C 19

I walk over to my bed, as I collapses on it.

I put my face on my pillow, screaming into it.

I sit up, pushing my hair out of my face.

I grab my video camera from my bedside table, turning  it on.

"Hello this is Gwen Stacy, coming at you live from my bedroom. Let me tell you the problem at hand. I was just trying to help save the world, as I do. You know with being besties with a hero. Guess I let that out of the bag. Well more like with a certain vigilante who is actually a superhero. You may know him as Spider-man who is actually one of my best friends.... Anyways  I went and got myself grounded. Sue me. It's okay I'm gonna sneak out and—"

I hear a tap on my window.

I turn to my window, only to see the other Peter smiling goofily.

Does he not know how to use the door?

Does all Peters just think  'oh let me just crawl through a window' as if that is normal.

Is that a Spider-Man thing?

Peter thing?

Actually scratch that my parents would definitely question him.

Oh and be confused as he is dressed as Spider-Man.

As my Peter is spider-man so having another spider-man who is Peter but not the same Peter would just confuse them entirely.

I could always explain the multiverse to them.

The thing is they won't understand the multiverse.

I barely understand it.

Well, I do.

But living it is different than understanding it.

Probably best he does just sneak in through my window.

Gosh sneaking a boy in my room.

Like I have with Peter but he doesn't count.

That was  back when he got me in trouble when we were like 6.

He thought it would be a good idea to take the subway across town for ice-cream.

Our parents, not so happy.

I have never snuck in a 'Hot' guy.

Who is very cute and caring, honest, dorky, funny and just plain loveable.

Well, from what I have gathered from knowing him for what one day?

It's weird how I only met him yesterday but feels like I have known him the same length I have known my Peter.

Like same guy different face.

Let alone a different Spider-Man.

Different Peter Parker.

Am I allowed to say he is a better Peter Parker or is that offensive?

What my Peter Parker doesn't know won't hurt him.

I  turn my video camera around, to show the other Peter.

He is in his suit but has no mask on, I am assuming he is holding his mask in one of his hands.

Does he not own clothes, or does he just like wearing that suit constantly?

"Now speaking of vigilantes this is a guy who seems not to be getting the message. I think he is stalking me. Been showing up these past couple days...just doesn't know how to take a hint. He thinks I am his girlfriend which is comforting  in a way. Although at the same time why is he  flirting with me when he has her to go back to? If I were her. Well if she were me, I would be annoyed if my boyfriend did something like this."

I turn the video camera back to me.

"Between you and me, I kinda like it. It feels right for some reason. Plus have you see him H-O-T. But shhh"

I wink at the camera before turning it  back to the other Peter.

I walk over as I slide the window open.


He cutely smiles at me making me return it.

"Why are you outside my window?"

"I wanted to see you, and your parents sound very intimidating"

He must of heard our riveting conversation.

"How long have you been hanging outside my window for?"

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Not long"

"You could have fallen. You are aware you are hanging like 30ft from your potential death"

"Are you worried about me?"

He smiles wider as he leans closer to me through the window.

"I-Uh-oh-I'm just not wanting to be held accountable if you fall and die. Who knows how reliable your webs are for holding your weight. This is like 20 storeys high you do realise (?)"

"Yeah. It's alright"

He starts to crawl in.

I turn  the video camera back to face me.

I start walking  backwards, walking away.

"Seems to me that this certain vigilante just loves crawling into my room when he is clearly not invited"

I turn around so my back is to him, as I go to find my bearings, so I don't trip.

I am known to do that sometimes.

Other Peter then walks up next to me so he is seen j. The lens.

"Are you filming?"

I turn to him.

"Yes I am filming . Unless I was just talking  to myself, into my camera, like a creep"

He tilts his head as he gives me a look.

"I was updating my life then you happened to disturb my peace"

"Your peace(?) (laughs)"

I push him away with my free hand.

"Oi, that's not funny"

I turn back to my video camera.

"I'm sorry. Sorry"

He nuzzles his face into my neck, resting his chin  on my shoulder

I can't help but smile at the contact.

"As I was saying..."

I feel his arms pulling me back as they wrap around my waist.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me"

I smile as his breath tickles my ear.

I turn around so we are looking at one another.

"That work on other girls?"

"No. Just you"

"Other me, you mean?"

"What about this you?"

I turn back to the video camera.

"I'll be right back guys. Gotta sort out this stalker. My hints don't seem to be working for some reason"

I set my video camera down, on my desk, in front of me.

Next to my computer.

I then spin around in his arms, warping my arms around his neck.

"Well aren't I just lucky then?"

I grin up at him which he returns.

"The luckiest"

He winks at me making me grin wider.

He then picks me up setting me on  the empty space on my desk.

My computer, video camera beside me.

Thankfully my desk is big enough so I am not cramped.

My eyes widen at his actions.

"Someone's being a bad spider...."

He innocently smirks down at me, stroking my hips as he moves closer to me, standing between my legs.

Instinctively I start playing with his hair.

Other Peter moving his face closer to mine.

"And what do you think you are doing?"

"(Chuckle) trying to kiss you"

"You tried that last time. It didn't work out."

"Thought I'd try again"

"And you think I am the kind of girl to just kiss a guy"



I tilt my head to the side.

"I think you're the kinda girl to just kiss me"

I throw my head back with a smile on my face.

"(Laugh) I think you need to rethink that definition"

"Do I?"

I look into other Peters eyes that are already looking into mine.

"Yes. You do"

Other Peter smiles as he lifts me up  by my hips, into his arms.


He walks back, falling onto my bed.

Taking me down with him.

I squeal as I hold onto him tightly.

I sit up, straddling him, as he smiles up at me.

I roll my eyes looking down at him.

"How about now does this work?"

I lean closer as I put my lips by one of his ears.


I pull away as I climb off him.

I smile to myself.

I don't know why but I find him wanting to kiss me so fun.

I just can't comprehend why he does that every time we meet.

Does he miss his girlfriend that much?

Or is he actually interested in me?

I wouldn't ever do it.

Kiss him.

I just met him like a day ago.

It's just with him it is different.

Part of me knows nothing would actually happen.

But part of me wants something to happen.

Never thought I would say this.

I think I am falling for him.

Is that weird?

It's definitely weird.

I can't fall for a guy I just met.

Can I?

Much less him fall for me.

I turn to look down at him as he is still lying on my bed smiling up at me.

I return it as I just take in his features.

God he is so attractive.

Why does he have to be from another universe.

He almost doesn't feel real but he is.

He's real.

Every look.

Every touch.

Every moment.

It's real and it almost feels like he is mine.

But he will be leaving.

As soon as we fix the villains.

He will be gone.

And all this would be a dream.

Forgotten and a distant memory.
