him it?

"Peter? What the hell!? Why you snooping outside my window for?"

Peter doesn't respond.

Peter tilts his head side to side,  as if examining me.

"Hello! Earth to Peter"

He crawls in more as I move back.

He is really creeping me out right now.

And did he get bigger?

Like taller?

More muscular?

Peter closes the window as I move back more.

Peter turns to face me as he keeps walking closer as I walk back with each step he takes towards me.

My back soon hitting my door.

Peter towers over me, as he keeps looking down at me.

I just stare up at him, unable to look away.

He places a hand on  the door next to my face, using the other to put a strand of hair behind my right ear.

He stops as his hand reaches my cheek.

"Peter what are you doing?"

I take hold of his hand as I move it away from my face.

My phone then goes making me turn to my desk where I left it.

I watch it ring a couple times, seeing Ned's name pop up.


I look back to see Peter gone and my window open again.

What the hell was that about?

I let out a puff of air before walking over to my phone.

"Hey Gwen Peter needs our help"

"I-uh what?"

"Yeah can you meet us downtown you know where doctor strange lives"

"Doctor strange? The wizard?"

"Sorcerer, but yes"

"Ned how will I know where he lives?"

"Honestly Gwen,  you need to be educated. I will text you the address. Hurry up."

"Wait Ned"


"Is Peter with you right now?"

"Yes he  is, why? You need to talk to him or something... Peter , Gwen—

"Uh no Ned . I just... I..."

"Hey Gwen what's up Ned said you needed to talk to me"

"I... yes I — were you outside my room? Like at my window"

"What you mean?"

"Did you come to my house like 2 minutes ago?"

"No I was with Doctor Strange. I asked him for a favour and things kinda... just um went south"

"Wait, Peter what you mean went south? What the hell did you do?"

"Look I'll tell  you more when you get here."

Peter then hangs up.

I shake my head  as I turn back over to my window.

I have to have been going insane.

Peter just said he wasn't in my house.

That then leaves the question.

Who the hell was in my house?

It was Peter, it had to be.

He is Spider-Man.

It's not like there is another Spider-Man.

That would be impossible.


My phone then pings as I look down to see Ned has texted me the address.

Or maybe I imagined the whole thing.
