05: Deal with the Devil

After work, Maddie flops onto her bed. She rolls over groaning.

"I'm so bored! This town is so boring, and nothing's happened to me since... well ever!"

Maddie turns her arm to get a better view of her soul symbol. With a huff, she stands and goes to the kitchen.

She grabs a bag of chips and heads to the park. Sitting on the swings, she hums a random tune.

"And I wish, for that moment, that time would have stopped.

I could have held you in my arms a bit longer.

Before I let you go unknowingly."

"Turn back the clock, on a moment, to make it last a lifetime."

Maddie turns to see Jonah. He takes the swing next to hers.

"Wanting to go back is a feeling I wish I weren't familiar with."

"I know what you mean," she replies, "there's too much I wish I could change."

Jonah opens his mouth but is cut off.

"Don't give me anything about how I should look forward to the future. It doesn't change how I feel about the past."

"Get outta my head Mads!" Jonah laughs. "But still, imagine how exciting your future will be. Soulmate, house, maybe a family."

"Tough luck, I don't even think my soulmate exists."

"Well, let's say they do, you seem anxious about meeting them..."

"For lack of a better word, yes, yes, I am. I'm just not ready to face the fact that I'll probably never be enough for them."

"Sure, I don't know you that well yet. But from what I gathered, you're already everything and more Maddie."

Maddie gives a short laugh, "whatever you say, Prince Charming."

Jonah's head snaps up. "Woah, woah, woah, woah. Look, I'm flattered, and all, but what makes you think I'm, and these are your words now, Prince Charming?"

She gestured up and down. "Let's start with a perfect smile, chiseled face, a tall, lean body."

"Okay, as compared to what then?"

Maddie stands up from her swing and aggressively points to herself with a huff. "Try thick thighs, small eyes, crazy hair, annoy—"

"Calm down there, don't want your head to explode from wheels turning out lies too fast."

"As much as I do value your opinion less than the next girl, they aren't lies."

"And how long until you believe me?"

"A bazillion years."

Jonah stares at Maddie blankly.

"If you can't do it within the month," Maddie looks around wildly, "I get tooooooooooo dress you up in full drag, and we go shopping."

"I can't believe I'm making a deal with the devil, but she's lucky she's cute."

Maddie rolls her eyes and looks in the opposite direction.

As she stands up, Jonah says, "I made you smile. Point Jojo."

"Your month start tomorrow; I kinda hope you fail."

"That's physically impossible, babe; you don't know who I am."

"I guess I don't babe..."


A/N:: Wow I kinda hate this 🤢 but here's a small update I guess? UGH I hate filler chapters I'm so sorry!

I wish I had more inspiration but I'm completely drained from everything that's been happening in the world. I've been so angry, sad, and being isolated really sucks.

Please stay safe and stay indoors!
