Chapter 13


The Kyurangers were all in the control room talking about what happened yesterday.

"Now we can kick Jark Matter's ass,right?", Lucky asked excitedly, "I can't wait to see what power the Argo Ship has.", Garu said.

"The Argo Ship intrigues me, but that man...Just who is he?", Stinger wondered and everyone looked at the screen where the video from Tusrugi's fight was being played.

"He said he's an Earthling.", Kotaro remembered,
"Maybe Eris from Planted Keel knows something." Spada suggested.

"Good idea!" the commander said and put the Kyulette on the table.

"Alright, Kyulette the Chance!"

The Kyutamas from Champ and Balance came out.

Balance was happy to see Eris again.

"Yay! Eris likes me, so this is perfect!" he explained.

"Didn't she rejected you.", Spada commented absently.

"Shut up."

"Hey, is this really going to be okay?", Champ doubted.

"Leave it to me! I'm off.", Balance said and left together with Champ.

"Have a safe trip!"

"Bye Bye."

"What are we supposed to do?", Lucky asked the commander.

"Ootori Tsurugi. Try to find him. Asking him directly would be the fastest way.", the commander said.

"That's easy. I'm mean he's already here...", Tenshi commented.


Tenshi pointed to Tsurugi who was floating in front of the Orion.

"Can you hear me?" he asked.

The commander, Lucky and Raptor who still didn't know what was going on looked confused as everyone pointed to something behind them.

They turned around and finally saw Tsurugi, "It's me! Hey! Open up!", Tsurugi shouted.

"Ah, there he is!"

Raptor also turned around and screamed when she saw him.

A few minutes later Tsurugi entered the control room and everyone started to ask him on question after another.

"Just who are you?!"

"Why were you asleep on the Argo Ship?"

What power does the Argo Ship has?!"

"Hey, how old are you?!"

Tsurugi was a little surprised at these questions.

"Holy Moly, so many questions. Very well, I'll tell you.I have revived. In other words, I am a legend."

'And here it comes with the whole legend thing again...', Tenshi sighed not interested in what Tsurugi has to say.


"You didn't answer any of the questions.", Naga told him, "If you want to know about me, just read a history book."

"You didn't answer us.", Garu shouted.

"All my legends are written down."

"I'm an Earthling... but I've never heard of an Ootori Tsurugi.", Kotaro commented.

"Holy Moly!", Tsurugi couldn't believe it that no one knows him.

"Then listen to my shining legend. I'm the first Earthling who attempted to visit outer space. I'm the first man to find a Kyutama. And I was the first president of the Space Federation. I am the immortal Ootori Tsurugi! That's who I am!"

"Unbelievable!", Naga shouted.

Tsurugi looked at Naga.

"How long where you asleep?", Stinger asked him.

Tsurugi thought about it for a little before he answered.

"About 300 years."

Everyone was surprised that he slept so long.

"It has changed so much since then that it's a bit troublesome, so I came here. You're fighting Jark Matter right?I defeated them before. Tell me the name of their current boss.", Tsurugi ordered.

"Current Boss?"

"The one behind Jark Matter has never changed. He's Shogun Don Armage.", Stinger told him.

"Holy Moly. That doesn't make sense... No never mind. It's nothing. Leave the rest to me!", he ordered.

"What? Aren't you going to fight with us?", Garu asked, "With you? You must be joking. I have revived. In other words, your role as saviors is finished."


"Our role is over?", Hammie asked.

"Fine work up to this point. You don't need to fight anymore. Your service in reviving me is enough to earn your spot in legend.."

"Wait a moment! We weren't fighting to just revive you. We're here to save the galaxy!", Lucky declared.

"That makes it easy for us then.", the commander commented.


"But how inconvenient it is to have just woken up. Let's assign an assistant and a cook to you.", he said and pushed Spada and Raptor to Tsurugi.

"Eh? Us?"

"Holy Moly! I get to be accompanied by a beautiful assistant and a chef?", Tsurugi asked, "Beautiful assistant?", Raptor imaged herself in a office outfit.

'Mr. CEO did you call?'

"Let's get to work. Please find Jark Matter educational center on Earth.", Tsurugi ordered.


Raptor searched on her tablet and found the place.

"There's a Jark Matter college.", she said and showed him the place.

"That's the area? How nostalgic.", Tsurugi mumbled.

"Let's go beautiful assistant, chef!"

