Chapter 11

Lucky and the others were hastily making their way back to Earth, "Stinger probably wants to finish things on his own." the commander told them over a call.

"Balance, return to the Orion and take over the controls. Everyone else head for Stinger." he ordered.

"The Consumarz will arrive on Earth soon. Retrieve the 3 Kyutamas!"



Stinger and Scorpio are already in the middle of their fight, Stinger has just poisoned himself to give his attack abilities a boost, but it was futile.

Scorpio was still able to defeat him, Stinger lied there. His conscious was nearly gone, Scorpio picked up the case with the Kyutamas in it.

"Now the Argo Ship is mine!" he laughed, suddenly something hit the case of of his handsIt fell down onto the ground and broke.

The Kyurangers have just arrived, "Stinger! Why did you go alone?!" Lucky asked him, even thought he was nearly at his end Stinger was still able to look at them and the other were surprised to see these marks on his face.

"Stinger's face!"

"Eh? What happened?", Hammie asked shocked, "Leave me alone...", Stinger told them with heavy breaths.

"We can't do that!", Lucky declared and they rushed to the battle, but Madako and Grewishka got in their way.

Meanwhile Scorpio picked up the Vela Kyutama and was also about to pick up the Puppis Kyutama, Naga saw that and tried to stop him.

"We won't let you have the Puppis Kyutama!" he shouted and shoot at him with his blaster, when he came near Scorpio he attacked him with his Scythe but Scorpio blocked his attacks.

"You're in the way.", Naga paralyzed him with his eyes and Lucky slipped over and took the Puppis Kyutama.

"Nice, Naga!"

"Bastard!" Scorpio shouted angrily and got out of the paralysis. He attacked both Lucky and Naga but he also pierced Naga with his spear.


His transformation fell and he lied on the ground with a bleeding wound at his chest area.



Spada and Hammy wanted to rush over to him but Madako blocked them.

"Don't move."

Stinger also saw Naga laying wounded on the ground, "Naga...I told stay out of it."Scorpio picked Stinger up by his neck.

"I'll be taking him."

He stamped an hole into the ground and disappeared along with Stinger.




Hammie rushed over to Naga while Spada and Lucky went to the hole.



The Kyurangers also saw that the Consumarz fleet has arrived on earth, "Weaklings of Earth.", the face of Scorpio appeared at the screen.


"Very soon this planet will be destroyed. Blame the Kyurangers if you want. If they hadn't come to Earth, this wouldn't have happened."

Pictures from the Kyurangers with the exception of Stinger have appeared.

"Give me the Kyurangers. If you do so, your life will be spared. I wait in anticipation." he said and finished the broadcast.

"He's after the Puppis Kyutama." the commander said.

"Let's go. We can't cause more trouble to the people on Earth. We'll save the Earth and Stinger! To do that, we have to beat Scorpio!" Lucky declared.

"Looks like it. Balance, take care of the Orion." the commander ordered, "OKyu! Stinger's blaster and the antidote from before. It might be useful to bring it along." Balance said and gave them the case with it.

"Let's go!" Lucky ordered and took Stinger's jacket with him, everyone except of Naga, Balance,Garu and Raptor followed him.

Stinger watched as Scorpio manipulated the people against the Kyurangers. Scorpio laughed as the people blamed the Kyuragers for everything.

"Look.They give up their own protectors because of their own weak." "Why do you want to be strong?" Stinger asked him.

"A foolish question. You get what you want if you're strong. Power. Even the galaxy.", but Stinger couldn't accept this answer.

"No. Back then, you were the only one who protected a weakling like me. That was you.", Stinger remembered the time where three guys who were older than him pushed him into the water. His brother came to save him that time.

"You sought strength in order to protect me.", later Stinger went to find his brother only to see him beat up the three guys who bullied him.

"But. That strength got twisted. My weakness... warped you." "I became strong for myself. I was never interested in you."

"My brother from that time is gone. My kind... brother." "Right. There's no going back. Me...and you."

Scorpio pricked Stinger with his tail again and poisoned him. Stinger screamed in pain before fainting

"At last your life can be useful to me." Scorpio said without any sympathy for his brother, "Take control of the Consumarz.", Scorpio ordered Madako.

"What about him?", Grewishka asked and looked over to Stinger, "He'll awake soon.", Just at this moment the Kyurangers have arrived.

"You're here Kyurangers. You brought the Puppis Kyutama?" "Yeah, of course.", Lucky answered him, "Then hand it over."

"Huh? Now way.", Hammie declared, "No customer pays for a meal that isn't made to order.", Spada shouted.

"You never planned to stop Earth from blowing up." Lucky said. Scorpio laughed at their answers.

"Of course not."

"Listen.We'll defeat you and stop Earth from blowing up." Lucky declared and they transformed.

From thy sky a lot of Indavers appeared and attacked the Kyurangers. Two giant Tsuyoindavers appeared behind Scorpio.

"At last amuse me while you die."

"Commander, take care of them!" Lucky shouted.

"Leave it to me."

The commander summoned his Voyager and combined together with Spada and Hammy to Ryutei-Oh.

