Chibs and Happy catch up!

How you meet.

Chibs- you were an old friend of Jax and Opie, and you were working as a waitress at a small bar in town and one night the sons came in.

"hey y/n," Jax said and you smiled at him and waved because you were in a different section. you caught the eye of one of the guys sitting with Jax and the sons you found him strikingly handsome and you smiled at him. at the end of the night when you went out for a smoke and didn't realize he had come out for a smoke as well. you felt your pockets for a lighter but didn't have one and sighed.

"need a light Darlin," the man you smiled at earlier said in his Scottish accent. you smiled and nodded. he handed you the lighter and after you lit it you handed him his lighter back.

"does a beautiful lass like yourself have a name." he asked.

"y/n," you said "I gave you mine name what's your name'

"Chibs," he said and you smiled.

"nice to meet you"

Happy- you pulled into the teller morrow determined that today on your first day of working as the only female mechanic at the shop you would prove you could work just as hard as anyone else. you were a bit of a feminist, but you were also very feisty and stubborn. when you started working the boys were all pretty surprised at how hard you worked. the one who introduced himself first was surprisingly Happy.

A man walked over to you, you had seen him working on a bike beside the truck you were working on earlier.

you were sitting on a roller having a smoke when he came over you thought he was hot.

"can I help ya," you asked more like sassed.

"sassy one aren't ya," he said

"you could say that," you said with a smirk on your face.

"I'm Happy," he said.


How you meet again.

Chibs- you were working a shift at the bar, it was a slow night and you were standing behind the bar talking with the few regulars that you knew pretty well.

You looked over when someone sat down at the end of the bar and saw it was the man from the other night, chibs.

You smiled at him as you walk over to his end of the bar.

"How ya doing tonight hun," you ask. "What can I get ya"

"A beer please darling," he told you with a smile.

"So what are you doing in here alone without the rest of the gang," you asked and handed him his beer.

"I came in to talk to the beautiful lass, I met the last trip here". He said with a flirty grin.

You smiled at him "is that so"

"Yep," he told ya.

You two ended up chatting for the rest of the night and he even helped you close up the bar.

  Happy- you saw happy every day at work but the next time you actually talked to him was at a club party you were invited to.

You walked into the clubhouse with your head held high. You smiled at gemma as you passed and sat at the bar.

"What can get ya sweetheart" one of the newest prospects asked in a flirty tone.

"y/f/d" (your favorite drink) you tell him with an equally flirty smile.

After getting your drink you walked out to have a smoke.

You sat on the picnic table in between a couple crow eaters and watched people fight in the ring.

The prospect that gave you your drink was getting ready to fight against happy.

"Yo y/n," the prospect said loudly getting your attention

"Yeah," you asked as you watched Happy get his hands wrapped.

"If win I get to take you home tonight," he said with a flirty smile.

You watched as happy looked up at the prospect.

"I'd rather not love," you told him and laughed then looked at happy who looked pissed off. "Yo happy, you better damn well win, I don't want that kid to think he has the power to even dream of taking me home"

Happy smirked at you. "Sure thing"

Let's just say happy won that fight and the prospect didn't look at you again.

How you hug.

Chibs- Chibs enjoys the feeling of you being in his arms so he hugs you all the time. You love when Chibs hug you because he wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest. You wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face against his chest and he usually kisses the top of your head.

Happy- Happy isn't big into hugging but when he is stressed or jealous he will hug you. You're Not into hugging that much either but you like hugging happy. There are two ways happy hugs you, when he is jealous he will grab you from whoever you are talking to and pull you to him with your arms around your waist and one his and in your back pocket, usually giving the person a death glare. When he is stressed he will grab you from whatever you're doing and wrap his arms around your waist and buries his face against your neck.   

How you sleep

Chibs- when you guys sleep, you're the little spoon and he is the big spoon. 

Happy- you guys aren't into cuddling but the odd time when it has been a stressful day you too will sleep with him on his stomach and you on your back beside him with his arm over your chest.

what you fight about.

Chibs- you both not having enough time for one another.

Happy- him being over protective ad jealous and him cheating.


hey, guys!!!! 

so here it is!

anyways I want to know your thoughts and it would really make me happy. 

also, i need you guys to comment some ideas for some new preferences you guys would like. 

so anyways.


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