"Beautiful assistant on her way!", Raptor saluted and followed him out.

"Wait a moment! You're okay?", Spada asked her and followed them out.

"I'm off."

"You sure, Commander? Doesn't it make you mad to hear all that?" Lucky asked him.

"It's not like we're just going to to go, 'Sure,okay' when told to stop fighting, right? We have our pride.", the commander answered.

After Spada and Raptor left with Tsurugi, Tenshi has something on his mind, "Commander, may I have my permission to go back to my home planet?", he asked.

"Is there something bothering you?", Shou Ronpo asked as he saw the thoughtful look on Tenshi's face, "Yes, I think I need to find something, but I can't remember what.", he said.

"I see... That isn't such a bad idea. Alright, I give you permission to return home. If you find anything contact us immediately." the commander agreed.

Tenshi nodded and went to the docking bay to get his voyager ready.

As he was checking if all systems were okay, Stinger joined him in the voyager, "Are you sure you should go there alone?", he asked.

"Stinger, it's okay, and besides, Earth is still targetted and they might need you.", he convinced him. Stinger sighed and said, "Okay, just be safe."

They give each other a kiss and they blushed, "Okay, I will.", he promised, and Stinger watched from the docking bay as the Karasu Voyager took off.


Tenshi arrived at the destroyed laboratory and went inside the hidden door.

He has his flashlight on and search for something. He went to the table and found a Kyutama with a Capricorn on it and a sword.

When he gets near at the sword, it started to glow a blue color. He takes the sword and the Kyutama, and went back to his Voyager.


Tenshi went to the control room and said, "Commander, I found a Yagi Kyutama from the lab and this."

He shows the sword and the Kyutama, "Woah, that's a cool looking sword!", Lucky said excitedly, "Yeah, it looks very sharp, grr.", Garu said.

The Commander said, "That's strange, let's what it meant.", Tenshi activates the Kyutama.

Yagi Kyutama

Say the Attack

The video shows Professor Watanabe in his laboratory, "Hello, Tenshi, if you watch this, I'm going to get killed because I have restored a cybernetic warrior, which is you.

"Keep watching if you want to know about yourself, from what I have researched you are a special cyborg from planet Zalem, where there are wealhty city and warriors like you.

"Also, I'm not only an inventor, but I'm a bounty hunter, who hunts bad cyborgs and Jark Matter. I want you to understand why I will turn you off because I don't want you to get involved.

"And I know that you can fight, that's why I built you a new body in case you are damaged. Don't forget, Tenshi, don't lose all hope and keep on fighting the Jark Matter."

The video ended and Tenshi can't believe what's happening, "Tenshi, are you okay?", Hammies asked, and Tenshi left the control room.

Stinger followed him and caught his hand to stop him, "Why didn't he tell me. I could've helped him.", Tenshi said softly.

Stinger just stands there, not knowing what to do, but watch his loved one cried, "Do you felt useless from the moment you saw someone died because I don't.", Tenshi cried.

Stinger, then hugged Tenshi tightly and never lets him go, "You don't have to experience any emotional pain because I want you to be happy."

"I'm so glad that I met you, Stinger.", Tenshi said to him and hugged him back. Hammie saw what happened and smiled at them, "Good thing that were meant to be.", she said quietly.


Kotaro presented the team their Kyurangers licenses he made, "Ta-da!", Kotaro presented them proudly.

"They're our Kyurangers licenses! They're proof that we're Kyurangers.", Hammie explained and proudly showed them hers.

"So cool, grr!"

Naga and Balance also looked at them, "I want one too...", Naga commented, "So besides me, Stinger, Hammy and Spada, the rest of of you haven't gotten yours?" Champ wondered and he and Stinger showed them their licenses.

"Oh yeah... I forgot.", the commander remembered.

"I thought you might have, so I made ones for the rest of you.", Kotaro explained and gave each of them their licenses.

Tenshi looked at the license with his picture and the symbol of the Corvus on it, "Why didn't you this when you guys went to Eris?"

"Uhm... you see the reason is...", Hammie stammered.

"Yes?", Tenshi continued to stare at her.

"I forgot?", Hammie asked.

Tenshi facepalmed and decided to just forget it. Hammie also sighed in relief when he stopped looking at her.

"Where's Ootori Tsurugi's?", Naga asked.

"He's no Kyuranger to me!", Lucky declared.

"Stop being so bullheaded.", Hammie scolded him.

