CHAPTER 23: Let Us Through

3rd POV
They reach the office of China until they were blocked my many of them. Japan was in a Samurai suit. She was prepared to fight all of them. "Get back to your cells or you will regret it." Del Pilar went forward than all of them. "Del?" He had already moved near to them. The Monster Hunters were already holding their guns at him. "I know and understand that you wanted him, China but he only that Heartless monster." Her mood had changed a little while Russia was being held down by the group. "And you want to prove him that he should like you not that monster, we could help you if you let us pass." Del Pilar put his hand out for a shake. She wasn't sure of it then she said, "No" Then the Monster Hunters attacked the group. There were gunshots and weapons drawn out. Del Pilar and South Korea shielded Russia and Rusame. They couldn't pass and even climbing around would hard. Del Pilar creates shield for them and they weren't able to be killed. Just about they were gonna loose hope, one of the Monster Hunters were hot by something. They looked and it was Martial Law who brought some help. "Need some help?" They smiled and they attacked them. Japan with some of the Monster Hunters were using a shield, "Electrocute that dog!" They tried, he was slowed down but he kept on going. They had more backups. Soon there was a huge fight that broke out. They were successful in making a small path for them to enter. Del Pilar pointed out, "There but you need to wait and you run, don't stop." They waited and waited. It wasn't forming properly. But Russia wasn't going to take it. He grabbed Rusame and ran quickly. They missed him which was surprising. They passed them and reached the office. They stopped and Rusame was thrown off by China.