Together they started to fight against the two giants while Lucky and Kotaro battled against Scorpio,
"Where's Stinger?!" Lucky asked him while attacking him with his sword.

"You want to see him? Fine."

Lucky turned around and was just able to dodge as Stinger tried to hit him with a punch. The force of the punch destroyed the ground it hit and sent Lucky and Kotaro to the ground.

"Stinger?" Lucky asked shocked, Stinger turned to look at them before he attacked, Kotaro tried to stop him.

"Stinger, it's me! It's Kotaro!", but Stinger just threw him to the side, "Stop it." Lucky also tried to stop him but it was no use.

Scorpio chuckled as he watched his brother attack his own friends, "He can't hear you. I've injected extra poison into him." he explained.


"He chose death himself."

Stinger continued to beat them up, Lucky and Kotaro weren't able to do anything at all and were now laying on the ground.

"Well? You like being beaten up by a former friend?", Scorpio asked them amused, "Better than being beaten up by you!" Lucky declared.

Scorpio hit him with his knee and took him by his neck, "Okay. Then I'll beat you after.", he said and thew Lucky against some crates.

"Lucky?!", Kotaro shouted, Scorpio stood before Kotaro and ordered Stinger to attack Kotaro, Stinger snarled and got closer to him.

"Stop it!", Lucky shouted, but it was to lateStinger hit Kotaro continuously and he wasn't able to do anything.

Korato got thrown against a wall and his transformation got undone.

"Kotaro!", Lucky wanted to rush over to him, but Scorpio stooped him, "Have a taste of seeing someone weaker than you dying."

Stinger's tail was about to hit Kotaro but it missed him by a few centimeters and Kotaro hit it away from him.

"I'm not weak.", Kotaro declared and slowly stood up, "I'm also a protector.", he said and remembered his little brother.

"I have friends who help." he said thinking about the other Kyurangers who were doing their best right now.

"Earthlings can also fight! I'm stronger than you!" he shouted at Scorpio, "Kotaro...", Lucky saw his determination and nodded before he threw the antidote over to him.

"Use it on Stinger!", he shouted, Kotaro looked at the antidote before turning back to look at Stinger, "Stinger..."

Stinger tried to attack him with his tail again but Kotaro dodged it and rushed over to him, Scorpio wanted to stop him, but Lucky held him back.

"Your opponent is me!"

Stinger hit Kotaro back to the ground, "Stay down. The antidote's no use." Scorpio said and attacked Lucky with his spear.

Lucky also fell down to the ground, his transformation gone. He glared at back at him and rushed back to the battle.

"It will work!", Kotaro shouted and stood up again to fight against Stinger, "Stinger taught me. How to become an admirable older brother!", Kotaro shouted while Stinger kicked him away.

Lucky was trying his best to hold onto Scorpio who tried to kick him away.

" an older brother that I admire!", Kotaro declared, "I won't lose to a brother like you!"

Kotaro dodged the tail that attacked him and went closer to Stinger, "Don't show me your bad side, Aniki! Return to the Brother, I love!" he shouted and went to prick Stinger with the antidote

Stinger stroke at Kotaro's side , tearing the fabric around his pocket where Champ's and Tenshi's Kyutamas were.

When he saw the Kyutamas, Stinger went still and remembered the time he had together with Champ and his crush on Tenshi.

" Ten...shi"

Kotaro who was able to dodge saw that Stinger was distracted and stabbed the antidote into his back. Lucky saw that Kotaro was able to do it and was relieved.

"I did it..."

Just when Kotaro was about to fall, Stinger grabbed his arm and pulled him up again.

"You've grown strong Kotaro.", Stinger said and patted Kotaro on his head, Kotaro smiled when he saw that Stinger was back to normal.

"Aniki!", He hugged Stinger around his waist, "Why'd you go alone?", Lucky asked him while Stinger picked up Champ's and Tenshi's Kyutama.

"You don't trust us?"

"I didn't want to bother you. I... didn't want another Champ and Tenshi."

"Champ and Tenshi would get mad at you. He didn't protect you so you could fight alone." Lucky told him.

Stinger remembered the words Champ said to him, "So... Don't try to carry the burden all on your own!"
Lucky gave him back his jacket and blaster, "Fight with us. We...are stronger than him!" Lucky said and looked over to Scorpio.

Stinger took his things from and looked up to Lucky who nodded at first before smiling. He put his jacket on and attached his blaster back onto his arm.

"Aniki, let's settle this."

Scorpio only chuckled at this display, "No matter how many there are, you're all still weaklings."
"But I made friends.That's why...I'm stronger than you!"

They transformed and rushed into the battle once again. Together they attacked him with their weapons and were able to hit him.

"Aniki is strong...but he's alone! I have comrades!"

"Antares Impact!"

"Polaris Impact!"

"Regulus Impact!"

They combined their attacks and were able to defeat Scorpio, but he didn't want to accept his defeat.
"I, lose? I won't let that happen!", he shouted and released his whole power, breaking his mask.

"I'll never forgive you!"

Scorpio's attack got more powerful, they weren't able to dodge them, "How's he this strong?", Lucky wondered.

