02: School Sucks

The next few weeks fly by in a flash.

Maddie sits up in her bed, groaning. Half asleep, she brushes her teeth and uses the bathroom. She pulls on a printed tank top and some jeans to go with the heat and her shoes. Half hazard-ly drawing on wings and doing her brows, Maddie is ready for school. Fumbling with her backpack, she walks into the kitchen for a banana. She was out the door in a second, barely glancing at her parents "have a great first-day" note.

Making a quick stop at work for an iced coffee, Maddie was almost at school.

Thank God for syllabus day. I'm still in my summer mindset.

Popping in earbuds, she pushes through the massive front doors walking right into her senior year. She found her best friend Aurora leaning against their lockers.

"Finally," Aurora sighed, "my books were getting heavy."

Maddie laughed and dropped her bag to the ground. She twisted the lock and was able to yank the door open after a few tries. Aurora pulls a shelf out of her backpack and places it in the locker.

"I call dibs on the bottom!" Maddie says.

"Whatever, I'm taller anyway."

They place their books inside the locker and tape their schedules to the inside of the door. Aurora opens her locker to show Maddie how she decked it out. Inside was another shelf with baskets of candy and chips, a hoodie, an extra outfit, and an emergency pouch.

Aurora slides down the lockers and sits at Maddie's feet.

"Did you hear about the new boy?" Aurora asks.

"He only exists in small talk to me."

"Everyone seems to be crushing on him already."

"Well,--" Maddie was cut off by the sharp shrill of the bell.

Rolling her eyes, Maddie pulls Aurora to her feet.

"Here's to senior year, may it be better than the last," Aurora says holding her hand up with an imaginary solo cup.

Maddie knocks her arm down, laughing. "Forreal."

They head off in opposite directions to their first periods.


By lunch, Maddie has yet to see this mysterious new boy. But his name seemed to fall from the lips of every student in the cafeteria.

She pays for her sandwiches and exits the busy room. Meeting Aurora at their lockers, they trade sandwiches and chips.

"I should make a foldable bench for lunches that'll fit in our locker."

"That's not a bad idea, but I can already hear Mr. Julio now, 'AURORA SKYE WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YOU DOING!?'"


They laugh together and discuss the difficulties of their classes.

Maddie looks at her phone and notices that the bell was going to ring in two minutes.

"Hey, I still don't know who this kid is. Is he even as hot as everyone says?"

"I think he's alright, not my type but I think you'd like his face. Maybe you'll have him next, or tomorrow. We still have those two 'unknown' classes."

"I guess."


After school, Maddie walks into work, dropping her bag on the hook and lazily tying her apron. She heads to the front, meeting Taylor at the register.

"How was the first day of school pumpkin pie?"

"Trash. Nobody would shut up about their summers and that boy."

"Well that's what's bound to happen on the first day back. And nothing ever changes in this town, so someone new is exciting."

"It would be better if in every class I didn't have to stand up and say that I worked every day of my summer surrounded by beans."

"But you loved it."

"But I was called out for enjoying the smell of and smelling like coffee. I also developed a caffeine addiction, thanks to you."

"You're welcome."

A customer walks into The Club, so Maddie hip bumps Taylor out of the way. They continue their shifts working side by side seamlessly.


After her shift, Maddie lifts her bag off the hook. Noticing its added weight, she plops it down and opens it. Inside she finds a coffee scented candle and a note from Taylor. Just a little back to school gift. Hope it calms you down since you're stressed 24/7.

She smiles, placing it back into her backpack. Shouting goodbyes through the door, she walks home.


A/N:: did ya like it? Did ya like it? I'm sorry it seems to be going so slow, but I hope it's written a lot better than my last book!

Characters are being slowly introduced and will have all their pronouns listed under the intro to this book. I'm just doing this bc it should be normalized, and I want to be inclusive. If you have any tips for writing specific types of characters lmk!!

I love you all and thank you for reading my book and supporting me! Never forget, I'm proud of you too!💗
