Her. || Stan x Reader


You and stan were best friends, since like forever. And you had a crush on him for a while, but he liked Wendy.

wendy always hurt him and made him sad, which made you angry. You didn't like wendy.

at all.

you wanted to give stan happiness, and a healthy relationship. Unlike wendy, wendy was toxic. Angry if stan even said hi to another girl. Which is stupid in your opinion.

but stan always went back to her.

no matter how many times she'd leave him and come back.

he'd always stay with her.

you knew you didn't have a chance, since wendy was in his heart.


you had hope.

maybe it'd come through.

but then again.

he's always loved her.

how would he move on from her.

unless, he realized what she was doing and left.

but he wouldn't open his eye's.

so you had to help him.

"Hey stan" You say walking up to stans locker. "Oh hey y/n, what's up? "  "Well I was going to talk to you about wendy. "  "Oh? What about her? "  You stood there for a couple seconds.

"I think she's toxic for you" You say making eye contact with him. "What? "  "I said I think wendy is toxic for you"  "How is she toxic for me? "  You face palmed, did you really have a crush on this idiot?

"Stan, she literally leaves you and comes back after using another guy. Not to mention she gets controlling when you talk to girls other than her"

Stan sat there for a minute

"I mean, yeah that is pretty toxic I guess" He says staring at her
"Stan, you need to leave her and move on. "

little did you know

he did move on from her already

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to break up with her for real this time" He says with some confidence.
"Good job! I'm happy you're pushing her out of your life finally! " You say seeming happy he was getting rid of her toxicity.

later on Stan asked wendy to meet up at his house

"Hey Stan! " Wendy hugs Stan but he pushes her off. "Whoa, Stan what's up? " She says seeming concerned.
"Wendy, I'm breaking up with you. " He says plainly looking in her eyes

"What? You're leaving me!? Stan what the fuck!" She exclaimed.
"Wendy, you're just toxic and I don't need that anymore okay? and anyways I lost feelings for you. " He says looking away from her.

"What? Stan.. " Wendy says loosing her words. "Wendy please get out of my house. " Stan says still looking away.

wendy leaves his house and Stan sighs

"Well at least that's over. " He says walking up to his room

A couple months later Stan and you have been hanging out a lot. But recently he's been pushing you away from him, which hurt you a bit.

you decided to confront him today.

at school you walked around to find Stan.

you saw him hanging with kyle and him looking like he was panicking?

you wondered what it was about but kept your distance so he wouldn't see the you.

"Kyle, how do I tell them I like them!? " Stan was panicking, he had grown a huge crush on you. And was scared you didn't feel the same.

"Dude, you could write them a note to meet at starks pond and tell them there? " Kyle says trying to help

"I mean I guess that would work, thanks Kyle! " Stan says running to the bathroom with a piece of paper and a pencil

You wondered why Stan ran to the fucking bathroom out of no where- but didn't mind it and went to class.

after class ended you went to your locker and a note fell out. You took it with you to your next class.

when you say down you opened the note.

"Y/n, meet me at starks pond after school. "

You questioned who it was but decided to go and see after school.

as school ended you ran to starks pond.

when you got there you saw Stan.

you questioned why he wanted you there and walked up to him.

"Stan-? " You say and he turns around and throws up

"Oh my- are you okay? " You ask grabbing his hand

"I- I'm fine y/n, I just uh well I um" He says starting to panic a bit

"Take your time stanley" You say still holding his hand and giving him a soft smile

"Ireallylikeyoupleaselikemeback" He says quickly throwing up again

luckily you dodged being threw up on

"Oh god- I'm sorry y/n did I throw up on you-? " He says panicking

"Oh no it's okay stanley, you didn't don't worry" You say reassuring him.

"So um, about what I said before I threw up-" He starts

"Stan, I like you too. I always have" You say smiling grabbing both of his hands

yeah he threw up again

this time on you

he apologized a lot

but you didn't mind it

at least he was yours now.

and wendy couldn't take him.