"I'm not done yet!", Stinger declared and was about to attack again but the poison he did to himself stopped him.


Scorpio laughed when he saw Stinger getting on to knees, "Your poison will kill you soon." "I'll defeat you before I die!" he declared and rushed back along with the other two.

Scorpio scoffed and kicked them with away with his attack and their transformation fell, "You're finished." he said.

Just when he was about to finish them off an axe flew to his direction and he had to dodge, when the team looked back the saw Champ standing there.

"Kept you waiting, huh?", he asked them, "Champ!", Lucky and Kotaro smiled when they saw him,BStinger had tears in his eyes when he saw that his partner were back again but he tried hide them.

"Hey, what's with you? I thought you were going to beat him alone." Champ asked amused, "Who's the one who fell apart?" Stinger retorted back.

"I came apart protecting you."

"I told you that annoys me"

Champ chuckled at that answer.

"Looks like you've enough strength to run that mouth of yous. Then it's time for us to face our pasts."

"Yeah.Let's go. Partner."

Stinger threw the Taurus Kyutama and Champ caught it, "That's the first time you called me partner." he laughed.

"Even if you are four people. It doesn't change that you're weaker than me." Scorpio said, "How about five?", a voice said.

The others turned around to find Tenshi, who has a new body, is here, "Tenshi!", Lucky and Kotaro shouted.

Stinger went to him and unexpectedly, slapped him hard, "Ow, what was that for, Stinger.", Tenshi pouted while soothing his cheek.

"That's for being reckless.", Stinger scolded, then quickly kissed him on cheek, "And that's for coming back.", he said.

Tenshi smirked and teased, "Aw, you miss me, don't you?" "Don't make me hit you again.", Stinger warned him.

He chuckled and said, "Well, I miss you, so much.", Stinger blushed harder and give Tenshi's Kyutama, "Thank you, Tsundere-kun."

"I'm not a-" "Oi, quit flirting and fight with us", Champ interrupts them, they went to them, "Lucky, Kotaro, let's go.", Stinger said.


Say The Change!

"Star Change!"

"The Super Star! Shishi Red!"

"The Poison Star! Sasori Orange!"

"The Ring Star! Oushi Black!"

"The Big Star! Koguma Skyblue!"

"The Spirit Star! Karasu Gray!"

"The ultimate savior! Uchu Sentai!"


"Alright. Let's test your luck!"

This time all five rushed into the fight.

Kotaro attacked him with his scarf along with Lucky who attacked with his sword, Champ came from the side with his axe while Tenshi attacked him from behind again.

Stinger then started to charge at him with his spear where he hit Scorpio directly in the middle of his body.

He put the Kyutama on top of his weapons and rushed over to his brother with Scorpio doing the same.



They clashed in the middle and when Stinger was about to attack again the poison in him stopped him.

Scorpio saw his chance and kicked his weapon away from him, "You're finished.", he shouted and went to give him the final blow.

Stinger saw Champ's axe coming over to him and grabbed it to stop his attack, "What?" "Go, partner!", Champ shouted.

Stinger kicked Scorpio's spear away and attacked him with the axe. He gave him the final blow before his transformation fell and Scorpio exploded.

The commander and the other two came running when they saw that Stinger has defeated Scorpio.


"Is it over?" he asked.

Stinger looked back and rushed over to his fallen brother.

"Aniki!" he shouted while holding him in his arms.

"You've grown strong..." Scorpio said.

"I became strong because I found something to protect. Just like you did in the past." Stinger told him.

"I became drunk on power, casting away those I should have protected. Stinger... Finish me off."


The poison started to act again. Stinger grabbed his chest in pain, "Don't die! You have people to protect!", Scorpio said and absorbed the poison into himself.

The marks on Stinger's face vanished and the pain from it turned Scorpio back into a human, the marks now on his face.

Stinger who saw what his brother did for him quickly rushed back to hold him in his arms again, "I'm the only one who needs to die." Scorpio whispered.


"You have to live. Keep protecting people...with your comrades.", he ordered and gave him the Kyutamas back that he had stolen before patting his head.

"You have good comrades with you."

"Yeah. They're the best."

"Not to mention, you have some who loves you very much.", everyone watched as the brothers have finally united again.

"Is that all you had?"

Suddenly the hologram of Don Armage appeared.

"Don Armage."

"He's Don Armage?" Lucky asked shocked.

"Scorpio, you were a bit useful,but... Activate all Consumarz!" he ordered.

Madako heard the order and did as he said.

"Do you know what you're doing?!" Lucky shouted,
"Kyurangers. Die with the Earth." he said and sent a powerful attack to their direction.

Scorpio pushed himself up with his last strength and stopped the attack.


"Destroy the Big Consumarz. If you do that, all the Consumarz should stop."

"Don't, Aniki!" Stinger shouted

"Go!" he ordered.

Champ went to Stinger's side.

"Hey, keep it together!" he shouted.

Stinger looked at his brother for the last time before he run away along with the others. "I'm glad to have protected you in the end." Scorpio smiled before vanishing forever.

(A/N): 2,806 words, Yay! Tenshi's back and they have a moment.