It was quiet for a few seconds before the screen appeared and showed them that the Earth was under attack again.

"A Vice-Shogun?", Lucky wondered.

"Can't ignore that. All members proceed!", the commander ordered.

"Okyu!", Everyone saluted and went to the Earth, Tenshi decided to stay in the Orion along with the Commander.

After everyone left, Tenshi went back to his room with the sword and the Kyutama, he sighed and looked at the sword.

"Tenshi! Big trouble!", the commander shouted and ran into his room, "What's wrong?", he asked and followed the commander in the control room.

Lucky and Tsurugi were sitting there while Lucky glared over to him.

"What happened?", Tenshi asked as he got the first aid kit out and started to tend on the wound on Tsurugi's head.

"Tecchu along with his right hand man, Gaburaa got the others. He bind them into his body.", the commander explained.

Tenshi put a bandage around Tsurugi's head and closed the first aid kit, "This should be enough."

"Thank you...", Tsurugi said and took his jacket from the chair besides him before he was heading to the door.

"Where are you going?!", Lucky asked him angrily, "To find Tecchu. I've got some payback for him.", Tsurugi answered without a care.

"Get it together!", Lucky shouted and walked over to him, "Saving the other comes first!" "Hey, this is no times for fighting among comrades.", the commander tried to stop them.

"Comrades? This guy is no comrade of mine.", Lucky told him, "That's right. I don't need anyone who won't be a shield for me.", Tsurugi's said and left.

"Maybe he's trying to save them alone?", Shou Ronpo wondered, "Him?", Lucky asked skeptical.

"That guy would never do that-"

"There's time where his words and his actions do not align.", the commander interrupted.

"For example,why weren't you badly hurt by that attack just now?"

"He might be caring some heavy burden.", Tenshi commented.

"He's a man who fell asleep right after the war has ended along with the lost of many of his friends. I wouldn't be surprised that there are still some unhealed wounds in his heart."

Lucky didn't say anything and left the room.

"Right now we can only hope that they will be able to understand each others feelings.", Shou Ronpo sighed and sat down on his seat.

"Yeah..." Tenshi went over to the control board and started to search for the Daikaan with his friends.


He found the signal of Balance and Champ, "I found them. They're in front of some industrial area." he reported.

"Alright, let's head out. I'll contact Lucky in the way."

On their way to the Earth with the Ryuu Voyager they picked up Lucky and headed to the area where the others were.

They saw that the Vice-Shogun was about to finish Tsurugi, but the commander attacked Tecchu and Gaburaa and was able to save him. The Kyutama landed behind Tsurugi and Lucky rushed over to him.

He picked Tsurugi up by his collar and looked at him.

"How long are you gonna fight like your immortal?! Cherish your life! If you die...then everyone who died for you will have died in vain!", Lucky screamed.

Tsurugi looked at him in astonishment and remembered that it wasn't the first time that someone had told him this.

"But I can't run away.", Tsurugi told him.

"I'm the legendary savior."

"I'm also a savior!", Lucky shouted.

"If you tell me to be your shield, then I will. But remember this! I'm going to be a shield who fights! I'll defeat all the enemies that stands before you!", he declared.

Tsurugi laughed as he heard his declaration.

"Holy Moly. What kind of shield also fights?", he wondered.

"Isn't our Lucky amazing? He says things that others wouldn't even think of. Aren't you interested in fighting with him? Right? ", the commander asked him.

"Current saviors should work together with the previous saviors.", Lucky continued, "We'll create a new legend!" he declared, "Guess I'll call myself a savior too.", the commander commented.

"Don't forget about me.", Tenshi said, "Holy Moly! A new legend?! Sounds good! Let's fight together. Let's save the galaxy together!", Tsurugi agreed with a smile and gave Lucky back his Kyutama.

"Alright, lucky! Let's go Tsurugi!", Lucky said and Tsurugi nodded.


"Thank goodness, it doesn't end up dramatic.", Tenshi commented and the commander nodded in satisfaction.

They got into position as their enemies got back on their feet.

Say The Change!

C'mon The Change!

"Star Change!"

"Eye of the Dragon!"

"The Super Star! Shishi Red!"

"The Dragon Mastar! Ryu Commander!"

"The Spirit Star! Karasu Gray!"

" The Space Bustar! Houou Soldier!"

"The ultimate saviors!"

"Uchu Sentai! Kyuranger!"

