What you fight about.


Jax and you fight about him cheating.

"Come on Y/N," Jax begged you while taking a drag from his cigarette. "Don't leave."

You paused your packing and looked at him, feeling rage.

"You don't have the right to ask me to stay, Jackson" you fumed and raked your fingers through your hair. "I forgave you once, I won't be made a fool of twice."

Jax walked towards you and you backed away from him, no matter how much he had hurt you knew if he touched you, you would break and take him back. The man was your kryptonite.

"No." you warned him and backed against the wall. 

"Y/N, please." he pleaded reaching out to you. "I'm so sorry, Baby."

He pulled you into a hug and buried his face against your neck, you felt tears against your cheeks and realized you were crying. 

You pushed him away from you and grabbed your bag from the bed. 

You wouldn't be made a fool a second time. 


Opie and you fight about him doing stupid things for the club.

"You could have been killed, Opie!" you argued with him. 

"Leave it alone, Y/N." Opie snapped back at you and pushed past you out of the bedroom. 

"Your kids need you, Opie," you told him, and walk after him as he walked into the kitchen. "They already lost their mom, they can't lose you too."

he turned to you in a flash and had you pinned against the wall in seconds. 

"Don't tell me what my kids need, you don't understand," he yelled in your face. 

In moments you're stubborn side took over your whole body.

"I don't understand?" you yell back at him and push him. "I am here with Ellie and Kenny every day, while your out doing god knows what!"

 His angry expression softened, but you weren't done yet, he was going to listen to what you had to say even if he didn't want to.

"I don't say anything about you doing shit for the club even though it scares the shit out of me, I don't say anything about Donna because I don't want to upset you, I take care of your kids like they are my own and love them more than I love anything. I don't say a word when you crawl into my bed drunk and you whisper Donna's name in your sleep." you faltered and turned away from him as tears ran down your cheeks. "If you can't get your shit together for me, do it for your kids."

You started to walk away from him but he grabbed your arm and pulled you against his chest. you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your tear-stained face against his chest.  

"I'm sorry, Baby," he whispered into your neck. "I'm sorry."


Juice and you fight about him being jealous.

"That doesn't explain why you were talking to him," Juice huffs as you both got ready for bed.

"Excuse me, he is a good friend," you grumble at your boyfriend while putting on one of Juice's shirts that you usually wear to bed.

"He's also your ex!" he notes and sits on the edge of the bed taking off his boots. 

"He's gay, asshole" you shout at him and lay down on the bed facing away from him.

A few seconds later you feel him lay down next to you. He wraps his arm around your waist and kisses your neck.

"I'm sorry babe," he whispers and nibbles on your earlobe.

"You better be." you huff as you turn and kiss him.


Hello Lovely Readers!

I hope you enjoyed this one.

Have a super day!

Writer out.