As their enemies attacked them Lucky activated the Scutum Kyutama.

"I'll show you..."

A shield appeared and saved them from being hit.

"... a fighting shield!" Lucky shouted and after the shield disappeared he sent a shock wave at Tecchu with his sword. Gaburaa tried to block it with his staff but the explosion sent him flying backwards.

Lucky laughed as he hit his target but suddenly Tsurugi went in front of him.

"Hey! What are you doing getting in front of your shield?!", Lucky asked him surprised.

"A fighting shield is pretty cool.", Tsurugi answered.

Tecchu saw his chance ndt threw a fire ball at them.

"Let me be one too!", Tsurugi shouted and blocked the attack with his shield before he shot Tecchu down with it.

Of course the Vice-Shogun got angry at this and fired some more fire balls, Lucky and Tsurugi pushed each other away to block the attack and hit the enemy at the same time.

The commander and Tenshi could only watch this childish behavior and he sighed while he put his hand on his head.

"Despite their griping, they get along pretty well." the commander commented lightly.

" They are just two friends who shares the same brain cells..." Tenshi compared as they rushed to the enemy and attacked him.

And they still argued about who will be the shield.

"I'll be the shield!"

"No, me!"

"Then, I..." the commander interrupted.

"Go ahead!" They said and let him in.

"Eh? Eh?" the commander asked in disbelief and got hit by one of the fire balls.

Tenshi continues to fight the Jark Matter, "Hello? A little help here would be nice!", he ordered while attacking Tecchu with his new sword.

"Yeah!" Lucky agreed as the commander also stood up and joined Tenshi in his battle against the Vice-Shogun. Together, they pushed him away from Gaburaa.

Meanwhile Lucky and Tsurugi worked together to defeat Gaburaa. In the end they were able to save everyone and Gaburaa was defeated.

But Tecchu wasn't happy about this at all and summoned Gaburaa back as a giant, Lucky and Tsurugi summoned their voyagers to fight against the giant Gaburaa.

Tenshi and the commander tried to hold back Tecchu from interfering but he just pushed to to the side and their transformation fell.

The Vice-Shogun also turned into a giant and hit them both with his iron chain ball which damaged the voyagers quite a lot.

The others also saw that they were in danger and wanted to help them when suddenly the Kyutamas started to radiate a bright light.

The Kyurangers had to close their eyes as the Kyutamas flew out of their hands and enlarged them self. They attacked Tecchu and Gaburaa before they surrounded Lucky and Tsurugi.

Super C'mon The Docking!


"Awesome! The 13 Kyutamas combined!", Hammie shouted out as they looked at the new Mecha.

With the power of the 13 Kyutamas, the new Mecha was able to defeat Gaburaa. Unfortunately, Tecchu was able to escape after he used Gaburaa as shield.


Lucky presented Tsurugi his Kyuranger license.

"This is proof that you're a Kyuranger. Proof that you're our comrade.", Lucky explained, "Holy Moly! This is so cool! This is legendary!", Tsurugi shouted out in joy.

"Now you're a member of the Kyurangers, grr.", Garu said and patted him on his shoulder, "Let's get along!", Balance told him.

"If you have any questions about the ship, just ask." the commander told him, "Let's get along." Tsurugi said and patted the commander on his back.

"I may be much older than you , but don't let that intimidate you. Call me 'Tsurugi' " he told them, "Awesome. Let's get along Tsurugi!", Hammie and Kotaro said in unison.


"Let's get along, Tsurugi. Let's save the galaxy together.", Lucky said and they shook hands, which excited the others.

"Oh right. I wanted to give Raptor her license. Where is she?" Kotaro asked.

"Planet Toki in the Horologium System. They're looking for the Horologium Kyutama." Tsurugi answered.

"Horologiom Kyutama... If I remember correctly the Horologium Kyutama controls the time in the past, Tenshi mumbled.

"That's correct. It also can be used to travel back in time.", Tsurugi announced, "The past?!" "I see. So you're going to the past to defeat Don Armagen?", Stinger asked him.

"No.", Tsurugi denied, "I want to know the truth behind that battle." he explained.

Suddenly Spada and Raptor called the Orion.

"Everyone, hurry  to Planet Toki!", Spada ordered.

"We can't handle it alone!", Raptor told them frantically

"Alright, let's go! We're getting the Horologium Kyutama!"  Lucky declared.


So the Kyuranger were on their way to the Horologium System.

3,159 words
